The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Robert M. La Follette, Sr., Papers, 1844-1925 (continued)
Speeches and Writings File, 1879-1925 (continued)
“The Lumber Monopoly,” La Follette's Magazine, July
Memorial service for Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), aboard George Washington, Aug. 5
Merchant marine, United States Senate
Opposing election of Albert B. Cummins as chairman of Senate Interstate Commerce Committee
“President Coolidge's Message,” La Follette's Magazine, Dec.
Railroad valuation, May
(3 folders)
“The Right of the State to Control the National Guard,” La Follette's Magazine, Mar.
Seamen's wages, United States Senate, Feb. 9
“Senator Norris and Rural Credits,” United States Senate, Feb.
“Special Interest Government and Sugar,” La Follette's Magazine, May
“To Destroy Germany”
“To the Voters of Minnesota,” supporting the candidacy of Magnus Johnson for United States Senate, July
“The Tories Won,” La Follette's Magazine, Feb.
War loans
BOX I:B228 Unidentified and miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Campaign speeches
Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27
Boston, Mass., Oct. 30
Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 28
Chicago, Ill., Oct.11
Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 10
Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 1
Des Moines, Iowa., Oct. 15
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 9
Grands Rapids, Mich., Oct. 23
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 13
Labor Day radio address
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 16
Newark, N.J., Oct. 8
New York, N.Y., Sept. 18
New York Times magazine section, July 27
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 20
Peoria, Ill., Oct. 22
BOX I:B229 Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 31
Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 6
Rock Island, Ill., Oct. 21
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 14
Schenectady, N.Y., Oct. 29
Scranton, Pa., Oct. 7
Sioux Falls, S.D., Oct. 17
Statements, miscellaneous
Steuben Society
Washington, D.C., Sept. 10
New York, N.Y., Sept. 21
Syracuse, N.Y., Oct. 24
“Coolidge Slaughters the Federal Trade Commission,” La Follette's Magazine
“The Crusade against Monopoly,” The Country Gentleman, Oct. 11
Editorial comments, La Follette's Magazine, Jan.-Nov.
(3 folders)
BOX I:B230 Ku Klux Klan, Aug.
“My Own Story,” newspaper clippings, including bound volume of ten part series in Washington Daily News
(4 folders)
“A New Declaration of Independence,” Progressive Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, July 4
“A New Phase of Railroad Manipulation,” La Follette's Magazine, Apr. 25
“The Plot to Discredit Senator Walsh”, La Follette's Magazine
“The President Fixes the Tariff Duties on Sugar,” La Follette's Magazine, Aug.
“Reduce Railroad Rates Now,” La Follette's Magazine, Jan.
“Relief for the Starving Women and Children of Germany,” United States Senate, June 6
“Resignation of Edwin Denby,” United States Senate, Feb. 11
Sugar investigation, Aug.
Wilson, Woodrow, death, Feb.
Editorial briefs file
“Editorial Comment,” La Follette's Magazine, Apr.
“The Indictments against the Oil Thieves Quashed,” La Follette's Magazine, Apr.
“The Looting of the St. Paul Railroad Company,” La Follette's Magazine, May
“Monopoly Subsidizes Education,” La Follette's Magazine
“More Light, Better Ventilation: Let Us Clean House,” La Follette's Magazine, May
“On Guard for the People”
Opposing confirmation of Charles Beecher Warren for attorney general
“Out to ’Get' Couzens and Wheeler,” La Follette's Magazine, Apr.
“Stealing under Private Management of the Railroads,” La Follette's Magazine, Jan.
BOX I:B231 Undated
Church dedication
“Conservation in Alaska”
“The Constitutional Power of Minorities”
Flag Day speech
Hamlet lecture
Kenosha County, Wis., speech
“The Making of a Man”
“Money Trust”
Payne-Aldrich tariff bill
Privilege and monopoly
Representative government
(2 folders)
1900, reelection of William McKinley
1915, railroads
Draft material
Freedom of speech during wartime
Warmaking power
1919, Lend-Lease bill
Monopoly and taxation
Esch-Cummins law
Winslow-Townsend bill
Campaign speech
Ship subsidy bill
1924, Edwin Denby resignation
Sherman Antitrust law
(2 folders)
Wilson, Woodrow, and the railroads
BOX I:B232 Printed bound speeches
1886, memorial addresses on Joseph Rankin
1886-1890, 49th through 51st Congresses
1894-1904, campaigns
1901, legislative messages
(3 vols.)
1901-1903, annual messages
BOX I:B233 1903
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