The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Papers, 1895-1960 (continued)
Senate Office File, 1917-1948 (continued)
Military File, 1919-1946 (continued)
(4 folders)
Chaplains, navy
Cheesemakers' draft deferment
Conscientious objectors
BOX I:C174 Draft of eighteen-year-olds
Draft of fathers
Farm draft
(2 folders)
Farm unit
Individual draft cases
BOX I:C175 Mustering-out pay
Nurses' training
Prisoners of war
Selective Service System
Veterans Administration
War casualties
BOX I:C176 1945-1946
BOX I:C177 Be-Bra
BOX I:C178 Bre-Ch
BOX I:C179 Ci-Doo
BOX I:C180 Dow-Fl
BOX I:C181 Fo-Go
BOX I:C182 Gr-Har
BOX I:C183 Has-Hu
BOX I:C184 I-Kin
BOX I:C185 Kir-Lan
BOX I:C186 Lar-Mar
BOX I:C187 Mat-Moo
BOX I:C188 Mor-Ov
BOX I:C189 P-Ra
BOX I:C190 Re-San
BOX I:C191 Sat-Sc
BOX I:C192 Se-Sp
BOX I:C193 St-Te
BOX I:C194 Th-Wa
BOX I:C195 We-Win
BOX I:C196 Wis-Z
Subject files
Conscientious objectors
Draft cases
G.I. education
BOX I:C197 Japan
Levenick, Leo
Selective Service System
Subsistence payments
Veterans Administration
Wives' travel overseas
BOX I:C198 1944-1946, demobilization
BOX I:C199 Bo-Co
BOX I:C200 Cr-E
BOX I:C201 F-G
BOX I:C202 H-I
BOX I:C203 J-Kl
BOX I:C204 Km-Li
BOX I:C205 Li-Mi
BOX I:C206 Mo-Pa
BOX I:C207 Pe-Ri
BOX I:C208 Ro-Sc
BOX I:C209 Se-Sz
BOX I:C210 T-Wa
BOX I:C211 We-Z
I:CCI.Wisconsin “Bring Back Daddy Club,” correspondence
BOX I:C212 Pacific theater, soldier correspondence
BOX I:C213-C231 Immigration Case File, 1925-1946
Arranged chronologically by year and thereunder alphabetically.
BOX I:C213 1925-1941
BOX I:C214 Be-Bu
BOX I:C215 C-D
BOX I:C216 E-G
BOX I:C217 H
BOX I:C218 I-K
BOX I:C219 L-N
BOX I:C220 O-Q
BOX I:C221 R-Si
BOX I:C222 Sk-V
BOX I:C223 W-Z
BOX I:C224 Miscellany
BOX I:C225 1941-1945
BOX I:C226 F-Ko
BOX I:C227 Kr-R
BOX I:C228 S-Z
BOX I:C229 1946
BOX I:C230 H-N
BOX I:C231 O-Z
BOX I:C232-C292 Government Department File, 1925-1946
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and printed matter exchanged with various government departments and agencies.
Arranged chronologically by year and thereunder by name of department, agency, or institution, or by topic.
BOX I:C232 Pre-1942
Agriculture Department, including Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Agriculture and Markets, Wisconsin Department of
Banking Commission, Wisconsin
Board of Control, Wisconsin
Commerce Department
Conservation Department, Wisconsin
Drought relief program, Wisconsin
Emergency conservation work
Farm Credit Administration
Farm loans
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Federal Highway Administration
Forest Service
BOX I:C233 Highways
Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Wisconsin
Interstate Commerce Commission
Justice Department
Labor disputes
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