The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Papers, 1895-1960 (continued)
Speeches and Writings File, 1921-1948 (continued)
Speeches and Articles, 1924-1946 (continued)
Need for large and continuing public works program
Endorsing movie The Plough That Broke the Plains
Aug. 17, drought and soil conservation
Sept. 8, Progressivism in Wisconsin, Superior, Wis.
Sept. 28, endorsing Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), CBS radio, Chicago, Ill.
Oct. 5, review of Claude Bower's book Jefferson in Power
Oct. 6, progressivism and endorsing Elmer Austin Benson, Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party gubernatorial candidate
Oct. 11, 1936 elections
Oct. 25, endorsing Progressive ticket, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Oct., endorsing reelection of George W. Norris
Nov. 2, endorsing progressivism, CBS radio
Fall, endorsing Roosevelt/Norris ticket
List of radio addresses
BOX I:C560 1937
Feb. 13, judicial reform, NBC Blue Network
Mar. 8, judicial reform
(2 folders)
Mar. 24, judicial reform, Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y.
(2 folders)
Mar. 25, introducing Harold Laski, Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., with background material
Mar. 27, federal taxation, American Bar Association, Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Apr. 19, judicial reform, Non-Partisan League, Philadelphia, Pa.
(2 folders)
Apr. 21, peace, CBS radio
July 3, critical issues of the day, American Youth Congress, CBS radio
Nov. 29, unemployment, Washington Star
BOX I:C561 1938
Jan. 2, unemployment, WOL-WOR Radio Forum
Jan. 5, House war referendum measure
Jan. 14, “How Can the Federal Budget Be Balanced?” America's Town Meeting of the Air, NBC radio
Jan. 20, venereal disease
Jan. 24, funeral service of Andrew Furuseth
Feb. 14, organized labor, National Radio Forum, NBC radio
Feb. 19, legal profession, Lawyers Guild banquet, WOL-WOR Radio Forum
Feb. 28, “Current Economic Problems,” Detroit, Mich.
Mar. 6, foreign policy, New York Hippodrome, New York, N.Y.
Mar. 11, “Problems of Youth,” CBS radio
Mar. 19, Civilian Conservation Corps
Apr. 9, modern industrialism, National Radio Forum, NBC radio
Spring, “Taxes Should Be Higher,” the Saturday Evening Post
Labor Day, labor movement, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Oct. 16, endorsing Wisconsin Progressive candidates, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Oct. 30, endorsing Wisconsin Progressive candidates, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Undated and miscellaneous
BOX I:C562 1939
Apr. 30, dairy industry, American Forum of the Air, Mutual Broadcasting System
May 4, dairy industry, WHA radio, Madison, Wis.
May 10, proposed war referendum amendment to the Constitution, statement before Senate Judiciary Committee
May 18, proposed war referendum amendment to the Constitution, WHA radio, Madison, Wis.
June 1, Federal aid to education, WHA radio, Madison, Wis.
June 15, credit extension to small businesses, WHA radio, Madison, Wis.
June 29, additional appropriations for the dairy industry
July 13, proposed amendments to the neutrality law, WHA radio, Madison, Wis.
Aug. 13, neutrality, American Legion, Oshkosh, Wis.
Oct., arms embargo
Nov. 2, “The Art of Peace,” opening of the exhibition of the Section of Fine Arts, Federal Works Agency, at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, NBC radio, Washington, D.C.
Nov. 7, endorsing Progressive Party candidates, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Miscellaneous speech notes
Mar. 16, accomplishments of Works Progress Administration, Washington, D.C.
May 19, Wisconsin Progressive Party achievements, sixth anniversary celebration banquet of the Progressive Party, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.
Sept. 1, neutrality, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Sept. 8, taxation, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Sept., “The People Demand Peace,” Waukesha Trades & Labor Council Labor Day Annual, Waukesha, Wis.
Miscellaneous speech material
Feb. 26, opposing Lend-Lease bill, Mutual Broadcasting System
Mar. 6, opporing Lend-Lease bill, NBC Red Network
Apr. 26, opposing convoying of munitions, Progressive
May 9, defense of labor's civil liberties, Workers' Defense League, New York, N.Y.
June 2, “Agricultural Migration, Past, Present, and Future,” Special Committee on Interstate Migration of the National Conference of Social Work, Atlantic City, N.J.
Aug. 8, nutrition, NBC Red Network
Undelivered, conscription
BOX I:C563 1942
Feb. 11, legislation recommended by automobile dealers, emergency convention of Wisconsin automobile dealers, Madison, Wis.
Apr. 15, “New Economic Warfare,” NBC Red Network
May 16, radio transcription made for office of Coordinator of Information for the short wave “Victory for China Programme”
June 11, government employees' pay, Mutual Broadcasting System
Sept. 26, venereal disease, Council of Social Agencies, Washington, D.C.
Oct. 30 and undated, endorsing Orland S. Loomis, Wisconsin Progressive Party gubernatorial candidate, WISN radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
(3 folders)
Dec. 14, need for reduction of governmental bureaucracy, Progressive
Dec. 28, achievements of the 77th Congress, Progressive
Jan. 4, editorial on François Darlan, not used
Jan. 10, war contracts, Progressive
Jan. 11, Congress, Progressive
Jan., “Never Prohibition Again,” Atlantic Monthly
Feb. 6, taxation, WWDC radio, Washington, D.C.
Feb. 8, Casablanca conference, Progressive
Mar. 1, vocational rehabilitation, Progressive
Apr. 19, political party system, Progressive
June 12, teaching American history in public schools
July, “A Senator Looks at Congress,” Atlantic Monthly
Oct. 15, opposing foreign policy resolution approved by special subcommittee of Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Nov. 4, ship named for Orland S. Loomis
Nov. 15, economic stabilization, Progressive
Nov. 30, proposal to suspend tax on colored oleomargarine
1944-1945, drafts
Jan. 3, concerning an unidentified spokesman's charge that labor was prolonging the war
Jan. 24, Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) proposal for a national service law, Progressive
Feb. 7, wage and price stabilization, Progressive
Feb. 28, need for Federal tax reform, Progressive
Mar. 17, Aiken-La Follette Food Allotment bill, NBC radio
Mar. 20, proposal to suspend tax on colored oleomargarine, Progressive
Mar. 24, proposal to suspend tax on colored oleomargarine
Mar., food subsidy, Progressive
Apr. 7, reconversion of industry from wartime to civilian production
Apr. 10, reconversion of industry from wartime to civilian production, Progressive
Apr. 21, roles of executive and legislative branches of government, American Society of Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C.
May 8, foreign policy, Progressive State Convention, Milwaukee, Wis.
May 22, international trade, Progressive
May 28, veterans' assistance programs, NBC radio
May, Progressive Party principles, tenth anniversary meeting of the Progressive Party, introduction
June 19, administration efforts to reduce interest rates on farm loans, Progressive
July, findings of Senate Education and Labor Subcommittee conducting investigation of civil liberties violations, American Federationist
Aug. 13, peacetime reconversion and endorsing Progressive Party primary candidates, WIBA radio, Madison, Wis.
Oct., “America Must Speak Up Now!” Progressive
BOX I:C564 1945
May 31, foreign policy, United States Senate speech
(9 folders)
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