| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I: Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Papers,
(continued) |
Speeches and Writings File, 1921-1948
(continued) |
Speeches and Articles, 1924-1946
(continued) |
BOX I:C565 |
Congressional Record
(2 folders) |
June 5, peace, CBS radio |
Aug., Japanese surrender, Madison,
Wis. |
Labor Day, reconversion to peacetime
economy, Racine, Wis. |
Nov. 7, cheese industry, Wisconsin
Cheese Makers Convention, Fond du Lac, Wis. |
Nov. 8, compulsory military training,
Central State Teachers College, Stevens Point, Wis. |
Nov. 8, congressional reorganization,
League of Women Voters, Appleton, Wis. |
1946 |
Feb. 2, housing, WIND radio, Chicago,
Ill. |
Feb. 25, industrialists, United Labor
Committee to Aid the UAW-GM Strikers, Manhattan Center, New York,
N.Y. |
Mar. 5, extension of rural
electrification, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association,
Buffalo, N.Y. |
Mar. 30, congressional reorganization,
American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pa. |
Mar. 31, announcing candidacy for
reelection to United States Senate |
Apr. 14, Zionism and Palestinian
situation, speech delivered to the Toledo Zionist District, Toledo,
Ohio |
June 2, “Can Representative Government
Do the Job?” NBC radio |
June 6, St. Lawrence Seaway project,
Great Lakes Harbor Association, Chicago, Ill. |
June, campaign speech, Wisconsin
Network radio |
July 10, congressional reorganization,
Madison League of Women Voters, WHA radio, Madison, Wis. |
July 25, congressional reorganization,
WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis. |
Aug. 2, campaign speech, WTMJ radio,
Milwaukee, Wis. |
BOX I:C566 |
Aug. 5, foreign policy, League of Women
Voters, Candidates Forum, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis. |
Aug. 11, campaign speech, WTMJ radio,
Milwaukee, Wis. |
Aug. 12, campaign speech, WTBA radio,
Madison, Wis. |
Aug. 16, democracy, New Glarus
Centennial Celebration, New Glarus, Wis. |
Aug. 19, citizens' responsibilities,
National Federation of Post Office Clerks, Milwaukee, Wis. |
Aug., “The Reconstruction of Congress,”
New York Times Magazine
Undated, British loans, United States
Senate |
Unidentified and undated |
(4 folders) |
Printed copies of speeches,
1921-1948 |
(3 folders) |
BOX I:C567 |
(14 folders) |
BOX I:C568-C601 |
Congressional Record, 1926-1946
Copies of speeches and remarks of La Follette, Jr. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX I:C568 |
1926-1928, Feb. |
BOX I:C569 |
1928, Mar.-1930, Mar. |
BOX I:C570 |
1930, June-1932, Feb. |
BOX I:C571 |
1932, Mar.-June |
BOX I:C572 |
1933, Jan.-May |
BOX I:C573 |
1933, June-1934, June |
BOX I:C574 |
1935, Mar.-1936, Jan. |
BOX I:C575 |
1936, Feb.-June |
BOX I:C576 |
1937, Feb.-July |
BOX I:C577 |
1937, Aug.-1938, Feb. |
BOX I:C578 |
1938, Mar.-May |
BOX I:C579 |
1938, June-1939, May |
BOX I:C580 |
1939, June-July |
BOX I:C581 |
1939, Aug.-1940, Feb. |
BOX I:C582 |
1940 |
Mar.-Apr. |
BOX I:C583 |
May-July |
BOX I:C584 |
1940, Aug.-1941, Mar. |
BOX I:C585 |
1941, Apr.-Sept. |
BOX I:C586 |
1941, Oct.-1942, Feb. |
BOX I:C587 |
1942 |
Mar.-May |
BOX I:C588 |
June-Oct. |
BOX I:C589 |
1943 |
Feb.-May |
BOX I:C590 |
June |
BOX I:C591 |
July-Dec. |
BOX I:C592 |
1944, Jan.-Apr. |
BOX I:C593 |
1944, May-1945, Feb. |
BOX I:C594 |
1945 |
Mar.-June |
BOX I:C595 |
July-Dec. |
BOX I:C596 |
1946 |
Feb.-Apr. |
BOX I:C597 |
May-June |
BOX I:C598 |
July-Aug. |
BOX I:C599 |
Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, amendment
to, 1938 |
(1 vol.) |
Tariff Act of 1930, 1929-1930
See also Containers I:C450-I:C457, same
(2 vols.) |
Tax remarks |
1932-1933 |
(2 vols.) |
BOX I:C600 |
1934-1940 |
(4 vols.) |
BOX I:C601 |
1941-1945 |
(2 vols.) |
Unemployment remarks, 1930-1932 |
(2 vols.) |
BOX I:C602-C606 |
Progressive, 1925-1948
Correspondence, drafts of articles and editorials, financial records, and
printed copies with printed copies of La Follette's Magazine. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX I:C602 |
Editorials, drafts, 1926-1929, 1936 |
(3 folders) |
Financial statements, 1928-1945 |
(7 folders) |
BOX I:C603 |
General, 1929-1930, 1941-1946 |
(17 folders) |
Copies containing articles by La Follette,
Jr. |
1929-1930 |
(2 folders) |
BOX I:C604 |
1930-1932, 1940-1942 |
(5 folders) |
BOX I:C605 |
1943-1946 |
(4 folders) |
Bound volumes |
La Follette's Magazine and Progressive, 1925-1932
See Oversize
See Oversize
BOX I:C606 |
1948 |
BOX I:C607-C622 |
Subject File, 1946-1953
Correspondence, memoranda, and printed matter concerning La Follette, Jr.'s
activities after his retirement from the Senate. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. |
BOX I:C607 |
American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. |
Board meetings, 1949-1951 |
(3 folders) |
Expenses, 1947-1951 |
(2 folders) |
Farley, Edward P., 1948 |
General |
1947-1948 |
BOX I:C608 |
1949-1951 |
(3 folders) |
Americans for Democratic Action,
1948 |
BOX I:C609 |
Annual Survey of American Law, dedication to
La Follette, Jr., 1946 |
Autographed photographs requested by La
Follette, Jr., 1947 |
Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report,
1949-1950 |
Citizens Committee for Reorganization of the
Government |
Aiken Committee, 1948 |
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