The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Papers, 1895-1960 (continued)
Speeches and Writings File, 1921-1948 (continued)
Speeches and Articles, 1924-1946 (continued)
BOX I:C565 Congressional Record
(2 folders)
June 5, peace, CBS radio
Aug., Japanese surrender, Madison, Wis.
Labor Day, reconversion to peacetime economy, Racine, Wis.
Nov. 7, cheese industry, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Convention, Fond du Lac, Wis.
Nov. 8, compulsory military training, Central State Teachers College, Stevens Point, Wis.
Nov. 8, congressional reorganization, League of Women Voters, Appleton, Wis.
Feb. 2, housing, WIND radio, Chicago, Ill.
Feb. 25, industrialists, United Labor Committee to Aid the UAW-GM Strikers, Manhattan Center, New York, N.Y.
Mar. 5, extension of rural electrification, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Buffalo, N.Y.
Mar. 30, congressional reorganization, American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mar. 31, announcing candidacy for reelection to United States Senate
Apr. 14, Zionism and Palestinian situation, speech delivered to the Toledo Zionist District, Toledo, Ohio
June 2, “Can Representative Government Do the Job?” NBC radio
June 6, St. Lawrence Seaway project, Great Lakes Harbor Association, Chicago, Ill.
June, campaign speech, Wisconsin Network radio
July 10, congressional reorganization, Madison League of Women Voters, WHA radio, Madison, Wis.
July 25, congressional reorganization, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Aug. 2, campaign speech, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
BOX I:C566 Aug. 5, foreign policy, League of Women Voters, Candidates Forum, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Aug. 11, campaign speech, WTMJ radio, Milwaukee, Wis.
Aug. 12, campaign speech, WTBA radio, Madison, Wis.
Aug. 16, democracy, New Glarus Centennial Celebration, New Glarus, Wis.
Aug. 19, citizens' responsibilities, National Federation of Post Office Clerks, Milwaukee, Wis.
Aug., “The Reconstruction of Congress,” New York Times Magazine
Undated, British loans, United States Senate
Unidentified and undated
(4 folders)
Printed copies of speeches, 1921-1948
(3 folders)
BOX I:C567 (14 folders)
BOX I:C568-C601 Congressional Record, 1926-1946
Copies of speeches and remarks of La Follette, Jr.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:C568 1926-1928, Feb.
BOX I:C569 1928, Mar.-1930, Mar.
BOX I:C570 1930, June-1932, Feb.
BOX I:C571 1932, Mar.-June
BOX I:C572 1933, Jan.-May
BOX I:C573 1933, June-1934, June
BOX I:C574 1935, Mar.-1936, Jan.
BOX I:C575 1936, Feb.-June
BOX I:C576 1937, Feb.-July
BOX I:C577 1937, Aug.-1938, Feb.
BOX I:C578 1938, Mar.-May
BOX I:C579 1938, June-1939, May
BOX I:C580 1939, June-July
BOX I:C581 1939, Aug.-1940, Feb.
BOX I:C582 1940
BOX I:C583 May-July
BOX I:C584 1940, Aug.-1941, Mar.
BOX I:C585 1941, Apr.-Sept.
BOX I:C586 1941, Oct.-1942, Feb.
BOX I:C587 1942
BOX I:C588 June-Oct.
BOX I:C589 1943
BOX I:C590 June
BOX I:C591 July-Dec.
BOX I:C592 1944, Jan.-Apr.
BOX I:C593 1944, May-1945, Feb.
BOX I:C594 1945
BOX I:C595 July-Dec.
BOX I:C596 1946
BOX I:C597 May-June
BOX I:C598 July-Aug.
BOX I:C599 Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, amendment to, 1938
(1 vol.)
Tariff Act of 1930, 1929-1930 See also Containers I:C450-I:C457, same heading
(2 vols.)
Tax remarks
(2 vols.)
BOX I:C600 1934-1940
(4 vols.)
BOX I:C601 1941-1945
(2 vols.)
Unemployment remarks, 1930-1932
(2 vols.)
BOX I:C602-C606 Progressive, 1925-1948
Correspondence, drafts of articles and editorials, financial records, and printed copies with printed copies of La Follette's Magazine.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:C602 Editorials, drafts, 1926-1929, 1936
(3 folders)
Financial statements, 1928-1945
(7 folders)
BOX I:C603 General, 1929-1930, 1941-1946
(17 folders)
Copies containing articles by La Follette, Jr.
(2 folders)
BOX I:C604 1930-1932, 1940-1942
(5 folders)
BOX I:C605 1943-1946
(4 folders)
Bound volumes
La Follette's Magazine and Progressive, 1925-1932 See Oversize
1933-1944 See Oversize
BOX I:C606 1948
BOX I:C607-C622 Subject File, 1946-1953
Correspondence, memoranda, and printed matter concerning La Follette, Jr.'s activities after his retirement from the Senate.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder.
BOX I:C607 American-Hawaiian Steamship Co.
Board meetings, 1949-1951
(3 folders)
Expenses, 1947-1951
(2 folders)
Farley, Edward P., 1948
BOX I:C608 1949-1951
(3 folders)
Americans for Democratic Action, 1948
BOX I:C609 Annual Survey of American Law, dedication to La Follette, Jr., 1946
Autographed photographs requested by La Follette, Jr., 1947
Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report, 1949-1950
Citizens Committee for Reorganization of the Government
Aiken Committee, 1948
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