The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Belle Case La Follette Papers, 1849-1931 (continued)
Special Correspondence, 1901-1931 (continued)
Webbink, Paul L.
White, William Allen
Undated and fragments
(4 folders)
BOX I:D24-D27 Letters Sent, 1898-1931
Primarily typescript copies. Also includes correspondence sent by Belle Case La Follette's secretaries.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:D24 1898-1912
(37 folders)
BOX I:D25 1913-1914
(24 folders)
BOX I:D26 1915-1926
(26 folders)
BOX I:D27 1927-1931
(19 folders)
BOX I:D28-D37 Subject File, circa 1893-1931
Reports, memoranda, printed matter, drafts of articles submitted to Belle Case La Follette, newspaper clippings, and occasional attached correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically.
BOX I:D28 Bishop, Emily Montague Mulkin
Article concerning, 1899
Emily Bishop League, circa 1893-1903
(3 folders)
Lecture material, 1909-1924, undated
(3 folders)
Campaign literature, 1912
Capital punishment, 1925
Cause and Cure of War, conference
Report, 1928
General, 1930
BOX I:D29 Children's Bureau
Radio addresses, 1929-1930
(2 folders)
Printed matter, 1922-1930
Clearing House for Limitation of Armaments, bulletins, 1921
Coal, anthracite, 1920s
“Colored Folk of Washington,” comments concerning Belle Case La Follette's article, La Follette's Magazine, Dec. 1912
Coryell, Abby Hedge, “Woman,” article, undated
Costigan, Edward P. and Mabel G., articles concerning, La Follette's Magazine, 1921-1928
General, 1921-1925
Printed matter, 1921-1922
BOX I:D30 Education, Wisconsin, 1920-1921
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower, articles by, 1921-1930
Foreign Policy Association, bulletins, 1921-1922
Furuseth, Andrew, articles by, circa 1925-1930
“Home and Education Department,” La Follette's Magazine
Lists, 1911-1914
Column with index
(3 folders)
BOX I:D31 1912-1913
(2 folders)
Howard University, Washington, D.C., 1923-1925
Johnson, James Weldon, “The Race Problem and Peace,” article, 1924
Keller, Helen, “The Modern Woman,” article, 1912
La Follette, Belle Case, articles concerning
“How a Woman Can Help Her Husband in Politics,” by Zona Gale, Milwaukee Journal, Aug. 8, 1900
“An Amiable Traveler,” New York Times editorial, Oct. 28, 1923
La Follette, Robert M., Sr.
Memorial service, 1926
Statue and bronze marker, 1929
La Follette, Robert M., Jr.
Articles and material concerning, 1925-1930
Revision of tariff speech, 1930
La Follette's Magazine
Articles, 1925-1926
Mailing lists, 1911
Women's suffrage articles, 1911-1913
Miscellany, circa 1912-1928
BOX I:D32 Laidler, Harry W., “Problems of the Revolutionized Order,” article, 1919
Marlatt, Abby L., “Household Values,” article, undated
Middleton, George, “Stage Life of the Chorus Girls,” article, 1929
Militarism, opposition to, 1916-1930
Military costs, 1920-1931
Military training, 1916-1927
Miscellany, circa 1911-1930
(2 folders)
BOX I:D33 Mobilization Day, 1924-1925
Montessori method, 1914
National Council for Prevention of War
Boeckel, Florence, 1923
General, 1922-1930
National Council for the Reduction of Armaments, 1921-1922
National League of Women Voters, 1925-1930
National Popular Government League, 1928-1931
BOX I:D34 National Woman's Party, 1921-1924
(2 folders)
National Women's Trade Union League, 1922
Negro, 1924-1925
Negro migration, 1916-1923
Otto, Max Carl, articles in La Follette's Magazine, 1927
“Cologne to Berlin”
The Roman coliseum
Efforts towards, 1924-1925
General, 1916-1930
Treaties, 1929
BOX I:D35 People's Legislative Service, 1928
Platoon schools, 1924-1926
Political freedoms, 1918-1922
Primary elections, 1929
Progressive, 1930
Norwegian newspaper translations by Albert O. Barton
Progressives, conference, 1931
Public ownership, 1925-1930
Ream, Vinnie, 1915-1917
Roe, Gwyneth K. (“Netha”) (Mrs. Gilbert E.), “Springtime in Our Bodies,” article, La Follette's Magazine, undated
Russia, 1918-1929
Segregation, 1913-1914
Social hygiene, circa 1911
Troy, Lillian Scott, “How They Love Us,” article, 1921
BOX I:D36 Voting, 1924
War bulletins, 1921-1925
War debts, 1921-1923
Wisconsin National Guard, 1923
Wold, Emma, articles in Progressive, 1930
“Hague Conference on Nationality of Youth”
“Woman's Citizenship”
Women's suffrage, 1914-1915, 1925
(2 folders)
BOX I:D37 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1919-1931, undated
(4 folders)
World Court, 1929-1930
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