| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I: Belle Case La Follette Papers,
(continued) |
Special Correspondence, 1901-1931
(continued) |
Webbink, Paul L. |
White, William Allen |
Undated and fragments |
(4 folders) |
BOX I:D24-D27 |
Letters Sent, 1898-1931
Primarily typescript copies. Also includes correspondence sent by Belle Case La
Follette's secretaries. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX I:D24 |
1898-1912 |
(37 folders) |
BOX I:D25 |
1913-1914 |
(24 folders) |
BOX I:D26 |
1915-1926 |
(26 folders) |
BOX I:D27 |
1927-1931 |
(19 folders) |
BOX I:D28-D37 |
Subject File, circa 1893-1931
Reports, memoranda, printed matter, drafts of articles submitted to Belle Case
La Follette, newspaper clippings, and occasional attached correspondence. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically. |
BOX I:D28 |
Bishop, Emily Montague Mulkin |
Article concerning, 1899 |
Emily Bishop League, circa 1893-1903 |
(3 folders) |
Lecture material, 1909-1924, undated |
(3 folders) |
Campaign literature, 1912 |
Capital punishment, 1925 |
Cause and Cure of War, conference |
Report, 1928 |
General, 1930 |
BOX I:D29 |
Children's Bureau |
Radio addresses, 1929-1930 |
(2 folders) |
Printed matter, 1922-1930 |
Clearing House for Limitation of Armaments,
bulletins, 1921 |
Coal, anthracite, 1920s |
“Colored Folk of Washington,” comments
concerning Belle Case La Follette's article, La Follette's Magazine, Dec. 1912 |
Coryell, Abby Hedge, “Woman,” article,
undated |
Costigan, Edward P. and Mabel G., articles
concerning, La Follette's Magazine, 1921-1928 |
Disarmament |
General, 1921-1925 |
Printed matter, 1921-1922 |
BOX I:D30 |
Education, Wisconsin, 1920-1921 |
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower, articles by,
1921-1930 |
Foreign Policy Association, bulletins,
1921-1922 |
Furuseth, Andrew, articles by, circa
1925-1930 |
“Home and Education Department,” La Follette's Magazine
Lists, 1911-1914 |
Column with index |
1909-1911 |
(3 folders) |
BOX I:D31 |
1912-1913 |
(2 folders) |
Howard University, Washington, D.C.,
1923-1925 |
Johnson, James Weldon, “The Race Problem and
Peace,” article, 1924 |
Keller, Helen, “The Modern Woman,” article,
1912 |
La Follette, Belle Case, articles
concerning |
“How a Woman Can Help Her Husband in
Politics,” by Zona Gale, Milwaukee Journal, Aug. 8, 1900 |
“An Amiable Traveler,” New York Times editorial, Oct. 28, 1923 |
La Follette, Robert M., Sr. |
Memorial service, 1926 |
Statue and bronze marker, 1929
La Follette, Robert M., Jr. |
Articles and material concerning,
1925-1930 |
Revision of tariff speech,
1930 |
La Follette's Magazine
Articles, 1925-1926 |
Mailing lists, 1911 |
Women's suffrage articles,
1911-1913 |
Miscellany, circa 1912-1928 |
BOX I:D32 |
Laidler, Harry W., “Problems of the
Revolutionized Order,” article, 1919 |
Marlatt, Abby L., “Household Values,”
article, undated |
Middleton, George, “Stage Life of the Chorus
Girls,” article, 1929 |
Militarism, opposition to,
1916-1930 |
Military costs, 1920-1931 |
Military training, 1916-1927 |
Miscellany, circa 1911-1930 |
(2 folders) |
BOX I:D33 |
Mobilization Day, 1924-1925 |
Montessori method, 1914 |
National Council for Prevention of
War |
Boeckel, Florence, 1923 |
General, 1922-1930 |
National Council for the Reduction of
Armaments, 1921-1922 |
National League of Women Voters,
1925-1930 |
National Popular Government League,
1928-1931 |
BOX I:D34 |
National Woman's Party, 1921-1924 |
(2 folders) |
National Women's Trade Union League,
1922 |
Negro, 1924-1925 |
Negro migration, 1916-1923 |
Otto, Max Carl, articles in La Follette's Magazine, 1927 |
“Cologne to Berlin” |
The Roman coliseum |
Peace |
Efforts towards, 1924-1925 |
General, 1916-1930 |
Treaties, 1929 |
BOX I:D35 |
People's Legislative Service,
1928 |
Platoon schools, 1924-1926 |
Political freedoms, 1918-1922 |
Primary elections, 1929 |
Progressive, 1930 |
General |
Norwegian newspaper translations by Albert
O. Barton |
Progressives, conference, 1931 |
Public ownership, 1925-1930 |
Ream, Vinnie, 1915-1917 |
Roe, Gwyneth K. (“Netha”) (Mrs. Gilbert E.),
“Springtime in Our Bodies,” article, La Follette's Magazine, undated |
Russia, 1918-1929 |
Segregation, 1913-1914 |
Social hygiene, circa 1911 |
Troy, Lillian Scott, “How They Love Us,”
article, 1921 |
Unemployment |
BOX I:D36 |
Voting, 1924 |
War bulletins, 1921-1925 |
War debts, 1921-1923 |
Wisconsin National Guard, 1923 |
Wold, Emma, articles in Progressive, 1930 |
“Hague Conference on Nationality of
Youth” |
“Woman's Citizenship” |
Women's suffrage, 1914-1915, 1925 |
(2 folders) |
BOX I:D37 |
Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom, 1919-1931, undated |
(4 folders) |
World Court, 1929-1930 |
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