| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I: Belle Case La Follette Papers,
(continued) |
Speeches and Writings File, 1879-1930
(continued) |
9, “The Woman Movement: My
Grandmother,” speech, New Harmony, Ind. (continued) |
(6 folders) |
20, “A Better Washington” |
BOX I:D41 |
June-Sept., women's suffrage
speeches |
Chautauqua circuit,
June-Aug. |
Ohio State Fair, Columbus, Ohio, Sept.
2 |
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. |
Dec., “Segregation in the Civil
Service” |
Segregation |
Women's movement, speech |
1915 |
Feb., “The Woman's Peace
Party” |
May, “Mr. Roosevelt's Attack on the
Woman's Peace Party” |
Nov., “A Notable Negro
Pageant” |
1916, Feb. 5,“Our Story: Personal and
Political,” speech, League for Political Education, Carnegie Hall, New York,
N.Y. |
1917 |
Feb., “Do the People Want
War?” |
Mar., 2, “Vinnie Ream Hoxie,” speech,
Woman's Club, Madison, Wis. |
July, “Lady Barlow” |
Sept. |
“Justice for Pickets” |
“Patterns for War or Peace” |
Oct., free speech statement |
Dec., “Susan B. Anthony's
Prophecy” |
Peace speech |
1920, Feb., “May the Women of the United
States Vote in 1920?” |
1921 |
Feb. |
“A Glimpse of Professor
Henry” |
“Reverend Olympia Brown
Honored” |
Apr., “The Emperor Jones” |
May, “Women United for
Disarmament” |
June, “Glimpses of Fola in Ancient
Gaul” |
Sept. |
“Disarmament Will Succeed” |
“Household Pests” |
Oct. 29, “Disarmament,” speech, Wisconsin
Women's Progressive Association, Milwaukee, Wis. |
Nov. |
“Address by Miss Julia O'Connor of the
National Women's Trade Union League” |
“A Week in Wisconsin” |
“Women's Mass Meeting” |
1922 |
Apr. |
“A Logical Thought” |
“Outlawry of War” |
Reelection of La Follette, Sr., to United
States Senate, speech |
Draft notes |
1923 |
Mar. 15, “Army Reorganization Act of
1920,” speech, Annual Meeting of the United States Section of the Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom, Washington, D.C. |
Dec., “Russia” |
“Josephine Peabody,” tribute |
Notes |
Daughters of the American
Revolution |
Miscellaneous |
BOX I:D42 |
1924 |
Oct. |
8, public service record of La
Follette, Sr., speeches, Machinists Temple, Philadelphia, Pa., and
Mountain Lake, Md. |
17 |
Endorsement of La Follette-Wheeler
ticket, RCA radio, New York, N.Y. |
“Why the Homemaker Should Vote for
La Follette,” WJY and WJZ radio, New York, N.Y. |
18[?], endorsement of presidential
candidacy of La Follette, Sr., speech, Women's University Club, New
York, N.Y. |
La Follette, Robert M., Sr., and
progressivism speech |
“Women Voters,” The Signalmen's Journal
Speaking schedule |
“Why I Am a Progressive,”
statement |
Miscellany |
(4 folders) |
1925 |
July, “The Magazine Will Go
On” |
Aug., “Mrs. La Follette Not a
Candidate” |
Dec., “Glimpses of a Gifted
Reader” |
Endorsement of La Follette, Jr.'s
candidacy to succeed father in United States Senate,
statement |
1926 |
July, “Segregation in
Washington” |
1927 |
Feb., “Caroline Hunt” |
Mar., “Would Destroy Maternity Law
Work” |
July |
“Milwaukee Student
Conference” |
“Outlawry of War” |
Nov., subscription appeal, Capital Times, Madison, Wis. |
1928 |
Sept., endorsing election of La Follette,
Jr., to United States Senate, radio address, Poynette, Wis. |
1929 |
“Greed Over-Reaches Itself” |
Tribute to Walter Durand |
1930 |
Brown, Olympia, tribute, “Honor
Wisconsin's Pioneer Suffragist” |
Foster, Alla W., tribute |
Gale, Charles F., tribute |
“Gandhi's Program in India” |
Gilbert, Susan Brandeis (Mrs. Frank B.),
introduction to her article |
Harris, Martha Anstice,
tribute |
James, William |
Ladd-Franklin, Christine, tribute, “A
Pioneer Woman Educator” |
New magazine format |
Norris, George W., endorsement |
“Save the Children's Bureau” |
Stearns, Lutie E., tribute |
Summary of Caroline Pratt's article “Two
Basic Principles of Education,” New Republic, July 2 |
(2 folders) |
“A Woman Blazes Agricultural Trail,”
tribute to Charlotte Barrell Ware |
“Women and the Naval
Conference” |
Undated |
Abbott, Grace, tribute |
“Art in America” by Suzanne (“Clara”) La
Follette, book review |
“Ceramic Art in Germany” |
“Clifton F. Hodge” |
“Continental Europe
Balkanized” |
“In Washington” |
“New Solution of Help Problem” |
“Paul Robeson in Role of
Othello” |
“Progress in Outlawry of War” |
“Ramsay MacDonald” |
“Remembering Names” |
“Results of a Fly Campaign” |
“School Centers,” speech |
“A Southern Mountain Folk
School” |
“Standards,” speech concerning Ida
Tarbell's article, “Uneasy Women” |
“A Tribute to Vinnie Ream
Hoxie” |
“What Is Progressive
Education?” |
“Women and War” |
“Work-Study Play Plan Operating under
Difficulties” |
BOX I:D43 |
Undated and untitled |
(28 folders) |
BOX I:D44 |
(17 folders) |
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