The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Fola La Follette Papers, 1781-1970 (continued)
Personal Correspondence, 1887-1970 (continued)
Hollister, Howard Keys
Howe, Marie Jenney (Mrs. Frederic C.)
Jones, Ellis
Kallen, Horace M.
Lahman, Carroll P.
Lanux, Jeanne de
Le Gallienne, Eva
Lynch, Grace C.
Mackenzie, Nellie Dunn (Mrs. Fred W.)
Marquis, Don
Otto, Max Carl
Pratt, Caroline
Sardeson, Rossing
Sayre, Wallace S.
Wald, Lillian D.
Wisconsin State Historical Society
BOX I:E4 1934
Arnoux, Amaly (Mme. Alexandre)
Barton, Albert O.
Bats, Gabrielle
Clapp, Norman M.
Corrigan, Walter D.
Davidson, Jo
Dewey, Evelyn
Dewey, John
Doubleday, Doran & Co.
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower
Fisher, Van
Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Gale, Zona
Gilder, Rodman
Guilbert, Gilles and Claire
Harcourt, Brace and Co.
Harendean, Anne
Johnson, James Weldon
Kallen, Horace M.
Kenton, Edna
“L” miscellaneous
L.C. Page & Co.
Le Gallienne, Eva
Mackenzie, Nellie Dunn (Mrs. Fred W.)
Metcalf, K. D.
Meyer, Elsie
Roe, Gwyneth K. (“Netha”) (Mrs. Gilbert E.)
Roe, John Ernest
Sayre, Wallace S.
Seignobos, Charles
Slattery, Harry
Wilson, John B.
Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wis.
Wood, Elsie M.
Yoder, Fred R.
Baker, Bertha Kunz
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz
Brandt & Brandt, New York, N.Y.
Coe, Clarence C.
Cragg, Alliston
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower
Evjue, William Theodore
Fleck, Mable Davidson
Gilder, Rodman
Gross, Manford S.
Guilbert, Claire and Gilles
Hinkle, Beatrice M.
Kallen, Horace M.
L. C. Page & Co.
Lahman, Carroll P.
Le Gallienne Eva
Lynch, Grace C.
Olson, Robert
Roe, John Ernest
Simon and Schuster
Smith, Evelyn Dewey (Mrs. Granville M., Jr.)
Spewack, Bella (Mrs. Samuel)
Tsurumi, Yusuké
BOX I:E5 1936
Baker, Ray Stannard
Brandeis, Alice Goldmark (Mrs. Louis D.)
Brandt & Brandt, New York, N.Y.
Clapp, Norman C.
“D-W” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Davidson, Estelle R. (Mrs. Thomas H.)
Dow, Charles M.
Ekern, Herman Lewis
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower
Favre, Genevieve
Ford, R. M.
Gardiner, J. Pennington
Grossgebauer, John
Guilbert, Claire and Gilles
Hannan, John J.
Harcourt, Brace and Co.
Harper & Brothers
Hoffmann, Theodore H.
Howe, Frederic C.
Jones, George, Jr.
Kallen, Horace M.
Lahman, Carroll P.
Leighton, George R.
Lief, Alfred
Light, Gertrude
Lynch, Grace C.
Roe, Gwyneth K. (“Netha”) (Mrs. Gilbert E.)
Roe, John Ernest
Sayre, Wallace S.
Seignobos, Charles
Simon and Schuster
Smith, Evelyn Dewey (Mrs. Granville M., Jr.)
Spewack, Bella (Mrs. Samuel)
Spreckels, Rudolph
Stackpole Sons
Steffens, Lincoln
Wald, Lillian D.
Warfel, Harry R.
Werner, M. R.
Winter, Ella (“Peter”) (Mrs. Lincoln Steffens)
Arnoux, Amaly (Mme. Alexandre)
Baker, Ray Stannard
Bats, Gabrielle
Brandeis, Alice Goldmark (Mrs. Louis D.)
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz
Brandt & Brandt, New York, N.Y.
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