| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I: Fola La Follette Papers, 1781-1970
(continued) |
Personal Correspondence, 1887-1970
(continued) |
Bristow, Frank B. |
Bryant, Guthrie L. |
Causey, James H. |
Clapp, Analoyce E. (Mrs. Norman
M.) |
Clough, Susan Pew |
Comstock, Francis |
Crane, Charles Richard |
Davidson, Jo |
Dell, Floyd and Berta Marie
Gage |
Dolliver, Frances O. |
Dwyer, W. J. |
Favre, Genevieve |
Fediaevsky, Vera M. |
Fischer, Marjorie |
Ford, R. M. |
Gale, Zona |
Gardner, J. Pennington |
Gaus, John M. |
Gilder, Rodman |
Guilbert, Claire and Gilles |
Hannan, John J. |
Harris, May |
Harrison, J. H. |
Harrison, Viola M. (Mrs. Frank
A.) |
Hazelton, John H. |
Hichborn, Franklin |
Hopkins, Harry L. |
Howe, Frederic C. |
Iowa State Historical Society, Des Moines,
Iowa |
Jessup, Philip C. |
Kallen, Horace M. |
Kasch, Gus |
Kessenich, Henrietta Wood |
Kirwan, Michael J. |
Kittle, William |
Kraft, Erwin |
Lahman, Carroll P. |
Lanux, Jeanne de |
Lenroot, Irvine Luther |
Library of Congress |
Lief, Alfred |
Lips, Eva (Mrs. Julius E.) |
Lips, Julius E. |
Merriam, Charles E. |
Metcalf, K. D. |
Moore, John Bassett |
Nichols, Jeannette P. |
O'Meara, John R. |
Paine, Robert F. |
Pope, James E. |
Preston, James D. |
Roe, Gwyneth K. (“Netha”) (Mrs. Gilbert
E.) |
Roe, John Ernest |
Rood, Ethel K. |
Rose, Barbara Curtis |
Scheu-Riesz, Helene |
Smith, Culver H. |
Spreckels, Rudolph |
Truesdell, Julius A. |
Turner, Paul |
Warfel, Harry R. |
Williams, C. R. |
Winter, Ella (“Peter”) (Mrs. Lincoln
Steffens) |
Wisconsin Free Library
Commission |
Wisconsin State Historical Society,
Madison, Wis. |
BOX I:E6 |
1938 |
“B-P” miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Badgley, Azelia G. |
Beale, Howard K. |
Beard, Mary Ritter (Mrs. Charles
A.) |
Beveridge, Catharine (Mrs. Albert
J.) |
Borchard, Edwin M. |
Brandeis, Alice Goldmark (Mrs. Louis
D.) |
Brandt & Brandt, New York,
N.Y. |
Bristow, Joseph L. |
Burdette, Franklin L. |
Commager, Henry Steele
See same container, Nevins, Allan
Corrigan, Walter D. |
Darling, Jay N. (“Ding”) |
Dustin, Charles Mail |
Fairchild, Henry Pratt |
Foley, E. M. |
G. P. Putnam's Sons |
Gale, Zona |
Gardiner, Elinor W. |
Gardiner, J. Pennington |
Gavagan, Joseph A. |
Gilder, Rodman |
Goldstein, Philip R. |
Guilbert, Claire and Gilles |
Hahn, Herman J. |
Hannan, John J. |
Hanson, Earl |
Harcourt, Brace and Co. |
Hazelton, John H. |
Hechler, Kenneth W. |
Hegeman, Lloyd H. |
Henderson, Harry B. |
Hichborn, Franklin |
Higham, Mrs. M. S. |
Holmes, Fred L. |
Howe, Frederic C. |
Kallen, Horace M. |
Keating, Edward |
Kent, Elizabeth T. (Mrs.
William) |
Kingsbury, John A. |
Kittle, William |
Kunz, Eda |
Lahman, Carroll P. |
Lappley, Gilbert |
Lathrop, Dorothy M. (Mrs.
John) |
Library of Congress |
Lief, Alfred |
Little, Brown & Co. |
Loe, Kelley |
Loftus, Josephine Peyton (Mrs.
George) |
Lynch, Grace C. |
Manahan, Kathryn |
Mook, Delo E. |
Nevins, Allan, and Henry Steele
Commager |
Older, Cora (Mrs. Fremont) |
Park, Alice |
Pinchot, Amos |
Roberts, Martin A. |
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