The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Henry A. Willard II collection, 1743-1888
BOX 1 Series I: Bradley-Willard Family Papers, 1771-1859
Correspondence, financial documents, and ephemera, related to family business dealings in Westminster, Vt., and Washington, D.C., and correspondence of Stephen R. Bradley (1754-1830); his son, William Czar Bradley (1782-1867); and William Bradley's father-in-law, Mark Richards (1760-1844).
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1 1771-1959, undated
(10 folders)
BOX 1-2 Series II: Henry A. Willard I Autograph Collection, 1774-1888
Correspondence, financial documents, and ephemera relating to prominent eighteenth- and nineteenth-century United States political figures.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person.
BOX 1 Alexander, William (Lord Stirling), undated
BOX 1 Allen, Ira H., 11 May 1813
BOX 1 Channing, William F., 5 Dec. 1845
BOX 1 Clinton, DeWitt, 22 June 1818
BOX 1 Coddington, J. I., 19 June 1841
BOX 1 Family autographs, undated
BOX 1 Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 2 Oct. 1820
BOX 1 Gales, Joseph, Jr., 1 July 1814
BOX 1 Hale, Nathan, 1774-1775
BOX 1 Hall, Hiland, 7 Feb. 1859
BOX 1 Hamilton, James, 10 July 1854
BOX 1 Haswell, Charles H., 4 Feb. 1836
BOX 1 Henderson, John, 1830-1843
BOX 1 Henry, Patrick, undated
BOX 1 Hull, Isaac, 1813-1835, undated
BOX 1 MacDonald, Charles J., 27 Nov. 1839
BOX 1 Madison, James, 18 July 1803
BOX 1 Mallory, Francis, 1838-1842
BOX 1 Marsh, Charles, 23 Nov. 1789
BOX 1 Mason, Jeremiah, 27 Mar. 1812
BOX 1 McRoberts, Samuel, 28 Feb. 1841
BOX 1 Monroe, James, 12 July 1797
BOX 1 Morrill, Justin S., 5 Mar. 1837, 10 June 1844, 16 Apr. 1888
BOX 1 Morris, Lewis R., 1788-1789
BOX 1 Morris, Robert H., 1842-1848
BOX 1 Munroe, Thomas, 24 Mar. 1808
BOX 1 Northrop, Amos, 6 Jan. 1777
BOX 1 Otis, Samuel A., 1802-1813
BOX 1 Page, William, 1 May 1789
BOX 1 Paine, Elijah, 23 Mar. 1797, 24 Sept. 1807
BOX 1 Pearce, James A., 1841-1842
BOX 1 Pearson, Joseph, 8 June 1813
BOX 1 Pendleton, Edmund, 11 May 1813
BOX 1 Pendleton, N. G., 1842-1843
BOX 1 Penn, John, 15 Sept. 1786
BOX 1 Pennington, William, 23 Nov. 1841
BOX 2 Pennybacker, Isaac S., 28 Feb. 1839
BOX 1 Persico, G., 28 Feb. 1846
BOX 1 Pettibone, John S., 12 Apr. 1826
BOX 1 Phelps, John S., 1846-1847
BOX 1 Phelps, Samuel S., 1 Dec. 1846
BOX 1 Phillips, Stephen Clarendon, 1836-1837
BOX 1 Phoenix, J. Phillips, 1844, 1850-1852, undated
BOX 1 Pickens, Francis W., 1837-1838
BOX 1 Pierce, Benjamin, 23 Sept. 1829
BOX 1 Pinckney, Charles, 1805, undated
BOX 1 Pinckney, H. L., 1835-1839
BOX 1 Pinckney, Thomas, 1 July 1819
BOX 1 Pinkney, William, 7 July 1823
BOX 1 Piper, William, 9 Feb. 1814
BOX 1 Pleasants, James, 18 Mar. 1823
BOX 1 Plumer, Arnold, 30 June 1841
BOX 1 Poindexter, George, 1819-1820, 1853, undated
BOX 1 Pope, John, 10 July 1809, 12 Dec. 1841
BOX 1 Porter, Augustus S., 1843-1845
BOX 1 Porter, David R., 1839-1840, 1846
BOX 1 Portraits, undated
BOX 1 Potts, Richard, 16 Sept. 1823
BOX 1 Potts, Stacy Gardner, 16 May 1832
BOX 2 Pouissin, William Tell, 24 Feb. 1825
BOX 2 Powell, Cuthbert, 19 Feb. 1843
BOX 2 Pratt, James T., 6 July 1854
BOX 2 Pratt, Thomas G., 20 Dec. 1850
BOX 2 Prentice, George D., 17 Sept. 1830
BOX 2 Prentiss, John H., 1838-1839
BOX 2 Rush, Benjamin, 8 Feb. 1808
BOX 2 Spinner, Francis Elias, 11 June 1856, undated
BOX 2 Vanderbilt, John, undated
BOX 2 Van Rensselaer, K. K., 18 Dec. 1811
BOX 2 Series III: Henry A. Willard I Autograph Collection of Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Presidents of the Continental Congress, and Related Individuals, 1743-1829
Autographs, correspondence, and engravings relating to signers of the Declaration of Independence and presidents of the Continental Congress.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person.
BOX 2 Adams, John, 30 May 1798, undated
BOX 2 Adams, Samuel, 18 Mar. 1778, undated
BOX 2 Bartlett, Josiah, 24 Sept. 1787, undated
BOX 2 Boudinot, Elias, 15 Aug. 1774
BOX 2 Braxton, Carter, 10 Aug. 1794, undated
BOX 2 Carroll, Charles, of Carollton, 14 Mar. 1825, undated
BOX 2 Chase, Samuel, 3 Sept. 1777, undated
BOX 2 Clinton, George, undated
BOX 2 Clymer, George, 14 Feb. 1776, undated
BOX 2 Custis, George Washington Parke, 18 Feb. 1829, undated
BOX 2 Ellery, William, 17 Apr. 1784, 11 Mar. 1794, undated
BOX 2 Floyd, William, 6 Feb. 1795
BOX 2 Franklin, Benjamin, 14 Nov. 1785
BOX 2 Gerry, Elbridge, 1 Oct. 1792, 16 June 1801, undated
BOX 2 Griffin, Cyrus, 14 Dec. 1800
BOX 2 Gwinnett, Button, 3 Oct. 1767 and 29 Dec. 1769, undated
BOX 2 Hall, Lyman, 9 Sept. 1777
BOX 2 Hancock, John, 21 Apr. 1755, 14 Feb. 1770, 2 Apr. 1777, undated
BOX 2 Harrison, Benjamin, 6 Dec. 1783, undated
BOX 2 Hart, John, 18 Mar. 1769, 20 Feb. 1776, undated
BOX 2 Hewes, Joseph, undated
BOX 2 Heywood, Thomas, Jr., 11 Sept. 1787
BOX 2 Hooper, William, 15 Mar. 1759, undated
BOX 2 Hopkins, Stephen, 14 June 1775, undated
BOX 2 Hopkinson, Francis, 7 July 1779, 4 Feb. 1780, 1 May 1787, undated
BOX 2 Huntington, Samuel, 20 Apr. 1772, 29 Aug. 1780, 8 Apr. 1787, undated
BOX 2 Jay, John, 25 Sept. 1779, 3 July 1787, undated
BOX 2 Jefferson, Thomas, 26 Jan. 1824, undated
BOX 2 Laurens, Henry, 17 Dec. 1764, undated
BOX 2 Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 20 June 1772
BOX 2 Lee, Richard Henry, 5 Apr. 1786, 22 Jan. 1792, undated
BOX 2 Lewis, Francis, 17 Jan. 1743, undated
BOX 2 Livingston, Philip, 28 Feb. 1765, undated
BOX 2 Livingston, Robert R., 25 May 1783, undated
BOX 2 Lynch, Thomas, 2 Jan. 1775, undated
BOX 2 Matthews, William, 31 May 1798
BOX 2 McKean, Thomas, 2 Apr. 1784, 23 Nov. 1784, undated
BOX 2 Middleton, Arthur and David Ramsay, 21 May 1782
BOX 2 Mifflin, Thomas, 7 July 1793
BOX 2 Morris, Lewis, 3 Mar. 1789, undated
BOX 2 Morris, Robert, 22 Oct. 1785, 4 Aug. 1797, undated
BOX 2 Morton, John, 27 Feb. 1772, 3 Apr. 1772
BOX 2 Nelson, Thomas, Jr., 27 Sept. 1781
BOX 2 Paca, William, 12 Dec. 1796
BOX 2 Paine, Robert Treat, 11 June 1792, undated
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