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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part I: Administrative File, 1885-1949 (continued)
Subject File, 1905-1941 (continued)
Bandmasters bill, 1928-1929
Bullard, Robert Lee, 1925
Byrd, Arthur, 1921
Camp Devens, Mass., 1919
Camp Upton, N.Y., 1918-1919
Downs, Robert, 1935
Dozier, Callie Mae, 1936-1937
Edwards, Issac, 1920-1921
Fish, Hamilton (1888-1991), army bill, 1938-1939
Hammond, Wade, 1919
Hunt, Emmett, 1924
Lee, Robert, 1937
Murray, Thomas, 1924
Navy, 1935-1938
Senegalese soldiers
General, 1920-1922
BOX I:C378 Press clippings, 1921-1924
Smith, Philip, 1926
Taylor, John Q., 1923
Thomas, Robert; B. J. Hill; and Sarah Asgill, 1931-1932
Tresville, Robert B., 1932-1933
24th Infantry
Fort Benning, Ga., and Fort Houston, Tex., 1918-1930
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
Mar.-Dec. 16
(9 folders)
BOX I:C379 Dec. 17-31
(2 folders)
(11 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX I:C380 Aug.-Dec.
(9 folders)
Young, Charles, 1922-1929
(4 folders)
Mississippi flood control
(5 folders)
BOX I:C380A 1931-1932, Oct. 22
(8 folders)
BOX I:C381 1932, Oct. 23-1933, Mar.
(12 folders)
BOX I:C382 1933, Apr.-1937
(5 folders)
National Baptist Voice, 1938
National Bar Association, 1931-1939
(2 folders)
National Commission on Law Observation and Enforcement, 1929-1930
(3 folders)
National Information Bureau, 1921
BOX I:C383 National Lawyers Guild, 1937-1938
(4 folders)
National Negro Congress, 1935-1938
(4 folders)
National Recovery Act, 1933-1935
(5 folders)
National Training School for Girls, Washington, D.C., 1938
BOX I:C384 National Urban League, 1914-1939
(8 folders)
National Woman's Party, 1920-1921
New York Foundation, 1919-1921
New York Training School for Boys, Warwick, N.Y., 1933-1934
(2 folders)
Nursing, 1939
Office rental, 1931-1935
Olympics, 1934-1936
(2 folders)
BOX I:C385 Pamphlet sales, 1918-1921
Pan-African Congress, 1918-1927
(8 folders)
BOX I:C386 Peonage
General, 1911-1937
(11 folders)
BOX I:C387 Press clippings, 1921-1927
(7 folders)
Pine Bluffs, 1929
Round Pond, 1930
White County, 1930
Miami, 1926-1927
St. Andrews Bay Lumber Co., 1932
BOX I:C388 Georgia
Coffee, 1931
Jasper County, 1921
(3 folders)
Lincoln County, 1930
Louisiana, Haynesville, 1931
Prairie Point, 1929-1931
Vicksburg, 1931
New Jersey, Little Falls, 1929
Pittsburgh Courier, 1933-1935
Chronological file
(4 folders)
BOX I:C389 1921-1923
(13 folders)
BOX I:C390 1924-1929
(14 folders)
BOX I:C391 1930-1933
(18 folders)
BOX I:C392 1934-1937
(12 folders)
BOX I:C393 1938-1939, undated
(6 folders)
Topical file
Allen, Henry, 1930
Allred, James, 1938-1939
Baird, David A., 1931
(5 folders)
BOX I:C394 Borah, William E., 1935-1937
(5 folders)
Broun, Heywood, 1930
Capper, Arthur, 1930
Chandler, Albert, 1938
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