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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part VIII: Administrative File, 1867-1999 (continued)
General Office File, 1867-1999 (continued)
Young, Andrew, 1977-1978, undated See also Containers VIII:108-109, Black Leadership Meeting
Young Men's Christian Associations, 1968-1987
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A., 1968-1974, 1982-1986, undated
Employment, 1968, 1975-1985, undated
Miscellany, 1979, 1985-1986, 1995, undated
Youth Policy Institute, Washington, D.C., 1985-1986
“Y” miscellaneous, 1969-1987, undated
BOX VIII:492 “Z” miscellaneous, 1969-1975
BOX VIII:492-537 Part VIII: Legal Department, 1927-1994
BOX VIII:492-505 Case File, 1927-1994
Correspondence, memoranda, briefs, trial transcripts, affidavits, exhibits, petitions, depositions, orders, interrogatories, summaries, newspaper clippings, notes, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by name of state or jurisdiction and thereunder alphabetically by name of case. Each case file is arranged alphabetically by type of material and thereunder chronologically or alphabetically.
BOX VIII:492 Alabama, Jordan v. Jenkins, 1976
Alaska, United States v. Thompson, 1992
Arizona, United States v. Arizona See Container VIII:504, State v. Mitchell
Clancy v. Regents of the Univ. of Calif., 1977
Le Dufy Hotel v. NAACP Legal Defense & Educ. Fund, 1992
NAACP, W. Region, v. University of Calif., 1973
Officers for Justice v. Civil Serv. Comm'n of San Francisco, 1973
San Francisco NAACP v. San Francisco Unified School Dist., 1982
Delaware, In re Levi Strauss & Co. Litigation, 1986
District of Columbia
Bolling v. Sharpe, 1954
Brown v. Califano, 1980
Cox v. Consolidated Rail Corp., 1983-1986
Estate of Delaney, 1994
Federal Communications Commission cases
Arizona, In re Arizona Lotus Corp. (KTKT/KLPX), 1993
In re Commonwealth Broadcasting (KMZQ), 1994
In re Lotus Communications Corp. (KFSD), 1993-1994
District of Columbia, In re Wometco Enters.
(2 folders)
BOX VIII:493 Apr.-May
Florida, In re Good Life Broadcasting (WTGL), 1987
General, 1983-1988
Georgia, In re Lewis Broadcasting Corp. (WJCL), 1987
In re Midland Broadcasters (KEWI/KMAJ), 1994
In re Stauffer Communications (WIBN/WIBW), 1994
Kentucky, In re WVLK Radio, 1984
Louisiana, In re Woods Communications Group (KARD), 1993
In re Board of Educ., 1994
In re Lutheran Church, Mo. Synod, 1994
(3 folders)
Nebraska, In re Omaha Great Empire Broadcasting (WOW), 1994
New York
In re Beacon Broadcasting Corp. (WBNR/WSPK), 1994
In re Buckley Broadcasting Corp. (WSEN), 1994
In re GAF Broadcasting Co. (WNCN), 1992
In re Radio Terrace of Albany, Inc. (WROW), 1993
In re Turner Broadcasting Sys.
June 3-12
BOX VIII:494 June 18-28
(3 folders)
BOX VIII:495 July
(2 folders)
Tennessee, In re NLT Corp. (WSM), 1983
In re Bakcor Broadcasting (WMND/KNFM), 1992-1994
In re Eagle Radio, Inc. (KEGL), 1992
In re Pyle Communications (KTLK/KWIC), 1983
Utah, In re Sun Mountain Broadcasting (KISN), 1994
Florida State Conference of Branches of NAACP v. Federal Communications Comm'n, 1993
In re Investigation of the Miss. Democratic Primary Campaign of Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, 1946
NAACP v. Meese, 1985
NAACP v. NAACP Legal Defense & Educ. Fund, 1970, 1983-1985
National Black Media Coalition v. Federal Communications Comm'n (83-2062), 1983
National Black Media Coalition v. Federal Communications Comm'n (84-1518), 1983
Southern Pac. Communications v. American Tel. & Tel., 1982
BOX VIII:496 Storer Communications Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n, 1985
Traylor v. Federal Communications Comm'n, 1984
Eglin Air Force Base cases
Background information
Newspaper clippings, 1977-1979
Printed matter, 1976-1979
Relevant case law, 1942, 1954, 1964-1965, 1973-1979, undated
(2 folders)
Combined cases, 1977-1979
Blue and white collar workforces, 1973-1977
BOX VIII:497 Equal employment opportunity, Eglin Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 1980, 1980
Miscellaneous, 1978-1979, undated
“Reports of Investigation: Third Party Allegations of Discrimination at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida,” 1976
Staff visit report, 1976
Individual cases
Dunning v. Reed, 1977-1979
Turner v. Secretary of the Air Force, 1976-1984, undated
(3 folders)
Willis v. Reed, 1978-1979
Lawyers' drafts and notes
Consent decrees
BOX VIII:498 1980, undated
(2 folders)
Drafts, 1978, undated
Notes, 1976-1980, undated
(2 folders)
Fuqua Indus. v. Tomlinson, 1992
Godolphin v. University of S. Fla., 1979
Pole v. Dugger, 1989-1990
Turner v. Mark, 1980
McNeil v. City of Springfield, 1986
United States v. Board of Educ., 1983
Indiana, Movement for Opportunity & Equality v. General Motors Corp., 1979
Kansas, Brown v. Board of Educ., 1953-1954
BOX VIII:499 Maryland, Diles v. NAACP, 1994
Massachusetts, Andrews v. Bechtel Power Corp., 1986
Berry v. School Dist., 1986
Bradley v. Milliken
Background information, relevant case law, 1974-1976
League of United Latin American Citizens, Council No. 11054, undated
Plaintiffs, undated
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