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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part IV: Administrative File, 1961-1972 (continued)
General Office File, 1961-1972 (continued)
BOX IV:A56 Meredith, James, 1966
Miscellany, 1966-1970
Mississippi For additional material see Containers IV:A31-A32 , Office of Economic Opportunity
General, 1966-1970
Jackson, Wharlest, 1967-1968
(2 folders)
Mississippi Emergency Relief Program, 1966-1969
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 1966-1969
Motley, Constance Baker, 1966
Muhammad, Elijah, 1966
Music, 1966-1967
BOX IV:A57 "N" miscellaneous, 1966-1969
Auction, 1966
Buttons, 1966
Calendar and staff list, 1968
Contract authorization, 1969
Daily News Digest, 1968
Deficit, 1969
Membership fee increase, 1969
Press releases See Container IV:J2, same heading
Printing label controversy, 1966-1967
Role in civil rights struggle, 1966
Sickle cell anemia, 1969
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Financial, 1967-1968
General, 1966-1968
Greenberg, Jack, 1966-1968
Press releases, 1966
United States Steel Corp., 1966
NAACP Special Contribution Fund For additional material see Container IV:A12, same heading
Correspondence, 1966-1969
Financial, 1966-1969
BOX IV:A58 Gilbert Jonas Co., 1966-1968
(2 folders)
Grants, 1968
Legal, 1966-1967
Meetings, 1966
Operations, 1966-1967
Pittman, Tarea H., 1966-1967
Programs, 1966-1968
National Negro History Week, 1966
Negro attitudes towards whites, 1967
Negro family
General, 1966
Moynihan, Daniel P., report, 1966
Negro on United States coin, proposal, 1966
"Negro," the word, 1966-1968
BOX IV:A59 New York Times, 1966-1969
Nixon, Richard M., 1968
Nursing homes, 1966
"O-P" miscellaneous, 1966-1969
(6 folders)
Poems, 1966-1967
Poitier, Sidney, 1968
Police departments and academies, 1966-1968
BOX IV:A60 Politics
Democratic party See Container IV:A26 , Democratic National Committee and Democratic National Convention
Farley, James A., 1968
McCarthy, Eugene J., 1968 For additional material see Container IV:A7, same heading
National Socialist White People's Party, 1968
New York State Conservative Party, 1967
Republican party See Container IV:A66 , Republican National Convention; Container IV:A92 , Young Republicans
Vietnamese Conflict See Container IV:A88, same heading
Poll tax, 1966
Poor Peoples Campaign, 1968
Powell, Adam Clayton
Black Power, 1966
Congress, 1969
Family, 1969
House of Representatives, expulsion
Clippings, 1967
General, 1966-1967
(3 folders)
BOX IV:A61 Legal documents, 1967
NAACP, 1966-1967
Powell, 1967
Program Department
Emancipation essay contests, 1966-1967
Financial material, 1968-1969
General, 1968-1969
(3 folders)
Public Relations Department
BOX IV:A62 1968-1969
Pupil Incentive Program
Correspondence, 1967-1969
(7 folders)
Miscellany, 1967-1969
Program explanation material, 1968-1969
BOX IV:A63 "R" miscellaneous, 1966-1969
(6 folders)
BOX IV:A64 Radio and television, 1966-1968
Register and Vote Campaign
Brooks, John M., 1966-1968
Mississippi, 1966-1967
Patton, W. C.
Correspondence, 1966-1970
(4 folders)
BOX IV:A65 Reports, 1966-1969
(3 folders)
South Carolina, 1966-1968
States, 1966-1968
Summer projects
General, 1966
Louisiana, 1966
BOX IV:A66 Missouri, 1967-1968
Voter Education Project, 1966-1968
Republican National Convention, 1968
Riots For additional material see Container IV:A80 , "Meet the Press"
Alabama, 1967
Baltimore, Md., 1968
Cairo, Ill., 1967-1969
Detroit, Mich., 1968
General, 1966-1968
House Un-American Activities Committee, investigations, 1966
Memphis, Tenn., 1968
NAACP Cool Summer Campaign, 1967
National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, 1967-1968
States, 1966-1968
Watts, Los Angeles, Calif., 1966-1967
Wilkins, Roy, 1967
BOX IV:A67 Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1966-1967
Roper, Elmo, 1966-1968
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