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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part X: Oversize, 1949-2016 (continued)
BOX X:OV 1 Commemorative calendars, 2007-2008 (Container X:86, same heading)
BOX X:OV 7 Commemorative mug, 2009
BOX X:OV 1 Congressional resolution, 2000, Feb. 13
BOX X:OV 4 Annual meeting logbook, 1949-1974
Brown v. Board of Education, anniversaries
BOX X:OV 1 10th, "NAACP Freedom Journal Dedicated to the Hearts and Minds of Children," 1964 (Container X:101, same heading)
BOX X:OV 2 50th, courier bag, 2004
BOX X:OV 1 Calendars, 2000 (Container X:102, same heading)
BOX X:OV 3 Division of Information and Research, spreadsheets, 1950-1953 (Container X:115, same heading)
BOX X:OV 1 Image Awards, Daily Variety, 2002, Feb. 21 (Container X:153, same heading)
BOX X:OV 1 Parks, Rosa, proclamation and act, 2005 (Container X:196, same heading)
BOX X:OV 1 Proclamations, NAACP Week, Maryland, 1986 (Container X:204, same heading)
Relocation of NAACP headquarters to Baltimore, Md., general
BOX X:OV 1 Baltimore Afro-American, NAACP supplement, "Welcome NAACP," 1986, June 28
BOX X:OV 1 Resolution, 1986
BOX X:OV 1 Wilkins, Roy, awards and honors, resolution, 1981 (Container X:228, same heading)
BOX X:OV 1 Women in NAACP (WIN), newsletter, 1992 (Container X:232, same heading)
NAACP Special Contribution Fund
BOX X:OV 1 Roxborough, Mildred Bond, calendars, 2006-2007
Branch Department
General Office File
BOX X:OV 3 Conference on the Present Crisis, posters, 1989 (Container X:299, same heading)
Reorganization of urban branches into multiple branches
BOX X:OV 6 Birmingham, Ala., map, 1966 (Container X:335, same heading)
BOX X:OV 6 Houston, Tex., maps, 1973, 1990, undated (Container X:336, same heading)
BOX X:OV 6 Queens, New York, N.Y., maps, 1968 (Container X:337, same heading)
Crisis File
BOX X:OV 7 Candy, undated
BOX X:OV 5 Cash receipts, 1969-1973
BOX X:OV 7 Drinking cup, undated
Education Department and Programs
BOX X:OV 3 Back to School/Stay in School, brochures and printed matter, posters, circa 1986-circa 1995 (Container X:803, same heading)
BOX X:OV 5 Black History Month; Black History Week, calendars, 1985-1987 (Container X:815, same heading)
BOX X:OV 5 Personnel, certificate, 1975 (Container X:848, same heading)
Financial File
BOX X:OV 4 Financial statements and balance sheets, NAACP Special Contribution Fund financial report, 1976 (Container X:914, same heading)
Gilbert Jonas Co.
BOX X:OV 4 Contributors, $150-$999, undated
BOX X:OV 5 Events, Sold on Soul: A Royal Tribute to Duke Ellington, program, 1970 (Container X:995, same heading)
Legal Department
General Office File
BOX X:OV 6 Property and leases, general, floor plans, 1976, 1982 (Container X:1321, same heading)
Mississippi Papers
BOX X:OV 6 Geographical file, Forrest County; Hattiesburg, poster, "Vernon Dahmer Can't Vote Now," circa 1966 (Container X:1481, same heading)
BOX X:OV 3 Jackson Movement, poster, 1962 (Container X:1498, same heading)
BOX X:OV 3 Mississippi State Conference, miscellany, Mississippi state flag alternate designs, undated (Container X:1510, same heading)
Region V
BOX X:OV 1 Georgia, Savannah, poster, 1960 (Container X:1828, same heading)
Legal Department
BOX X:OV 6 Case files, NAACP v. Spartanburg County Bd. of Educ., posters, 1992 (Container X:1890, same heading)
Staff files
BOX X:OV 6 Rivers, Nelson B., III, Southern Regional Council, posters, 1993
Voter Education and Empowerment
Chronological file
BOX X:OV 7 Drinking cups, undated
BOX X:OV 7 Pen, undated
BOX X:OV 3, OV 6 NAACP publications and printed matter, posters, circa 1980-circa 2004 (Container X:2170, same heading)
BOX X:OV 5 T-shirt, "Arrive with 5," 2006
BOX X:OV 3 Volunteer chart, undated
Washington Bureau
General Office File
BOX X:OV 3 Congressional Black Caucus, poster, circa 1987 (Container X:2283, same heading)

Contents List