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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Legal File, 1940-1955 (continued)
Rape For additional material see Containers II:B12-B23, Courts-martial; Containers II:B153-B171, Trouble
"A" miscellaneous, 1940-1950
Andrews, Sylvester, 1942-1943
Arrington, James, 1949-1950
BOX II:B123 "B" miscellaneous, 1940-1947
Burnam, Eugene, 1940-1942
Burns, Robert, and Herman Dennis, Guam rape case, 1953-1955
(2 folders)
Butts, Theodore, 1947
By whites
Name known, 1940-1950
Name unknown, 1940-1954
"C" miscellaneous, 1942-1945
Charleston, S.C., 1940-1947
Cherry, Jeff, 1941-1942
Curry, James, 1948
"D" miscellaneous, 1942-1948
Dennis, Herman See same container, Burns, Robert
Edwards, Charles, 1940
Evans, Melvin Clarence, 1944-1945
Ft. Lauderdale, 1946
Gainesville, 1944
Groveland, 1949-1955
Flowers v. Florida
Correspondence, 1942-1943
BOX II:B124 Legal papers, 1942-1943
"G" miscellaneous, 1940-1946
Grant v. South Carolina, 1941-1942
Green, Gladys, 1945-1947
"H" miscellaneous, 1940-1948
Henderson, D. C., 1944
Hill, Henry Allen
Correspondence, 1941-1943
Legal papers, 1941-1942
Hillman, Thomas A., 1954-1955
Holley, Noel, 1940
Honeycutt, Edward, 1950
Huntley, Robert E., 1947
"J" miscellaneous, 1940-1947
Johnson, Frank, 1941-1942
Knoxville, Tenn., 1948
BOX II:B125 Lee v. State, 1946
Lewis, Tom, 1946
"M" miscellaneous, 1940-1944
Mallory, James and Franklin, 1950
Mangum, James, 1946-1947
McCray, Shirley May, 1944
McDonald, Geraldine, 1940-1941
McFadden, Leonard, 1946
Mickens, Joseph, 1940-1941
Miller, Archie, 1941-1947
Miller, Roosevelt, 1947
Miller v. Wiggins
Correspondence, 1947-1949
Legal papers, 1948-1949
BOX II:B126 Murray, Allen, 1943-1945
Name unknown, 1941-1949
Negro against Negro, 1947-1949
Newsom, Sidney
Correspondence, 1943-1944
Transcript, 1943
"P" miscellaneous, 1940-1950
Phew, Charles, 1942-1945
Pitman, Ted, 1941
Reeves v. Alabama
Legal papers, 1953-1954
Notes, circa 1953-1954
Richardson, Eugene, 1948-1949
BOX II:B127 Richardson, Johnnie, 1944
Robinson, Richard, 1940
Robinson v. Alabama, 1941-1943
Ross, Joseph, 1948-1949
Roundtree, Ernest, 1949
"S" miscellaneous, 1940-1951
Scribner, James M., 1947
Simmons, Eddie, 1943
Smith, Edgar, 1940
Sparks, Henry, 1944-1945
Spell, Joseph
General, 1940-1941
(3 folders)
Letters of comment, 1940-1941
Press material, 1940-1941
Speller, Raleigh, 1947-1950
State v. Bearden, 1948
BOX II:B128 State v. Ingram, 1951-1953
State v. Upton, 1940-1942
Stewart, Harrison, 1947
"T" miscellaneous, 1940-1950
Taylor, Recy, 1943-1945
Taylor v. Alabama
Correspondence, 1947-1949
Legal papers, 1948-1949
Thomas, George, 1940-1941
Thomas, James A., 1944-1946
BOX II:B129 Tims, James, 1947
Tingle, James M., 1947-1948
Vaughn, Edward, 1943-1944
Vinson, Ernest, 1943
"W" miscellaneous, 1940-1950
Walker, Ben, 1942
Walker, Robert, 1942-1943
Watson, Bruce, 1948-1949
White, Bob, 1940
Williams, Burnette, 1943-1945
Williams, Matt, 1942-1943
Williams, Robert, 1941
Wilson, Anthony
Correspondence, 1944
Legal papers, 1943-1944
Transcript, 1943
BOX II:B130 Woodburn, Marion, 1942
Wright, James O., 1944
Reeves, Frank, 1940-1953
Staff, 1942
Washington Bureau, 1943
Residential segregation
Allen v. City of Birmingham, 1946
Monk v. City of Birmingham, 1949-1951
Colorado, legal case Stewart v. Cronin, 1940
General, 1940-1953, undated
(2 folders)
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