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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: General Office File, 1940-1956 (continued)
Visit to the Virgin Islands, 1947
White, Gerald, 1940-1944
Wilkins, Roy
Acting executive secretary, 1949
Executive secretary, 1955
Certificates, 1950-1955 See Oversize
Debnam, W. E., interview, 1954-1955
BOX II:A612 General
(10 folders)
BOX II:A613 1954-1955
(6 folders)
Hammond, John, controversy about Wilkins's abilities, 1943
Invitations, 1955
Messages of congratulations, 1955
(3 folders)
(21 folders)
BOX II:A615 Notes, miscellaneous, 1954-1955
(7 folders)
BOX II:A616 1955
(3 folders)
Race issue interview, U. S. News and World Report, 1955
Statement concerning role of executive secretary, 1950
Young, Consuelo C., 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Stanton, Etta C., 1942
Starr, Roger, 1941-1943 For additional material see Container II:A650, same heading
State Department
Bureau of Negro Affairs, proposed, 1942
BOX II:A617 1948-1954
(5 folders)
Point IV Program, 1949-1954
Qualified Negroes for, 1950-1954
BOX II:A618 State governments
Employment agencies, 1941
General, 1953-1955
(2 folders)
Illinois, 1953-1955
(2 folders)
Ohio, 1952-1955
State guards, 1945-1949
(2 folders)
BOX II:A619 State of Alabama v. Patterson See Container II:A521, Scottsboro case; Containers II:A521-A522, Scottsboro Defense Committee
State parks, 1940
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965), 1948-1955
Stimson, Henry L., 1942-1944
Stokowski, Leopold
General, 1940-1941
Glover, Carolyn, 1940
Negro musicians, 1940
Stone, Gertrude, 1940-1948
Supreme Court
Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1940-1949
Cases brought by NAACP through 1941, 1940-1941
Clippings, 1954-1955
BOX II:A620 1944-1955
Judges, 1940-1955
(2 folders)
Murphy, Frank, 1940-1951
School cases
Amityville, N.Y., 1953-1955
Atlanta, Ga., meeting, 1953-1955
(2 folders)
Benton Harbor, Mich.
BOX II:A621 1955
Board of Directors' statements, 1953-1955
Branch and state action, 1952-1955
(2 folders)
Broadcasting and television, 1953-1955
Brown v. Board of Education
Anniversary celebration, 1955
BOX II:A622 Implementation decision, 31 May 1955
Church groups, 1953-1955
Conferences and meetings, 1953-1955
Congratulatory messages, 1954
(2 folders)
Decisions, 1953-1954
Education groups, 1953-1955
(2 folders)
BOX II:A623 Foreign press
1952-1954, May
1954, June-Dec.
1951-1954, Aug.
(3 folders)
BOX II:A624 1954, Sept.-1955
(2 folders)
Labor groups, 1952-1955
New Jersey, 1952-1955
New York, 1953-1955
BOX II:A625 Organizations, 1953-1955
Pamphlets, 1953-1955
Press releases, 1950-1955
(3 folders)
Publicity, 1952-1955
Statements and petitions, 1954-1955
BOX II:A626 Yonkers, N.Y., 1954
Survey Graphic
General, 1941-1951
(3 folders)
Issue sent to senators, 1942
Sydenham Hospital, New York, N.Y.
Board of directors, 1943-1944
Committee, 1944
General, 1944-1948
BOX II:A627 Reorganization, 1943-1945
Wright, Louis T., 1943-1944
"T" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX II:A628 1947-1955
(5 folders)
Taft, Robert A. (1889-1953), 1940-1953
BOX II:A629 Talmadge, Eugene, 1940-1948
Talmadge, Herman, 1947-1955
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