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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: General Office File, 1940-1956 (continued)
Camp Shenango, Farrell, Pa., 1943
Camp Stewart, Walthourville, Ga., 1942-1944
(2 folders)
Cases, complaints
BOX II:A644 1954-1955
Classification of soldiers by race proposed by Sixth Army, 1955
Conference on Negroes in the Armed Services, 1948-1949
Dinner for John C. H. Lee, 1944-1947
Disbanding of Ninth and Tenth cavalry regiments, 1944
Evans, Orrin C., article on Negroes in army camps, 1944-1945
Fort Brady, Sault Saint Marie, Mich., 1943
Fort Bragg, N.C., 1942
Fort Sill, Okla., 1941-1943
(2 folders)
BOX II:A645 1944-1946
(4 folders)
BOX II:A646 1947-1955
(4 folders)
Gibson, Truman K., cases referred to, 1943-1945
BOX II:A647 Gillem, Alvan Collum, report on the utilization of Negro manpower in the postwar army, 1945-1949
Harmon Field playground, Charleston, S.C., controversy, 1941
Housing, 1955
Houston, Charles, army aviation, 1940-1941
Integration in the armed services, 1940-1955
Levy, Alton, white soldier protesting Jim Crow, 1943
LiDrazzah, L. Z., 1940
Mass arrests, Columbia, S.C., 1953-1954
Meader, George M., report on Negro troops in Germany, 1946-1947
BOX II:A648 Medical Corps service for Negroes, 1940-1945
Mickles, Sammy, execution for murder reported, 1943
Negro male enlistments, 1946
Negro troops in the European Command, 1948
Ninety-second Division, 1945
Ninety-third Division, 1943-1946
Officer training, 1942-1943
Osborn, Frederick H., race relations, 1942
Photograph taken in Africa, letters protesting racist content, 1943
BOX II:A649 Prisoners of war, 1952-1955
Publicity, 1942-1947 For additional material see Container II:A497, Negro troops
Recording Negro military exploits on canvas, 1955
Recruitment violations, 1940-1941
Returning soldiers, 1945
Rotating furloughs, 1944
School segregation on military posts, 1951-1955
Bilbo, Theodore G., and James O. Eastland, 1945
Memberships in NAACP
General, 1943-1948
(2 folders)
Twenty-fourth Infantry, 1948
BOX II:A650 Morale, 1941-1945
(2 folders)
Protest of Belgian dictionary, 1944-1945
Vote bill
Congressional responses, 1943-1944
General, 1942-1944
Starr, Roger, PM letter, responses to, 1941
Statistics regarding Negroes in service, 1943
369th Regiment, 1940-1941
Tokyo, Japan, base discrimination, 1950
BOX II:A651 Veterans Bureau, 1940
Volunteer Army division, 1941-1945
War dead, designation by color, 1947
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps
Donaldson, Natalie, 1944
General, 1942-1944
(4 folders)
BOX II:A652 United States Army Air Corps
Cadet program, 1941
(4 folders)
BOX II:A653 1941-1946
(2 folders)
Reorganization, 1941-1942
Robinson, R. C., Jr., 1942-1943
Robinson, Walter L., 1940-1941
United States Army and Navy Reserve (V-1) Program, 1942-1943
United States Employment Service
Discrimination in, 1944-1947
General, 1940-1942
Mitchell, Clarence M. (1911-1984), 1946-1947
United States Government Printing Office, 1946-1952
BOX II:A654 United States Marine Corps, 1942-1951
United States National Defense Program, special letters regarding integration of Negroes into the armed forces, 1940
United States Navy
Changes in policy, 1941-1944
Franklin, Harold J., 1942
French, Charles J., award to, 1942-1943
General, 1942-1955
(4 folders)
BOX II:A655 Miller, Dorie, 1942
Thirty-fourth Construction Battalion, 1944-1945
Training material, 1943-1944
Vallejo, Calif., riots, 1942-1943
Women's Naval Reserve, 1942-1944
United States Post Office, 1946-1954
Universal military training
1944-1951, Apr.
(2 folders)
BOX II:A656 1951, May-1952
Press releases and clippings, 1951-1952
University of Texas, Austin, Tex., branch controversy, 1950-1951
"V" miscellaneous, 1940-1951
V-E Day and V-J Day celebrations, 1944-1945
Van Vechten, Carl, proposed James Weldon Johnson Memorial, 1940-1955
(3 folders)
Vann, Robert E., memorial tower for, 1941
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1940
Venereal disease, 1945
BOX II:A657 Veterans Administration
General, 1944-1945
NAACP lobby for a qualified Negro assistant administrator, 1944
Veterans Affairs Office, NAACP
Conference, Washington, D.C., 1945-1946
Dedmon, Jesse, 1948-1949
General, 1946
Hospital legislation, 1947-1951
Hospitals, 1945-1955
(2 folders)
Housing, 1945-1955
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