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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Branch File, 1940-1955 (continued)
Geographical File, 1940-1955 (continued)
Chesterfield County, 1940-1955
Christiansburg, 1943-1944
Clifton Forge, 1940
Covington, 1940-1942
Cumberland, 1943-1944
Danville, 1940-1944
East Southampton, 1947-1955
Eastern Shore, 1941-1946
Esmont, 1941-1950
Essex County, 1941-1944
Ettrick, 1944
Fairfax County, 1944-1955
Farmville, 1940-1955
Floyd County, 1952-1955
Fluvannia County, 1945
BOX II:C205 Fredericksburg, 1941-1944
Gate City, 1946-1947
Gloucester County, 1940-1955
Greene County, 1946-1955
Greensville County, 1940-1944
Halifax County, 1940-1944
Hampton, 1940-1945
Hanford, 1944-1945
Harrisonburg, 1948-1955
Hinton, 1945-1955
Hopewell, 1940-1955
Isle of Wight, 1941-1955
King and Queen County, 1941-1943
King George County, 1941-1944
Loudon County, 1940-1943
Louisa County, 1940-1945
Lunenburg County, 1941-1944
BOX II:C206 Lynchburg, 1943-1955
Madison County, 1944-1953
Martinsville, 1941-1944
Matthews, 1945-1955
Mecklenburg County, 1941-1944
Middlesex County, 1941-1944
Nansemond County, 1944-1947
Nelson County, 1948-1953
Newport News, 1942-1955
(2 folders)
BOX II:C207 1944-1955
(4 folders)
Northampton, 1945-1952
Northumberland County, 1940-1944
Nottaway County, 1940-1944
Orange County, 1940-1944
BOX II:C208 Page County, 1948-1953
Patrick County, 1949-1952
Petersburg, 1940-1944
Phoebus, 1945-1955
Pittsylvania County, 1944
Pocahontas, 1941-1948
Portsmouth, 1943-1955
(2 folders)
Prince William County, 1944-1952
Princess Anne County, 1941-1955
Pulaski, 1940-1944
Radford, 1940
Rappahannock County, 1945-1953
BOX II:C209 1944-1955
(5 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX II:C210 1950-1955
Salem, 1944
South Norfolk, 1955
Spotsylvania County, 1940-1942
Stafford County, 1955
Suffolk, 1944-1955
Surry, 1940-1941
Sussex County, 1942-1955
Warwick, 1955
West Point, 1940-1944
Winchester, 1944-1955
Wise County, 1945-1950
Woodstock, 1946-1948
York County, 1942-1955
Virginia State Conference
(2 folders)
BOX II:C211 1944-1950
(6 folders)
BOX II:C212 1951-1955
(5 folders)
Bremerton, 1943-1954
Grand Coulee, 1940
Hansford, 1944
BOX II:C213 Pasco, 1948-1955
Seattle, 1940-1955
(5 folders)
Spokane, 1940-1955
BOX II:C214 1945-1955
Vancouver, 1945-1955
Walla Walla, 1947-1955
Yakima, 1944-1955
Washington State Conference, 1950-1951
West Virginia
Acme, 1946-1947
Big Creek, 1945-1953
Bluefield, 1944-1955
Brook County, 1948-1953
Charles Town, 1947-1953
BOX II:C215 1946-1955
Excelsior, 1946
Garten, 1945-1947
Gary, 1945-1947
Grafton, 1945-1949
Greenbrier County, 1954-1955
Huntington, 1940-1955
Kingston, 1946-1949
Laing, 1940
Logan, 1940-1955
(2 folders)
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