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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Financial File, 1938-1959 (continued)
Income and Expense Records, 1940-1955 (continued)
Powers Photo Engraving Co., 1946-1951
Prudential Insurance Co. of America, 1950-1955
(2 folders)
Puro-Filter Corp. of America, 1947-1955
Putnam Rolling Ladder Co., 1948-1949
Ransom, Llewellyn, 1946-1952
Rapid Messenger Service, 1948-1955
(2 folders)
Remington Rand, 1945-1952
Rochester Germicide Co., 1948-1954
BOX II:D146 Roget Studio, 1947-1952
Royal Typewriter Co., 1948-1955
Schulte Press, 1945-1951
Sherwen Co., 1950-1954
Southwest Regional Office, 1947-1952
(2 folders)
Standard Typewriters Equipment Co., 1952-1953
Supreme Printing Co., 1952-1955
Tabard Press, 1946-1950
Temco Press, 1951-1954
BOX II:D147 Trade Union Service, 1945-1950
Underwood Corp., 1945-1954
Unit Air Conditioning Service Corp., 1948-1949
United Office Supply Co., 1948-1951
United States Bronze Sign Co., 1949-1954
United States Sanitation Specialties Corp., 1947-1954
Victor Adding Machine Co., 1948-1954
Water, H. M., 1948-1953
West Coast Regional Office, 1946-1952
BOX II:D148 Western Union, 1945-1955
Whitehead and Hoag Co., 1949-1953
William Balaz, Inc., 1948-1949
Willkie Memorial Building, New York, N.Y., 1945-1954
(3 folders)
Winco Stationers, 1948-1952
BOX II:D149 Woodhaven Press, 1948-1955
Zinn's, 1945-1954
"A-Y" miscellaneous, 1940-1955
(3 folders)
BOX II:D150 Checkbook stubs
1946-1951, Sept.
(7 folders)
BOX II:D151 1951, Sept.-1952, Apr.
(5 folders)
BOX II:D152 1952, Apr.-1953, Mar.
(5 folders)
BOX II:D153 1953, Mar.-Dec.
(2 folders)
Youth Division Regional Office, 1955
BOX II:D154 Checks voided, 1946-1954
(4 folders)
BOX II:D155 Contributions and pledges card file, 1941-1954
BOX II:D156 Contributions by military units and personnel, 1941-1946
BOX II:D157 Credit and debit memoranda, Crisis
1945-1947, June
(4 folders)
BOX II:D158 1947, July-1949, June
(4 folders)
BOX II:D159 1949, July-1952, June
(6 folders)
BOX II:D160 1952, July-1955
(7 folders)
Debit memoranda, 1946-1955
BOX II:D161 Deposit slips
General account, 1951-1955
(5 folders)
BOX II:D162 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 1946-1955
(4 folders)
Special accounts, 1947-1952
BOX II:D163 Expense accounts
Akerman, Alex, Jr., 1949-1953
Bailey, Lester P., 1949-1952
Baxter, Julia E., 1951-1953
Black, Lucille, 1947-1953
Bond, Mildred, 1954-1955
Branche, Bobbie, 1947-1953
Brock, Leach, 1950-1951
Brown, Bernard, 1951-1952
Burrell, J. Mercer, 1951-1953
Byrd, Daniel E., 1949-1955
(2 folders)
Carter, Leroy, 1949
Carter, Robert L.
BOX II:D164 1950-1955
(4 folders)
Chisolm, Elwood H., 1953-1955
Current, Gloster B.
(2 folders)
BOX II:D165 1950-1955
(5 folders)
BOX II:D166 Davis, John W., 1955
Dedmon, Jesse O., 1945-1952
De Mille, Arnold C., 1952-1955
Dudley, Edward R., 1944, 1954
Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1955
Flamer, John, 1951-1955
(2 folders)
Geyer, Elizabeth, 1955
Goldby, H. Lee, 1950
Gorman, Gertrude, 1952-1955
Greenberg, Jack, 1950-1955
BOX II:D167 Greenlee, Charles, 1954-1955
Gregg, Muriel C., 1955
Griffin, Noah, 1952
Haynes, Alberta, 1953
Hill, Herbert, 1949-1955
(2 folders)
Hurley, Ruby
BOX II:D168 1951-1955
Jones, Donald, 1947-1955
Jones, Madison, 1947-1955
(2 folders)
McLean, Charles A., 1952-1955
Marshall, Thurgood
BOX II:D169 1943-1950, Apr.
(6 folders)
BOX II:D170 1950, May-1952
(5 folders)
BOX II:D171 1953-1955
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