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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Youth File, 1940-1959 (continued)
General Department File, 1940-1956 (continued)
Charter applications, authorization, 1947-1949
Chartered youth councils, 1948-1955
Chicago, Ill.
General, 1945-1947
Youth council election protest, 1948-1949
Children's Saturday Matinee Club, 1946-1947
Clearing House Committee, 1951
College chapters and youth councils, draft constitutions, 1943-1948
(2 folders)
BOX II:E13 College Summer Service Group, 1947-1955
(2 folders)
Collegiate Council for the United Nations, 1951-1954
Committee on Branches, minutes, 1950
Committee on Fair Employment Practices See Container II:E17, Fair Employment Practices Committee
Conferences, miscellaneous, 1942-1943
Contributions to national office budget, 1950-1951
Coordinating Committee of Youth Councils and College Chapters of New York City, 1947-1954
(2 folders)
Coordinating Council of Youth Councils and College Chapters, 1955
Coordinating Youth Committee on Peacetime Military Conscription, 1945
BOX II:E14 Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1946-1948
Cradle Rolls and Cub Councils, establishment, 1951
Crusade for Freedom, youth pamphlet, 1952-1953
Detroit, Mich.
Conference, 1950
Youth controversy, senior branch, 1941
Directories of youth councils and college chapters, undated
Discrimination in campus organizations and activities, 1952-1955
(2 folders)
Discrimination in education, 1950-1955
BOX II:E15 Downingtown, Pa., industrial school, 1945
Eastern Regional Training Conference
New York, N.Y., 1950-1955
(2 folders)
Philadelphia, Pa., 1952
Eastern youth leaders' meeting, 1951
Eastmond, Thelma, 1952
Edison Foundation, 1954-1955
Employment of youth division assistant, 1952-1955
BOX II:E16 Encampment for Citizenship, 1949-1955
(2 folders)
Essay contests
College winner, "What Democracy Means to Me," 1942
General, 1940-1946
(5 folders)
BOX II:E17 Judges, 1941-1942
Winners, 1941-1942
Detroit, Mich., contest, correspondence, 1940
Essays, 1945
(3 folders)
Exhibit, "The Negro in American Life," 1945-1946
Experiment in international living, 1953-1955
Fair Employment Practices Committee, 1945-1946
BOX II:E18 Field work, 1949-1954
Fighting Fund for Freedom, 1953-1955
File indexes, 1949-1955
Finances, 1944-1954
Flint, Mich., branch controversy, 1947-1948
Form letters
(4 folders)
BOX II:E19 1953-1955
(3 folders)
Goldstein, Vivian, 1941-1942
Gregg, Muriel, 1955
(2 folders)
Half-Way House script, correspondence, 1950
Youth advisors, 1952-1953
BOX II:E20 Youth groups, 1952-1953
Henderson, Albert, 1949-1954
(2 folders)
Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Correspondence, 1945-1949
Memberships, 1948-1950
Hurley, Ruby
1943-1944, May
(2 folders)
BOX II:E21 1944, June-1946
(7 folders)
BOX II:E22 1947-1948
(7 folders)
BOX II:E23 1949-1951
(5 folders)
Expense accounts, 1944-1951
BOX II:E24 Field trips
Eastern tours, 1950-1951
Midwestern tours, 1943-1949
(2 folders)
Southern tours, 1950-1951
(2 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX II:E25 1947-1951
(3 folders)
Miscellany, 1945-1950
Reports, 1943-1951
Speeches, 1945-1951
Ike Smalls Award
BOX II:E26 1952-1955
(2 folders)
Integration of qualified Negro teachers, 1947-1955
(2 folders)
International Union of Students, 1950-1955
(2 folders)
BOX II:E27 Interracial workshops, 1950-1951
Jackson, Reid E., 1940-1942
Job opportunities for Negroes, 1954-1955
Jones, Madison S., Jr.
(5 folders)
BOX II:E28 1943
Itineraries, 1941-1942
Memoranda, 1940-1943
Reports, 1943
Southern tours, 1941-1942
(3 folders)
Speeches, 1942
Keezer Manufacturing Co., 1948-1955
BOX II:E29 Leadership Training Institute, 1940
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