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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Youth File, 1940-1959 (continued)
Membership Reports, 1940-1959 (continued)
Colleges, 1949-1953
BOX II:E112-E114 Charter Applications, 1940-1955
Arranged alphabetically by state and thereunder by name of branch.
BOX II:E112 Alabama-Connecticut
BOX II:E113 Louisiana-Missouri
Nebraska-North Carolina
Pennsylvania-South Dakota
BOX II:E114 Tennessee
BOX II:F1-F38 Part II: Crisis File, 1940-1955
BOX II:F1-F15 General Operational File, 1940-1955
Correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, printed matter, reports, checks, bills, receipts, financial reports, accounts, and lists concerning billing and distribution.
Arranged alphabetically by subject, name of person or organization, type of material, or locale and thereunder chronologically.
BOX II:F1 "A" miscellaneous, 1943-1950
Absentee and tardy records, 1943-1949
Accounts payable, 1946-1949
Addressograph Corp., 1944-1952
Adjustment journal entries, 1945-1949
(2 folders)
Advertising, 1943-1946
Agents reports
BOX II:F2 1941-1949
(3 folders)
Alexander, Lillian, 1943-1947
Alfred D. Guion and Co., 1946-1947
American Baptist Theological Seminary, Nashville, Tenn., 1946-1950
Annual conference, 1947
Annual report, 1951
Apex Hair Co., 1946-1950
Armed services, 1943-1945
Associated Publishers, 1946-1950
Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga., 1946-1950
Audit bureau circulation, 1945-1949
Auditors material, 1946-1949
"B" miscellaneous, 1942-1950
BOX II:F3 Benedict College, Columbia, S.C., 1946-1949
Bennett College, Greensboro, N.C., 1946-1950
Berean School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1946-1950
Bids, 1943
Bills, Crisis Publishing Co.
Owed, 1950-1955
Paid, 1954-1955
Black experiences in armed and related forces, letters, 1943
Board of Directors
Meetings, 1943
Members, 1944
Reports, financial, 1946-1949
(3 folders)
Lists, undated
Reviews, 1943-1944
BOX II:F4 Sales
"G" miscellaneous, 1948
"N" miscellaneous, 1952-1955
"S-Z" miscellaneous 1946
(5 folders)
Universities, schools, and libraries, 1946
(3 folders)
Booker T. Washington Business College, Birmingham, Ala., 1946
Branch correspondence, 1943
BOX II:F5 Budget, 1940-1954
Butler College, Tyler, Tex., 1946
Butler, John Atkins, 1946-1947
"C" miscellaneous, 1940-1955
Call, 1943
Carver School of Business, Philadelphia, Pa., 1947-1949
Received, 1946-1948
Reports, 1947
Cheyney Training School for Teachers, Cheyney, Pa., 1946-1950
Clark College, Atlanta, Ga., 1946
Coles, L. F., 1944-1948
College enrollment, statistics, 1943
College issue, 1944
College of Education and Industrial Art, Wilberforce, Ohio, 1948-1950
Commerce Department, 1947-1948
Complaints, 1944-1946
Contributions, 1949
Copyright, 1946-1950
Corn Exchange Bank and Trust Co., 1946-1949
Crest Publishing Co., 1946
BOX II:F6 Dillard University, New Orleans, La., 1946
Doubleday and Co., 1946-1949
Downingtown Industrial Agricultural School, Downingtown, Pa., 1946-1947
"E" miscellaneous, 1943-1949
Editorial expenses, 1947-1948
Editorial matters, 1943-1944
Editorials, 1943-1951
(3 folders)
Educational issue, 1943-1946
(2 folders)
Educational survey
August issue, 1943
BOX II:F7 July
August issue, 1944
(3 folders)
Exchange, 1942-1944
"F" miscellaneous, 1943-1950
Federal unemployment insurance, 1947-1949
Fessenden Academy, Martin, Fla., 1946-1948
Financial reports, 1940-1955
(4 folders)
Financial statements, 1944-1955
(2 folders)
BOX II:F8 "First Ladies of Colored America" series, 1943
Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., 1946
Followup letters, 1951-1954
Form letters, 1947-1951
Frances C. Carr and Co., 1945-1949
Frank Best and Co., 1947-1950
"G" miscellaneous, 1943-1950
Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga., 1946-1949
Gannett, Lewis, 1943
Gilbert, Mercedes, and Arthur S. James, 1946-1950
Gratis and sample copies
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