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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Printed Matter, 1940-1955 (continued)
Non-NAACP, 1941-1955 (continued)
Alabama, Montgomery, bus boycott, 1955
"Amos 'n' Andy," 1951
Annual conferences, 1946-1950
Antilynching, 1940-1955
Desegregation, 1947-1954
Arkansas, Little Rock, 1953-1955
General, 1947-1955
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1947-1955
Ford Motor Co., strike, 1941
General, 1940-1955
George VI, King of Great Britain, death, 1952
Gregory, Yvonne, stories by, 1943-1944
Jim Crow, 1941
BOX II:K19 Michigan, Detroit, riot, 1943
Mississippi, Yazoo City, integration petition, 1955
Morrow, E. Frederic, column, 1940
General, 1942-1949
New Jersey, 1947
National preparedness, 1948
Negro aviation, 1942
Politics, 1946-1955
Presidents, 1940-1948
South Carolina
Politics, 1948-1955
Primary, Elmore v. Rice, 1947
Sports, 1942-1953
Tennessee, Columbia, riot, 1946
BOX II:K20 Virgin Islands, United States, 1947-1953
White, Walter Francis
Foreign language, 1951
General, 1946-1950
(2 folders)
Death, 1955
General, 1946-1949
Speeches, 1945-1948
Wilkins, Roy
General, 1942-1955
Speeches, 1943-1949
Willkie, Wendell L., 1944
Youth, 1944-1948
BOX II:L1-L277 Part II: Addition, 1910-1969
BOX II:L1-L33 General Office File, 1910-1948
Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, reports, articles, book reviews, bequests, newspaper articles, and press releases.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, subject, type of material, or locale and thereunder chronologically.
BOX II:L1 "A" miscellaneous, 1922-1939
(2 folders)
Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1939
Akers, Elmer, 1938
American Bar Association, 1938
American Committee for West Indian Federation, 1939
American Council on Race Relations, 1938
American Fund for Public Service
Clippings, 1922-1923
General, 1922-1939
(4 folders)
Margold, Nathan R., report, 1930
Minutes of meetings, 1922
American Jewish Congress, 1934
American Teachers Association, 1939
American Welfare Association, 1939
Anderson, Marian
Benefit, 1938
Central High School, Washington, D.C., conflict, 1939
BOX II:L2 Daughters of the American Revolution
Banning from Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., protests by artists, 1939
Conflict, 1939
General, 1938-1939
Life Membership, 1939
Mural Fund, 1939
Press releases, 1939
Annual conferences
1910, New York, N.Y.
Program and other material
1911, Boston, Mass.
BOX II:L3 1930, Springfield, Mass.
Branch correspondence
General correspondence
BOX II:L4 Reports
1935, St. Louis, Mo., report
1937, Detroit, Mich., speeches
1938, Columbus, Ohio, correspondence
1939, Richmond, Va.
Unidentified, undated
Annual meetings, 1935-1939
(5 folders)
Annual report, 1939
Anonymous, 1923
BOX II:L5 Antilynching bill
Answers to discharge petition, 1939
Barbour, W. Warren, 1938-1939
Barkley, Alben William, 1939
Bills introduced, 1934-1939
Congressional action, 1937-1939
(5 folders)
BOX II:L6 Cooperating organizations, 1938-1939
Discharge petition letter, 1939
Gavagan, Joseph A., Robert F. Wagner, and Frederick Van Nuys bill, 1937-1939
Illig, William, 1935-1939
(2 folders)
McNary, Charles L., 1938-1939
Miscellany, circa 1923-1939
BOX II:L7 Ryan, Joseph James, 1935-1939
Special session of Congress See Container II:A66, same heading
Stockton, Herbert K., 1938
Voting records of congressmen, 1935-1939
Anti-Semitism, 1935-1939
Application for funds
Blaustein, Louis, estate, 1937-1939
Foundations, 1939
General, 1935-1939
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