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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Addition, 1910-1969 (continued)
General Office File, 1910-1948 (continued)
BOX II:L12 1939
"C" miscellaneous, 1922-1923
Capitalization of "N" in Negro, 1939
Certificate of incorporation, NAACP, 1911-1939
Certificate of solicitation, Pennsylvania, 1937-1938
Christian Social Justice Fund, 1937-1939
Christmas seals, 1938-1939
Citizenship Educational Service, 1939
Civil service
General, 1938-1939
Salaries, 1938
Committee on Branches, 1935-1937
BOX II:L13 Committee on Inter-Racial Cooperation, 1921-1939
(2 folders)
Committee on Race Relations, 1939
Committee on Youth Work, 1939
Conference on domestic workers, proposed, 1939
Conference on human welfare, 1938-1939
Conditions of Negroes in the South, 1939
Constitutional convention, New York, 1937-1938
General, 1937-1939
Knight, John S., 1939
Organizations, 1931-1933
Advertising, 1937
Changing format, 1938-1939
Editorial board, 1939
General, 1939, undated
BOX II:L14 "D" miscellaneous, 1923-1939
(2 folders)
Daniels, Jonathan, 1939
Darrow, Clarence, 1927-1934
Daughters of the American Revolution, tax status, 1937-1939
Dead branches, 1933-1939
Dean, William H., 1939
Demobilization of Negro regiments, 1931
Dies Committee, 1937-1939
American Library Association conventions, 1936-1937
Automobile insurance, 1936-1938
Boulder Dam, 1934
Buses, 1939
Atlanta, Ga., 1913-1914
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1914
General, 1913-1939
Vibank Farm School, Vibank, N.Y., 1914
Golden Gloves Tournament, 1936-1938
Golf courses, 1930
Juvenile delinquency, 1914
Railroads, 1936-1939
State bills, 1935-1939
BOX II:L15 Du Trieville, Elsie Taylor, 1939
"E" miscellaneous, 1923
Education, 1933-1939
Fraud, Martin Employment Agency, Richmond, Va., 1922-1924
NAACP, 1939
Every Woman Progressive Council, 1921-1923
"F" miscellaneous, 1923-1939
(2 folders)
Farley, James A., 1939
Farm Security Administration, 1935-1939
Federal judgeships, 1938-1939
General, 1938-1939
Gone with the Wind, 1936-1939
Selznick, David O., 1938-1939
Foreign requests for literature, 1923
Form letters, 1939
Foster, George, mental health case, 1923
BOX II:L16 Fraternities, 1922-1923
"G" miscellaneous, 1923-1939
(2 folders)
Garner, John Nance, 1939
Gold Star Mothers
Correspondence, 1930-1931
(2 folders)
Form letters, 1930
Press releases and clippings, 1930-1931
Goode, Edith J., 1939
Griffith, N. W., 1938-1939
"H" miscellaneous
BOX II:L17 1924-1939
(2 folders)
Haiti, 1934-1939
Harding, Warren G., 1922-1923
Harlem Hospital
Corwin, E. H. L., and Getrude E. Sturges, Opportunities for the Medical Education of Negroes, 1936
Draft, typewritten
Galley proofs
(2 folders)
Page proofs
General, 1931-1933
Voluntary hospital study, 1939
Harlow, S. Ralph, 1934
History of the NAACP
"Battering Down the Barriers of Prejudice," press releases for twenty-fifth anniversary, circa 1934
"Chronology of a Crusade," 1921
Hollander, Sidney, Council of Jewish Federations, 1939
BOX II:L18 Housing
Federal, 1938-1939
Home Owners Loan Corp., Detroit, Mich., 1939
Houston, Tex., 1939
New York, city and state, 1939
"I" miscellaneous, 1923
Imes, William, dinner, 1939
"Dr. Little" (alias), 1923
Porter, Ralph, 1923
Thompson, C. B., 1922-1923
Income tax evaluation, 1919-1939
(2 folders)
Informational pamphlet project, 1939
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, 1937-1939
International Harvester Co., 1939
BOX II:L19 International Longshoremen's Association, 1934-1939
Interracial Review, 1938-1939
"J" miscellaneous, 1922-1934
(3 folders)
Johnson, Guy B., 1939
Johnson, James Weldon, memorial committee, 1938-1939
Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1938-1939
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