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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: Addition, 1910-1969 (continued)
Printed Matter, 1911-1953 (continued)
Wilberforce, William, 1926
Wilkins, Roy, "Talking It Over," syndicated column, 1932-1934, undated
Annual conferences, 1917-1937
Annual reports, 1911-1938
Branch Bulletin, 1916-1923 See Oversize
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 19,141
Broadsides and posters, 1922-1924, 1936 See Oversize
Legal papers, 1917-1937
BOX II:L270 Lynching pamphlets, 1912-1925, 1931-1939, undated
(5 folders)
Miscellaneous printed material, circa 1912-1939
Writings, 1913-1931
Hughes, Langston, writings, 1931
Ku Klux Klan, magazines, 1922-1923
Legal papers, 1919-1939, undated
(2 folders)
Pamphlets, 1931-1934, undated
Proposed state and federal legislation, 1919-1937
(2 folders)
BOX II:L272 Miscellaneous writings, 1922-1939, undated
(2 folders)
New York Public Library, New York, N.Y., books and articles about Negroes, 1935
Proposed state and District of Columbia bills on intermarriage and railway cars, 1913-1919
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1936-1938
Scottsboro case, 1931-1938
United States, bills, hearings, and reports, 1914-1928
BOX II:L273-L278 Miscellany, 1912-1944
Registers of names, checkbook stubs, digests of letters received and sent, and radio scripts.
Arranged by type of material and by subject.
BOX II:L273 Bound registers of names
1917, Mid-Winter Conference
BOX II:L274 1926-1938, visitors to NAACP office and annual meetings
BOX II:L275 1935, visitors to NAACP office
BOX II:L276 1939-1944, annual meetings
BOX II:L277 Unbound material
Checkbook stubs, 1912
General, circa 1924-1939
Youth section, 1938-1939
Digest of letters sent and received
BOX II:L278 1939
Financial mail sheets, 1938-1939
Index to NAACP records, 1939
James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., list of solicitations, 1938-1939
(2 folders)
Leases, 1938
Rackham Fund, deposits and withdrawals, 1935-1943
Radio scripts, undated
BOX II:OV 1-OV 6 Part II: Oversize, 1916-1955
Branch charters, broadsides, posters, newsletters, certificates, and a flag.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX II:OV 1 General Office File
Leagues and organizations
National Thrift Committee, NAACP membership certificate, undated (Container II:A391)
Paton, Alan
“The Negro in America Today,” reprint of article, 1954 (Container II:A466)
White, Walter Francis
Posthumous tribute from the New York state senate, 1955 (Container II:A611)
Wilkins, Roy
Certificates, 1950-1955 (Container II:A611)
Legal File
North Carolina
General, 1940 (Container II:B213)
Branch File
Charters (Container II:C246)
Illinois, Pembrook Township, 1954
Kentucky, Boyle County, 1945
Beckham County, 1947
Lenapah, 1946
Lamesa, 1948
Terrell, 1945
BOX II:OV 2 Youth File
General Department File
Youth flag, circa 1945-circa 1950 (Container II:E66)
BOX II:OV 3 Printed Matter
Broadsides and posters (Container II:K4)
At the Front--Action! 93rd Division at Bougainville (Solomon Islands), 1943-1944
Colored Voters Attention! undated
Destroyers of the United States Navy, recruitment of Negroes poster, Naval Recruiting Station, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1940
Eighth Annual Youth Conference, New Orleans, La., 1946
Forward! Fight for Freedom poster, 1948
Help End Racial Tyranny in Mississippi, broadside of New York Times advertisement, 1955, Oct. 3
Installation of officers poster, Danville, Ill., undated
It's All the Same to Him, blood bank poster, circa 1941-circa 1945
Keep Anti-Semitism Out of New York, undated
Lewis, Joe, We're Going to Do Our Part, poster, 1942
Membership drives
California, Tracy, 1950
Michigan, Detroit, 1951
Unidentified, 1951
NAACP Credit Union, Columbus, Ohio, undated
NAACP Youth Week, 1946
A Pledge for American Unity, circa 1941-circa 1945
Postwar Army policy on the use of Negro manpower poster, 1947
Sixth Annual Youth Conference, Richmond, Va., 1944
“Stars Over Miami,” benefit show poster, Miami, Fla., undated
They Were in on the Kill, circa 1941-circa 1945
Voting appeal, Baltimore, Md., branch, undated
Warning--An Alert to All Rumor-Wardens, circa 1941-circa1945
We're Too Young To Register ... What's Your Excuse? undated
What's New? poster for Walter Francis White's radio broadcast on WBMS, undated
Who Is Blocking Federal Aid to School Construction? broadside of New York Times advertisement, 1955, July 18
Why a Nationwide Shipping Strike June 15th, broadside of Washington Post advertisement, 1946, June 6
World Youth Festival, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1947
Your Vote Is the One That Counts--Pay Your Poll Tax! undated
BOX II:OV 4 NAACP Bulletin, 1940-1949 (Container II:K7)
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 19,141
BOX II:OV 5 Addition
Printed Matter
Branch Bulletin, 1916-1923 (Container II:L269)
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 19,141
BOX II:OV 6 Broadsides and posters (Container II:L269)
He Came to His Death at the Hands of Parties Unknown, broadside of New York World-Telegram advertisement, 1936, May 13
Let's Put It Over, 1924
The Shame of America, 1922
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