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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part I: Legal File, 1910-1941 (continued)
Cases Rejected, 1916-1939 (continued)
BOX I:D37 Hardman-Knuckles, 1919-1939
(32 folders)
BOX I:D38 Lecator-Property loss cases, 1921-1939
(35 folders)
BOX I:D39 Robinson-Vetelcer, 1919-1939
(25 folders)
BOX I:D40 Wainright-Young, 1920-1938
(30 folders)
BOX I:D41-D43 Extradition Cases, 1918-1939
Letters received, carbon copies of letters sent, drafts, memoranda, petitions, and clippings.
Arranged alphabetically by name of case and thereunder chronologically.
BOX I:D41 Bailer-Gathers, 1922-1939
(18 folders)
BOX I:D42 General, 1920-1939
(4 folders)
Glass-Kennedy, 1918-1939
(16 folders)
BOX I:D43 Knox-Whitefield, 1920-1939
(14 folders)
BOX I:D44-D99 Cases Supported, 1910-1941
Letters received, carbon copies of letters sent, drafts, clippings, memoranda, briefs and transcripts, press releases, printed matter, financial records, notes, and lists.
Arranged alphabetically by name of case and thereunder chronologically. Clippings and transcripts are filed at the end of the correspondence relating to each case.
BOX I:D44 Arkansas Democratic Party primary, 1928-1932, undated
(4 folders)
Arkansas riots, 1920-1925
Atlantic City, N.J., school segregation, 1927-1930
(3 folders)
Baker, Ralph
(5 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX I:D45 Feb.-Nov.
(6 folders)
Baltimore County, Md., public schools
General, 1935-1937
(8 folders)
BOX I:D46 Miscellany, 1936, undated
(3 folders)
Transcripts, 1936
(3 folders)
BOX I:D47 Trial briefs, 1936
(4 folders)
Barlow, Willie, 1938
Bell, Robert, and Grady Swain
(5 folders)
BOX I:D48 1931-1933
(4 folders)
Berwyn, Pa., public schools, 1932-1934
(5 folders)
Birmingham, Ala., disenfranchisement, 1939
Bledsoe, Curtis, and Bill Jack, 1937-1938
Boonville, Mo., public schools, 1939-1940
Brandon, Nannie W., 1931
Bronx, New York, N.Y., housing, 1934-1935
Brookins, Blanche, 1926-1932, undated
(2 folders)
Browne, Samuel A., residential segregation, 1924-1928
(3 folders)
BOX I:D49 Caldwell, Ernest, 1918-1920
(5 folders)
Camp Grant, Ill., 1919
Carraway, Tom
(12 folders)
BOX I:D50 1935
Central City, Ky., high school, 1939-1940
Civilian Conservation Corps, 1938-1939
Clark, James S., 1932-1933
(5 folders)
Clayborne, Fred, 1927-1931
Clayton, Bubbles, and Jim X. Caruthers
General, 1935-1939
(5 folders)
BOX I:D51 Notes and briefs, 1935-1939, undated
(4 folders)
Coffeyville, Kans., school segregation, 1923-1925
Collins, Ira, 1937-1939
(2 folders)
Crawford, George
Chronological file
1932-1933, Mar.
(2 folders)
BOX I:D52 1933, Apr.-Dec.
(18 folders)
BOX I:D53 1934-1937
(6 folders)
BOX I:D54 Trial transcript, 1933
BOX I:D55 Davis, Jim, 1926-1927
(2 folders)
Edmonds, Ruby, 1926
(2 folders)
Ferguson, Walker, 1936
Foster, William, 1918-1921
Franklin, E. R., 1920-1921, undated
(3 folders)
Franklin, Pink, 1910-1919
(4 folders)
BOX I:D56 Gaines, Ernest, 1938
Gaines, Lloyd See Containers I:D94-D95, University of Missouri
Gary, Ind., public schools
(8 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX I:D57 Nov.-Dec.
(2 folders)
(8 folders)
BOX I:D58 Goode, H. D., 1928-1933
(4 folders)
Greathouse, Archie, 1924-1925
(2 folders)
Greene, H. G., 1923-1924
(2 folders)
Greenville, S.C., 1933-1934
Hall, Wilford, 1932-1933
Hames, Arthur S., 1937
Harris, Cornelius, 1925-1927
(3 folders)
Henry, Callie, 1924-1926
(2 folders)
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