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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part II: General Office File, 1940-1956 (continued)
A-K, 1940-1953
(2 folders)
BOX II:A86 L-Z, 1940-1955
(2 folders)
General, 1940-1955
(2 folders)
Recipients, 1940-1955
Lane Bryant, 1949-1954
(2 folders)
BOX II:A87 Lord and Taylor, 1948-1950
NAACP merit awards, 1940-1942
Spingarn Medal
Committee, 1940-1955
(4 folders)
BOX II:A88 Correspondence, 1940-1955
Nominations and recommendations
(6 folders)
BOX II:A89 1950-1955
(4 folders)
Brown, Willa, 1941-1942
Henderson, E. B., 1955
Horne, Frank S., 1955
BOX II:A90 Looby, Z. Alexander, 1947
Mahoney, Charles H., 1955
Morgan, Madeline, 1944
Pickens, William, 1940-1941
Sampson, Edith, 1951
Washington, John E., 1944
Wilkins, Roy, 1954
Bunche, Ralph J., 1948-1950
Drew, Charles R., 1940-1944
Houston, Charles, 1950
Julian, Percy, 1941-1948
BOX II:A91 Lawless, Theodore, 1953-1954
Marshall, Thurgood, 1946
Moore, Harry T., 1952
Murphy, Carl, 1955
Randolph, A. Philip, 1941-1942
Robeson, Paul, 1944
Staupers, Mabel K., 1951
Tobias, Channing, 1944-1950
(2 folders)
BOX II:A92 Williams, Paul R., 1953
Wright, Richard, 1940-1941
Speeches, 1940-1954
(2 folders)
Whitehead & Hoag Co., 1940-1951
(2 folders)
BOX II:A93 1951
Form letters, 1951
General, 1940-1951
(3 folders)
Nominations, 1950
1947-1949, May
BOX II:A94 1949, June-July
(2 folders)
Selections, 1950
White Americans, proposed NAACP awards to, 1941-1945
Axis powers propaganda, 1940-1943
"B" miscellaneous
BOX II:A95 1942-1947
(5 folders)
BOX II:A96 1948-1953
(5 folders)
BOX II:A97 1954-1955
(2 folders)
Baker, Josephine, 1951-1954
Bandung Conference, Bandung, Indonesia, 1955
Banning of books overseas by State Department, 1953-1954
Barr, Stringfellow, 1951-1952
Beadenkopf, Anne
BOX II:A98 1950-1955
(2 folders)
Columbia Riot Dance, New York, N.Y., 1946
General, 1940-1955
(3 folders)
Hampton, Lionel, 1942-1943
Hines, Earl, 1945
BOX II:A99 Madison Square Garden, New York, N.Y.
Advertising, 1951-1953
Artists, 1951-1953
Board of Directors, 1953
Box reservations, 1953
Brown Ticket Co., 1952
Budget, 1952-1953
Clippings, 1952-1953
Contributions, 1951-1953
(2 folders)
BOX II:A100 Correspondence, 1951-1954
(4 folders)
Daily income sheets, 1952-1953
Expenses, 1952-1953
Form letters, 1952-1953
(2 folders)
Fund-raising, 1951-1953
BOX II:A101 Horne, Lena, speech, 1953
Licensing, 1952-1953
Lists, 1950-1953
Publicity, 1951-1953
(2 folders)
Report, 1953
Scripts, 1952-1953
Ticket orders, 1952-1953
(2 folders)
Achievement Ball, 1945-1946
National Office Dance
BOX II:A102 1940-1946
(7 folders)
BOX II:A103 1947-1949
(4 folders)
"Native Son," preview performance, 1941
Willkie Memorial Building Freedom Parade, 1948-1949
BOX II:A104 Benton, William, 1950-1954
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