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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part X: Legal Department, 1927-2002 (continued)
Staff Files, 1927-1999 (continued)
BOX X:1437 Region VI, 1991-1994
BOX X:1437 Reparations proposal, 1994
BOX X:1437 Ross v. Buckeye Cellulose, 1993
BOX X:1437 San Antonio, Tex., 1992-1994
BOX X:1437 School board, Fort Bend County, Tex., 1992
BOX X:1437 School desegregation
BOX X:1437 Brown v. Board of Education, unitary status, 1992
BOX X:1437 Chattanooga, Tenn., 1985-1991
BOX X:1437 Denver, Colo., 1992
BOX X:1438 General, 1985-1988
(3 folders)
BOX X:1438 Los Angeles, Calif., 1993
BOX X:1438 Louisville, Ky., 1991-1992
BOX X:1438 Milwaukee, Wis., 1992-1993
(2 folders)
BOX X:1438 Minneapolis, Minn., 1992
BOX X:1438 New Castle County, Del., 1992-1993
BOX X:1438 Park Forest, Ill., 1993
BOX X:1438 Philadelphia, Penn., 1994
BOX X:1438 Pinellas County, Fl., 1994
BOX X:1439 Randolph County, Ala., 1994
BOX X:1439 Sacramento, Calif., 1993
BOX X:1439 Springfield, Ill., 1994
BOX X:1439 School discipline, 1992-1993
BOX X:1439 Schools
BOX X:1439 Denver, Co., 1992
BOX X:1439 Detroit, Mich., 1992
BOX X:1439 Eastern Long Island, N.Y., 1993-1994
BOX X:1439 Kentucky, 1992-1993
BOX X:1439 Maryland, 1992-1993
BOX X:1439 New York, multicultural curriculum, 1991
BOX X:1439 Nevada, 1994
BOX X:1439 United States v. Garland Independent School District, 1991-1994
BOX X:1439 Virginia, 1994
BOX X:1439 Seattle, Wash., 1992
BOX X:1439 State of Utah v. Garrett, Batson challenge, 1993
BOX X:1440 State of Utah v. Garrett, Batson challenge, 1993
BOX X:1440 Texas, 1993-1994
(2 folders)
BOX X:1440 United States Postal Service, Region VII Task Force Against Discrimination in Federal Agencies, 1993
BOX X:1440 Voting rights, Niagara Falls, N.Y., 1992, undated
BOX X:1440 Young v. Kemp Housing Outreach Project, 1992-1993
BOX X:1441 Myerson, James; Mount Vernon, N.Y., school desegregation cases
BOX X:1441 1964-1977
(6 folders)
BOX X:1442 1964-1977
(4 folders)
BOX X:1443 1964-1977
(4 folders)
BOX X:1444 1964-1977
(5 folders)
BOX X:1445 1964-1980
(5 folders)
BOX X:1445 Rodgers, Curtis E.
BOX X:1445 Amos 'n' Andy, radio and television program
BOX X:1445 Correspondence, 1943, 1951, 1982-1984
BOX X:1445 News clippings, 1930-1984
BOX X:1446 Notes, circa 1983
BOX X:1446 Printed matter, 1948-1983
BOX X:1446 Resolutions and statements, 1951, circa 1983
BOX X:1446 Biographical file, 1973-1984, 2009
BOX X:1446 Cases
BOX X:1446 Complaints, 1975-1984
(6 folders)
BOX X:1446 Declaratory injunction, 1979-1981
BOX X:1447 Interrogatories, 1970, 1981, undated
BOX X:1447 Intervention, 1981-1982
BOX X:1447 Minority business legislative provisions, 1980-1982
BOX X:1447 Miscellaneous cases, 1978-1984
(3 folders)
BOX X:1448 Miscellaneous cases, 1978-1984
(3 folders)
BOX X:1448 Motions for attorney fees, 1977-1982
BOX X:1448 Preliminary injunctions, 1980
BOX X:1448 "Standing," 1981-1982
BOX X:1448 Summary judgments, 1978-1984
BOX X:1448 Chronological file
BOX X:1448 1979, May-July
BOX X:1449 1979, Aug.-1980, Feb.
(8 folders)
BOX X:1450 1980, Mar.-Oct.
(7 folders)
BOX X:1451 1980, Nov.-1982, June
(10 folders)
BOX X:1452 1982, July-1983, May
(8 folders)
BOX X:1453 1983, June-1985
(6 folders)
BOX X:1453 Communications Act rewrite task force, 1977-1978, undated
(2 folders)
BOX X:1453 Economic development, 1977-1980, undated
BOX X:1454 Economic development, 1977-1980, undated
BOX X:1454 Elaine, Arkansas, 1911, 1920-1921, 1985-1986
BOX X:1454 Fair share, 1981-1986, undated
(5 folders)
BOX X:1455 Fair share, 1981-1986, undated
(2 folders)
DF Interview, 1984
Digital ID: mss34140_261_001
BOX X:1455 Minority Business Enterprise Advisory Committee, 1979
BOX X:1455 Minority contracting, 1977-1980
BOX X:1455 Miscellany, 1918-1921, 1979-1984, 2010, undated
(2 folders)
BOX X:1455 National Associaion of Black Television Producers (NABTP), 1978-1980
(2 folders)
BOX X:1456 News clippings
BOX X:1456 1921-1951, 1967-1994
(6 folders)
BOX X:1457 1995-2008, undated
BOX X:1457 Numerical file
BOX X:1457 1945, 1979-1984, circa 1990s, undated
(6 folders)
BOX X:1458 1981-1986, undated
BOX X:1458 Western Union International, 1978-1979, undated
BOX X:1458 Ross, Lanita, 1989-1998
BOX X:1458 Thompson, Everald
BOX X:1458 Chronological file
BOX X:1458 1986-1989
(4 folders)
BOX X:1459 1990-1991
(6 folders)
BOX X:1460 1991-1994
(6 folders)
BOX X:1461 1994, undated
(2 folders)
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