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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019

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Part X: Training Department, 1959-1978 (continued)
BOX X:2155 Shagaloff, June, 1968-1972
BOX X:2155 Simmons, Althea T. L., director
BOX X:2155 Chronological file
BOX X:2155 1964-1970, Feb.
(5 folders)
BOX X:2156 1970, Mar.-Dec.
(6 folders)
BOX X:2157 1971-1976, undated
(4 folders)
BOX X:2157 Correspondence, alphabetical, 1970
(2 folders)
BOX X:2157 Notes, 1970-1973, undated
BOX X:2158 Reports, 1963-1967, 1973
BOX X:2158 Speaking engagements, 1967-1971
BOX X:2158 Small Business Administration, 1965-1971
(2 folders)
BOX X:2158 Textbooks, 1966-1968, undated
BOX X:2158 Training centers
BOX X:2158 Chicago, Ill., 1970
BOX X:2158 Columbus, Ohio
BOX X:2158 1969-1970
(2 folders)
BOX X:2159 1970-1972
(2 folders)
BOX X:2159 Dallas, Tex., 1971
BOX X:2159 Los Angeles, Calif., 1970
BOX X:2159 Washington, D.C., 1970-1971
BOX X:2159 Training of Trainers Institute
BOX X:2159 1969
BOX X:2160 1970-1971
(3 folders)
BOX X:2160 Training resources, 1959-1970, undated
(3 folders)
BOX X:2161 Voter education, 1964-1971
BOX X:2161 Voter registration, Columbus and Franklin Counties, Ohio, 1970-1971
BOX X:2161 Women in leadership and in the workplace, 1970-1977
(2 folders)
BOX X:2161 Youth councils and college chapters, 1967-1973
BOX X:2161-2173 Part X: Voter Education and Empowerment, 1940-2008
The Voter Education and Empowerment series documents the NAACP’s efforts to increase voter registration, inform potential voters, and encourage individuals to vote. Most of the material in this series dates from the late 1960s to the late 1980s when these aims fell under the purview of the Voter Education Department and its directors Clifford Collins and John J. Johnson. In the 1990s these initiatives were overseen by a separate project, the Voter Empowerment Program, which became part of the Program Department when the association restructured in the 1990s.
Material types include campaign files, news clippings, proposals, surveys, correspondence, manuals, reports, and printed matter. Videos, public service announcements, graphics, and radio advertisements are in digital formats.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or material type. The file structure of the digital content maintained as received.
BOX X:2161 Chronological file
BOX X:2161 1964-1969
BOX X:2162 1970-1984
(7 folders)
BOX X:2163 1986-2004, undated See also Container X:OV 7, same heading
(3 folders)
BOX X:2163 Collins, Clifford
BOX X:2163 1989
BOX X:2164 1990-1995
(3 folders)
BOX X:2164 Current, Gloster B., 1983-1985
BOX X:2165 Current, Gloster B., 1983-1985
BOX X:2165 Election Administration Reports, 1988-1990
BOX X:2165 Freedom Ride campaign, 1993
(2 folders)
BOX X:2165 Get Out the Vote campaign, 1982-1983
(2 folders)
BOX X:2166 Get Out the Vote campaign, 1982-1983
(4 folders)
DF "Get Ya Vote On" (song), circa 2004
Digital ID: mss34140_261_156
BOX X:2166 Gilbert Jonas Co.
BOX X:2166 1980-1984
(2 folders)
BOX X:2167 1984-1986
(3 folders)
DF Graphics, 2008
Digital ID: mss34140_261_236
BOX X:2167 Guess, Jerry, 1983-1987
BOX X:2167 Henderson, J. Howard, 1980-1987
(2 folders)
BOX X:2167 Hooks, Benjamin L.
BOX X:2167 1983-1984
BOX X:2168 1985-1986
BOX X:2168 Hooks, Frances D., 1979-1985
BOX X:2168 Johnson, John J., 1987-1989
(2 folders)
BOX X:2168 Legal Department, 1981-1986
BOX X:2168 Manuals
BOX X:2168 1984-1989
(2 folders)
BOX X:2169 1990-1993, 2006-2008
(5 folders)
BOX X:2170 NAACP publications and printed matter
BOX X:2170 1980-2004, undated See also Containers X:OV 3 and X:OV 6, same heading
(3 folders)
DF 2002
Digital ID: mss34140_261_278
DF National Council of La Raza, Latino Empowerment and Advocacy Project toolkit, 2006
Digital ID: mss34140_261_235
BOX X:2170 National Voter Registration Act (Motor Voter bill), 1994
BOX X:2170 News clippings, 1981-2002
(2 folders)
BOX X:2171 Notices of preclearance activity under the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 1994-1995
BOX X:2171 Patton, W. C., 1979
BOX X:2171 Penn, William, 1979-1986
(2 folders)
BOX X:2171 Poll tax, 1940-1948
BOX X:2171 Pollard, William E., 1986-1987
BOX X:2171 Project Democracy
BOX X:2171 1992
BOX X:2172 1992-1993
(2 folders)
BOX X:2172 Project Vote, 1980
DF Radio advertisements
Digital ID: mss34140_261_234
BOX X:2172 Reports, 1968-1994, 2002-2004
(2 folders)
BOX X:2172 Roxborough, Mildred Bond, 1960, 1967-1980, 1992-2005
(2 folders)
BOX X:2173 Roxborough, Mildred Bond, 1960, 1967-1980, 1992-2005
BOX X:2173 Scrapbook
BOX X:2173 Smith, Charles H., 1980-1983
BOX X:2173 Southern Political Report, 1988-1991
(2 folders)
BOX X:OV 5 T-shirt, "Arrive with 5," 2006 See Container X:OV 5, same heading
DF "Video the Vote," Columbus, Ohio, 2004
Digital ID: mss34140_261_154
BOX X:OV 3 Volunteer chart, undated See Container X:OV 3, same heading
BOX X:2173 Voter Action Alert, 1988-1989, 2000-2004
DF Voter drive, Orlando, Fla., 2006
Digital ID: mss34140_261_233
BOX X:2173 Voter Education Project, Inc., 1971-1981
BOX X:2173 Washington, Thomas, 1967-1968
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