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Freddy Homburger papers, 1926-1990

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Subject File, 1926-1987 (continued)
BOX 2 Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., 1951-1957
BOX 2 Institute for Research in Growth and Reproduction (proposed), 1955-1956, undated
BOX 2 Lipchitz, Jacques, 1972
BOX 2 The Medical Care of the Aged and Chronically Ill, 1953-1955, undated See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX 2 Medicinal plants in Maine, 1954-1955, undated
BOX 2 Miscellany, 1947-1987, undated
BOX 3 Munich cancer cure, 1954
BOX 3 Naturalization
BOX 3 Citizenship issues, 1942-1964
BOX 3 Selective service, 1941-1956, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 3 Political activities
BOX 3 General, 1962-1978, undated
BOX 3 Stevenson, Adlai versus Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1956-1959, undated
BOX 3 "Progress in Experimental Tumor Research," 1959-1960
BOX 3 Public charitable institutions, 1950-1980
BOX 4 Red Cross Mixed Medical Commission
BOX 4 General, 1942-1946, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 4 Financial matters, 1943-1944
BOX 4 Scientific advisory meeting, June 1967, 1967
(2 folders)
BOX 4 Travel, 1950-1971
BOX 4 Trenton, Maine, 1969
BOX 4 Tufts University, Boston, Mass.
BOX 4 Cancer Research Unit, 1947-1957
(2 folders)
BOX 4 Litigation, 1956-1957
BOX 4 Veterans Administration, 1966
BOX 4 Vienna, Austria, 1936-1937, 1983-1984, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 4 Warner-Hudnut Co., 1950-1952
BOX 4 Will and estate plans, 1968-1969
BOX 4 Unidentified fragments and photographs, undated
BOX 5-8 Speeches and Writings File, 1944-1990
Memoirs, scientific publications, creative writing, unpublished writings, speeches, book reviews, prepared statements, letters to editors, editorials, and translations.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein alphabetically by title.
BOX 5 Book reviews
BOX 5 "Das Bally - Lehrstük, Ein Insider Report" (The Bally Case, An Insider Report), undated
BOX 5 "Notizen aus der Westschweiz" (Notes from Western Switzerland), 1983
BOX 5 "Notizen eines Müssiggängers" (Notes of an Idler), 1983
BOX 5 "Die Sechste Schweiz" (The Sixth Switzerland), 1984
BOX 5 Creative writing
BOX 5 "The Adventure," undated
BOX 5 "And If They Rhymed and Rattled, All was Well," light verses, 1987
BOX 5 "Before Everything Was Fresh Frozen," 1979
BOX 5 "Give and Take, or Christian Lautenschlager's Requiem," 1987
(4 folders)
BOX 5 "Indian Summer," 1946
BOX 5 "It Happens in the Best of Families," undated
BOX 5 "Leona's Search," 1989
(2 folders)
BOX 5 Lyrics, undated See also Oversize
BOX 5 Poems, undated
BOX 5 "The Review," 1979
BOX 5 "Where Have All The Teddies Gone?," 1980
BOX 5 Unidentified, undated
BOX 6 Editorials on scientific topics, 1983-1985, undated
BOX 6 Letters to editors
BOX 6 Miscellaneous, 1944-1949, 1987
BOX 6 Scientific topics, 1963-1983
BOX 6 Memoirs
BOX 6 "A French Doctor's Story," 1982
BOX 6 "Life is a Short Story," 1988
(9 folders)
BOX 6 "A Lifetime of Quantum Leaps in Medicine: 1935 to 1989," 1990
BOX 6 "My Times and Life at the Old Thorndike," undated
BOX 6 Prepared statements
BOX 6 Statement at budget hearing of Boston city council, 13 Mar. 1973, 1973
BOX 7 Statement on chronic diseases of old age before Subcommittee on Labor and Social Security of the House Appropriations Committee, 6 Feb. 1950, 1950
BOX 7 Scientific publications
BOX 7 "Adequacy of Syrian Hamsters for Long-Term Animal Bioassays," undated
BOX 7 "Animal Tests for Carcinogenesis Risk Assessment: Problems and Opportunities (A Review)," 1986
BOX 7 Bibliography, undated
BOX 7 The Biologic Basis of Cancer Management, 1955, 1957
(8 folders)
BOX 8 "Carcinogenesis - Concepts," 1984
BOX 8 "Design and Logistics of Lifetime Carcinogenesis Bioassay Using Syrian Hamsters," 1983
BOX 8 "A Fibrinogen Increasing Factor Obtained from Sterile Abscesses in Dogs," undated
BOX 8 "Genetic Models in Biomedical Research," undated
BOX 8 "Hamsters and Gerbils - Advantages and Disadvantages as Models in Toxicity Testing," 1983
BOX 8 "The Necessity of Animal Studies in Routine Toxicology," incomplete, 1987
BOX 8 "Risk Assessment and Safety Evaluation by Extrapolation from Animal Experiments: A Risky Business," 1986
BOX 8 "Standardizing Syrian Hamsters for Toxicology," 1983
BOX 8 "The Treatment of Raoul Dufy's Arthritis," 1979 See also Oversize
BOX 8 Speeches
BOX 8 "American Bio-medical Research as Viewed by a Swiss Immigrant Physician," 1975
BOX 8 "Experimental Aspects of Cigarette Smoke Carcinogenesis," 1980
BOX 8 First of August (Swiss National Day), 1968
BOX 8 First of August (Swiss National Day), 1985
BOX 8 "Independence or Interdependence," 1971
BOX 8 Introductions and toasts, 1978, undated
BOX 8 Lecture on paintings, 1987
BOX 8 "On the Current Status of Cancer Research," undated
BOX 8 Quack speech, undated
BOX 8 "Recent Developments in the Swiss Colony of Boston," 1967
BOX 8 "Sufferings, Miracles, and Economics," 1951
BOX 8 "The Swiss Background and Swiss Language of Adolf Wölfli," 1978
BOX 8 "Switzerland as an Example of International Spirit," 1986
BOX 8 "Thoughts on My Days with Raoul Dufy," 1978
BOX 8 "The Value of Art," undated
BOX 8 "Why, What and How I Paint," undated
BOX 8 Translation, "Santa Cruz" by Max Frisch, undated
BOX 8 Unpublished writings
BOX 8 "Age, Sex and Strain Dependent Melanotic Pigmentation in Hamster Skin (Mesocricetus Auratus, Waterhouse)," 1983?
BOX 8 "The Business of Medical Research," 1952?
BOX 8 "Comments on a Paper by Schweizer et al. on the Promoting Activity of Benzoyl Peroxide in Syrian Golden Hamsters," 1987
BOX 8 "Comparative Pathology of Cancer of the Larynx in Man and Hamster," 1977
BOX 8 "Confusion," 1984?
BOX 8 "Crabbed Old Age?," 1950?
BOX 8 "Definition of a Cigarette Smoke-Induced Cancer of the Larynx in Susceptible Inbred Syrian Hamsters and its Relationship to Human Larynx and Lung Cancer," 1980
BOX 8 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way from Boston to London," undated
BOX 8 "Life Does Not Change with Change of Life," undated
BOX 8 Miscellaneous writing projects, 1952-1983, undated
BOX 8 "Of Life and Years," undated
BOX 8 "Raoul Dufy, Kunst und Medizin," 1951
BOX 8 "The Silly Abuse of Acronyms," undated
BOX 8 "Testing of Saccharin and Cyclamate for Long-Term Toxicity or Carcinogenicity," 1978
BOX 8 "Utopia Come True: The Case for Independent Research Institutes," undated
BOX 8 "War on Disease or Search for Knowledge?," 1983
BOX OV 1 Oversize, 1934-1979
Oversize certificates, drawing, illustration proofs, sheet music, and galley proofs.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Subject file
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