Some or all content stored offsite.
Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
BOX 1-3 | Correspondence, 1946-1982 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence and attached and related material. | |||||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. | |||||||||||||
BOX 1 | "A-D" miscellaneous, 1952-1981, undated | ||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 1 | Ehebald, Ulrich, 1964-1978 | ||||||||||||
BOX 1 | "E" miscellaneous, 1964-1980, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 1 | "F-G" miscellaneous, 1952-1981 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 1 | Herberg, Hans-Joachim, 1976-1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX 1 | "H" miscellaneous, 1969-1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX 1 | "I-K" miscellaneous, 1952-1982, undated | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 1 | Lewin, Bertram D., 1950-1970, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 1 | Lingens, Ella, 1976-1977 | ||||||||||||
BOX 1 | Loch, Wolfgang, 1975-1977, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 2 | "L" miscellaneous, 1952-1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX 2 | "M" miscellaneous, 1962-1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX 2 | Niederland family, 1974-1980, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 2 | "N" miscellaneous, 1967-1980 | ||||||||||||
BOX 2 | "O-P" miscellaneous, 1961-1980 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 2 | Quen, Jacques M., 1975 | ||||||||||||
BOX 2 | "R-T" miscellaneous, 1946-1981 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 2 | Venzlaff, Ulrich, 1977-1982 | ||||||||||||
BOX 2 | "V" miscellaneous, 1958-1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX 3 | "W-Z" miscellaneous, 1953-1981 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 3-4 | Patient File, circa 1953-1971 | ||||||||||||
Notes and correspondence concerning individuals treated by Niederland. | |||||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by name of patient. | |||||||||||||
BOX 3 | "A" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 3 | Baker, Jo Ann, 1961 | ||||||||||||
BOX 3 | Blackman, Arline | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 3 | "C-K" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
(8 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 4 | "L-Z" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
(9 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 4-7 | Subject File, 1868-1981 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, minutes, research files, biographical material, academic calendars, notes, and printed matter chiefly concerning Niederland's professional associations and research in the United States. | |||||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material. | |||||||||||||
BOX 4 | Biographical material, 1954-1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX 4 | Italy, private practice in Milan, 1935-1939 | ||||||||||||
BOX 4 | Kris, Ernst, study group, New York Psychoanalytic Institute, New York, N.Y. | ||||||||||||
BOX 4 | 1957-1958 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 5 | 1959-1962 | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 6 | 1963-1978 | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 6 | Miscellany, 1906, 1968-1973, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 6 | Mount Airy Foundation, Denver, Colo., gold medal award, 1979-1980 | ||||||||||||
BOX 6 | Notes, 1961-1977, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Psychogeography, 1970-1978 | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Reference letters written for Niederland, 1930-1940 | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Requests for publications, 1969-1980 | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Schliemann, Heinrich, research file | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | General correspondence, 1961-1976 | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Photocopies of Schliemann correspondence, 1868-1870 | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1972-1978 | ||||||||||||
BOX 7-15 | Writing File, 1810-1982 | ||||||||||||
Drafts, correspondence, research files, reviews, and printed matter organized into writings by Niederland and by others. | |||||||||||||
Niederland's writings are arranged alphabetically by type of publication and alphabetically therein by title. Writings by others are arranged alphabetically by name of author, with jointly-written and unidentified works filed last. | |||||||||||||
BOX 7 | By Niederland | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Books | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Miscellaneous, 1948-1980, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | The Schreber Case | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Drafts | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Editorial note | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Introduction | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Miscellaneous pages | ||||||||||||
BOX 7 | Table of contents | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | General correspondence, 1957-1978 | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Lectures by Niederland, 1950-1974, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Miscellany, 1958-1978, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Research file | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Biographical material, 1876, 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Excerpts from "Denkswürdigkeiten" and medical testimony concerning Schreber, 1899-1901 | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Genealogical data | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Death certificates of maternal antecedents, 1810-1871 | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | General, 1958-1960, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Notes | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Photographs | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Schreber, Daniel Gottlieb Moritz, and early history of the "Schreber-Vereine," 1861-1960 | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Reviews, 1976-1979, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Schatzmann, Dr. Morton, alleged plagiarism of Niederland's work, 1973 | ||||||||||||
BOX 8 | Comments on papers, 1961-1980 | ||||||||||||
BOX 9 | Discussion transcripts | ||||||||||||
BOX 9 | Aggression study conference and group, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||||
BOX 9 | "The Creative Process," 1979 | ||||||||||||
BOX 9 | Lectures, 1945-1982, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 9 | Letters to newspaper editors, 1978-1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX 9 | Miscellany, 1965-1981, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 9 | Papers | ||||||||||||
BOX 9 | "Analytic Approaches to Artistic Creativity," 1975, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | "An Analytic Inquiry into the Life and Work of Heinrich Schliemann" (1972), 1964-1980 For additional material see Container 7, Schliemann, Heinrich, research file | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | "An Analytic Inquiry into the Sources and History of the Name America," 1964-1971, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | "B-C" miscellaneous, 1956-1978, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | "E-N" miscellaneous, 1959-1975, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | "On River Symbolism," 1956-1957, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | "On the Writing of Biographies," undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | "P-R" miscellaneous, 1964-1978, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Schreber, Daniel Paul, 1951-1963, undated | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 11 | "S-T" miscellaneous, 1938-1976, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | By others | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | "A-Bl" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | "Br-J" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 13 | "K-L" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 13 | Masson, J. Moussaieff | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 13 | "M" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX 13 | "N-St" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 14 | "Sw-Z" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
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