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Bernard L. Austin papers, 1916-1979

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Speeches and Writings, 1924-1967 (continued)
1924-1961 (continued)
(6 folders)
BOX 13 1962-1963
(7 folders)
BOX 14 1963-1967, undated See also Classified
(6 folders)
BOX 15 Undated
(2 folders)
BOX 15 By others
BOX 15 1930-1950
(4 folders)
BOX 16 1952-1964, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 16 Ghostwritten by Austin, 1939-1948, undated
BOX 16 Writings
BOX 16 By Austin, 1924-1953, undated
BOX 16 By others
BOX 16 Poems, 1955, undated
BOX 16 Prose, 1931-1940, undated
BOX 17-24 Subject File, 1916-1974
Correspondence, awards, citations, newspaper clippings, drawings, cartoons, ship logs, maps, nautical charts, battle reports, press releases, notes, research material, orders, biographical sketches, resumes, personnel records, chronologies, administrative histories, minutes of meetings, records related to courts of inquiry, lectures, and transcripts of telephone conversations.
Organized alphabetically by topic or type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 17 Aircraft carriers
BOX 17 Constellation fire, 1961
BOX 17 Forrestal christening, 1954
BOX 17 Awards, certificates, and citations, 1942-1964, undated
BOX 17 Biographical material, 1946-1960, undated
BOX 17 Burke, Arleigh, 1955, 1961, undated
BOX 17 Cartoons and drawings, undated
BOX 17 Charts and maps, 1916-1946, undated
BOX 17 Cruiser Division Two, 1951-1955, undated
BOX 17 Destroyers
BOX 17 Battles and operations, 1943-1963, undated
BOX 17 Converse, 1945
BOX 17 Destroyer Division Forty-Six, 1943
BOX 18 Destroyer Squadron Fourteen, 1944
BOX 18 Foote, 1943-1945, undated
BOX 18 Woolsey, 1942, undated
BOX 18 Imperial Defense College, London, England, 1948-1949
BOX 18 Inter-American Defense Board, 1964-1967, undated
BOX 18 International Affairs Division, United States Navy (OP-35), 1952-1953, undated
BOX 18 Miscellaneous, 1941-1959, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 18 National Security Council, 1951-1953, undated
BOX 18 National War College, Washington, D.C., 1949, undated
BOX 18 Naval War College, Newport, R.I.
BOX 18 Academic Board Meetings, 1960-1964
BOX 19 Global strategy discussions, 1959
BOX 19 Miscellaneous, 1961-1963, undated
BOX 19 Lectures, 1952-1963
BOX 19 Second Conference of the War Colleges of the Americas, 1963
BOX 19 Reference cards, 1960-1963, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 20 (1 folder)
BOX 20 Navy News, Guam edition, Orders and personnel records, 1924-54 (5 folders) 1945
BOX 20 Orders and personnel records
BOX 20 1924-1954
(5 folders)
BOX 21 1955-1968, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 21 Press Relations Department, Navy Department, 1939, 1974, undated
BOX 21 Press releases
BOX 21 1939-1946
(2 folders)
BOX 22 1957-1960
(2 folders)
BOX 22 Reorganization of armed services, 1944-1960, undated
BOX 22 Service Squadron Three, 1951-1953, undated
BOX 22 State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, 1945, undated
BOX 22 Submarines
BOX 22 Encyclopedia articles by Austin, 1938-1940, undated
BOX 22 Miscellaneous, 1927-1940, undated
BOX 22 "R" class submarines, 1930-1937, undated
BOX 22 Scorpion
BOX 22 Correspondence, 1968-1969, undated
BOX 23 Miscellaneous, 1968, undated
BOX 23 Squalus, 1939, undated
BOX 23 Thresher
BOX 23 Correspondence
BOX 23 Miscellaneous, 1963
(4 folders)
BOX 23 Official, 1963
BOX 23 Summary of events, 1963 See also Classified
BOX 23 Telephone conversations, 1963
BOX 23 Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE),. 1955-1956, undated
BOX 23 United States-British naval relations
BOX 23 Administrative History of U.S. Naval Forces in Europe, 1940-46, 1947
(1 folder)
BOX 24 (2 folders)
BOX 24 ComNavEu monograph, United States-British Naval Relations 1939-1942, 1947, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 24 Ghormley mission
BOX 24 Interview with Austin, 1966
BOX 24 Memoranda and notes, 1940-1941
BOX 24 Miscellaneous, 1940-1941, undated
BOX 24 U.S.-British Naval Cooperation 1940-45, undated
(3 folders)
BOX CL 1 Classified, 1955-1967
Documents containing national security information removed from the collection.
Arranged and described according to the series and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX CL 1 Correspondence
BOX CL 1 General
BOX CL 1 1955, Jan.-June (Container 4)
BOX CL 1 1955, July-Aug. (Container 4)
BOX CL 1 1955, Sept.-Dec. (Container 4)
BOX CL 1 1958, Apr.-May (Container 5)
BOX Cl 1 1958, June-July (Container 5)
BOX CL 1 1958, Oct.-Dec. (Container 5)
BOX CL 1 1959, Jan.-May (Container 5)
BOX CL 1 1965, Mar.-Aug. (Container 10)
BOX CL 1 1965, Sept.-Dec. (Container 10)
BOX CL 1 1966, Jan.-Apr. (Container 10)
BOX CL 1 1966, Aug.-Dec. (Container 10)
BOX CL 1 1967, Jan.-May (Container 10)
BOX CL 1 1967, June-Dec. (Container 11)
BOX CL 1 Speeches and Writings
BOX CL 1 Speeches
BOX CL 1 By Austin, 1966 (Container 14)
BOX CL 1 Subject File
BOX CL 1 Submarines
BOX CL 1 Thresher, summary of events, 1963 (Container 23)
BOX TS 1 Top Secret, 1955
Documents containing national security information removed from the collection.
Arranged and described according to the series and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX TS 1 Correspondence
BOX TS 1 General, 1955, Jan.-June, undated (Container 4)
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