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Part II: Microfilm Set A, 1976-2000 (continued)
Indexes and Abstracts of Documents, 1976-2000 (continued)
REEL 616 By name
Set 1
REEL 617 Set 2
A'Qua to Canolina
REEL 618 Cavooris to Fleisch
REEL 619 Fleischacker to Incorvaia
REEL 620 Inculay to Lapaduda
REEL 621 Lapadula to Napoli, Michael
REEL 622 Napoli, N. A. to Sampsell
REEL 623 Sampson to Uncle Sam Chemical Co.
REEL 624 Undari to Zywiki
REEL 625 By topic
REEL 626 1992
By address
REEL 627 By date
Set 1
REEL 628 Set 2
REEL 629 By document type
REEL 630 By name
Set 1
REEL 631 Set 2
A'Angelillo to Collis, Kristen
REEL 632 Collis, Kristen to Goldstein, Mindy
REEL 633 Goldstein, Miriam to Lauder, Brian
REEL 634 Lauder, Janet to Miller, Arthur
REEL 635 Miller, Arthur to Rappaport
REEL 636 Ruppel to Waldman, Howard
REEL 637 Waldman, Jeanne Marie to Zywar
REEL 638 By topic
REEL 639 1993
By address
Set 1
No. 1
REEL 640 No. 2
REEL 641 No. 3
REEL 642 No. 4
REEL 643 No. 5
REEL 644 No. 6
REEL 645 No. 7
REEL 646 Set 2
REEL 647 Set 3
REEL 648 By date
Set 1
REEL 649 Set 2
REEL 650 Feb.-Apr.
REEL 651 Apr.-May
REEL 652 May-June
REEL 653 June-Aug.
REEL 654 Aug.-Oct.
REEL 655 Oct.-Dec.
REEL 656 Dec.
REEL 657 By document type
REEL 658 By name For additional material see Reels 1006-1020
Set 1
Aagar to Costello, Vincent
REEL 659 Costello, Vincent to Germain
REEL 660 Germaine to Lalim
REEL 661 Lall to Orr, Edward
REEL 662 Orr, James A. to Smith, Sean
REEL 663 Smith, Sean to Webster, Mary
REEL 664 Webster, Mary to Zyzes
REEL 665 Set 2 For additional material see Reel 1005
Aagar to Colelli
REEL 666 Gill to Kramer
REEL 667 Kramkowski to Navitskis
REEL 668 Mavori to Schulman, Ann
REEL 669 Schulman, Ann to Wich
REEL 670 Set 3
REEL 671 Set 4
Eileen to Chan, Gary
REEL 672 Chan, H. H. to Fleming, Stephen
REEL 673 Fleming, W. C. to Jacobs, Gwendolyn
REEL 674 Jacobs, Herbert to Martinez, Carmen
REEL 675 Martinez, Catalina to Plunkett, Ed
REEL 676 Plunkett, Gerry to Sokal, Paul
REEL 677 Sokal, Sondra to Zelner, Lorraine
REEL 678 Zelner, Norman to Zyzes
REEL 679 By topic
REEL 680 1994
By address
REEL 681 By date
REEL 682 By name
Set 1
Zabala to Zywica
REEL 683 Set 2
A. Colarusso & Son to Chew, Thomson C.
REEL 684 Chew, Thomson C. to Fraumeni
REEL 685 Frauzzo to Kaltman
REEL 686 Kalussman to Megrin
REEL 687 Megyesy to Riddle, Kathleen A.
REEL 688 Riddle, Robert to Testa, Jacqueline F.
REEL 689 Testa to Z8FRL
REEL 690 Set 3
A. Colarusso & Son to Castle, William B.
REEL 691 Castle, William E. to Figueroa, Ernesto
REEL 692 Figueroa, Herminmio D. to Hunter, Elizabeth
REEL 693 Hunter, Elizabeth to Mantel, Jeffrey
REEL 694 Mantel, M. to Philip, Linda
REEL 695 Philip, Ronald to Skinner, Darlene
REEL 696 Skinner, Darlene to Wong, Phillip
REEL 697 Wong, S. T. to Zywica
REEL 698 Set 4
A. Colarusso & Son to Caputo, Dante S.
REEL 699 Caputo, Dante S. to Engelhard
REEL 700 Engelhardt to Heeter
REEL 701 Heffelfinger to Lesh
REEL 702 Leshan to Newberry, David
REEL 703 Newberry, Elizabeth R. to Russo, June
REEL 704 Russo, Kathleen to Tolman
REEL 705 Toloin to Zywica
REEL 706 Set 5
REEL 707 Set 6
Aach to Cacioppo, Joseph V.
REEL 708 Cacioppo, Lillian to Drahn, Dorothy
REEL 709 Drahn, John to Grossman, Stanley
REEL 710 Grossman, Stanley to Knott
REEL 711 Knoupp to Mehigan, Catherine
REEL 712 Mehigan, Catherine to Peckler
REEL 713 Preddy to Simon, Sylvia
REEL 714 Simon, Sylvia to Weir, Ralph
REEL 715 Weir, Ralph to Zywica
REEL 716 By topic
REEL 717 1995
By address
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