The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003
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Part I: Harvard University File, 1963-1976 (continued)
Subject File, 1963-1976 (continued)
1966-1972, undated (continued)
(5 folders)
WGBH, Boston, Mass., 1967-1968
Wood, Robert, “Academe Sings the Blues,” Daedalus, 1974-1975
“W” miscellaneous, 1966-1973
(2 folders)
BOX I: 202 (5 folders)
“X-Z” miscellaneous, 1966-1972
(3 folders)
BOX I:203-225 Speeches and Writings File, 1965-1976
Correspondence, memoranda, speeches and speech material, articles, book drafts, forewords to books, research material, daily schedules, notes, newspaper clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically or alphabetically.
BOX I:203 Speeches
By Moynihan
1966, July-Dec.
(6 folders)
(7 folders)
BOX I: 204 Mar.-June
(12 folders)
BOX I: 205 June-Aug.
(8 folders)
BOX I: 206 Sept.-Nov.
(7 folders)
BOX I: 207 Nov.-Dec.
(8 folders)
BOX I: 208 Dec.
(3 folders)
(9 folders)
BOX I: 209 Mar.-Apr.
(10 folders)
BOX I: 210 Apr.-Oct.
(9 folders)
BOX I: 211 Oct.-Dec.
(10 folders)
BOX I: 212 1971
(11 folders)
BOX I: 213 Nov.-Dec.
(2 folders)
1972, Feb.-Nov.
(12 folders)
BOX I: 214 1973, Jan.
(2 folders)
(9 folders)
BOX I: 215 May
(3 folders)
1976, Feb.-Mar.
(3 folders)
Press, 1967-1968
(3 folders)
By others, 1967-1976
BOX I: 216 Writings
Lists, 1968, undated
(2 folders)
July, “What Kind of Faith Built the National Shrine?” Commonweal
Nov. 5, “Who Gets in the Army?” New Republic
Fall, “What is Community Action?” Public Interest
Jan., “Will the Bureaucracy Accept It?” Atlantic Monthly
Feb. 5, “The Case for a Family Allowance,” New York Times Magazine
Feb., “The President and the Negro: The Moment Lost,” Commentary
(4 folders)
BOX I: 217 May
“Maria Regina Martyrum,” Atlantic Monthly
“Urban Conditions: General,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
(2 folders)
July 8, “Young People Are Trying to Tell Us Something. . .,” Harvard Alumni Bulletin
Aug. 5, “How Liberals Failed the Negro,” Newsday
(2 folders)
Aug. 27, “Next: A New Auto Insurance Policy,” New York Times Magazine
Oct. 9, “The Politics of Stability,” New Leader
Oct., “The Urban Negro is the Urban Problem,” Transaction
Oct.-Nov., “Are We Ready for a Drastic Change?” Trial
“Protecting the Consumer,” Current
“Riot Causes: The Case Against the Liberals,” Catholic Home
“A Crisis of Confidence?” Public Interest
“Poverty in Cities,” in James Q. Wilson, ed., The Metropolitan Enigma: Inquiries Into the Nature and Dimensions of America's Urban Crisis
Summer, “The Relationship of Federal to Local Authorities,” Daedalus
“Changes for Automobile Claims,” The University of Illinois Law Forum
BOX I: 218 “Education of the Urban Poor,” Harvard Graduate School of Education Association Bulletin
“Nirvana Now,” American Scholar
Jan., “The End of Innocence,” New York Times Magazine
Feb. 17, “The Young Heretics,” Panorama-Chicago Daily News
“Auto Insurance: The System Has to Change,” Road and Track
“The Politics of Stability,” ADA World
Mar. 5, “Education of the Urban Poor,” Harvard University Graduate School of Education Bulletin
May 4, “Has This Country Gone Mad?” Saturday Evening Post
May, “The Democrats, Kennedy and the Murder of Dr. King,” Commentary
(3 folders)
“The New Racialism,” Atlantic Monthly
“The Professors and the Poor,” Commentary
Oct., “Anti-Advise for the White House,” Newsday
“The Crisis in Welfare,” Public Interest
BOX I: 219 “Sources of Resistance to the Coleman Report,” Harvard Educational Review
(2 folders)
“Where Liberals Went Wrong,” Republican Papers, edited by Melvin R. Laird
Jan. 5, “”The Misuse of Social Science in Government,” Washington Post
Feb., “The City in Chassis,” American Heritage
(2 folders)
Mar., “The Presidency and the Press,” Commentary
(3 folders)
BOX I: 220 May 2, “On Ethnicity,” New York Times
Nov. 1, “Did Arthur Goldberg Want U.N. Post?” New York Times
Summer, “The Education of Management in Times of Revolution,” Montana Business Quarterly
Winter, “On Universal Higher Education,” Educational Record
“Population-Coping With Change,” New England Merchants National Bank's New England Prospects
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