The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003
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Part II: Constituent Services, 1900-2000 (continued)
Administrative Assistant and Chief of Staff File, 1900-2000 (continued)
Endico Potatoes, Inc., sulfites, 1990, undated
Erie County, N.Y., 1989-1990
BOX II:2454 Farm issues, 1990
Flag amendment, 1990
Foley Square, New York, N.Y., 1990
Genece, Edwin, 1990
Germany, unification of, 1990
Greater Jamaica Development Corp., 1990
Halfmoon, N.Y., cogeneration plant, 1990, undated
Homeport projects, 1990
Honoraria, 1990
Hospitals, 1990
Immigration, 1990
Indians, 1990
National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, D.C.
International Labor Organization, 1990
Interns, 1990
Islamic Jihad, Palestine, 1990
Israel, 1990
Ivory, James, 1990
Jobs, 1990
Johnston, J. Bennett, 1990
Judiciary appointments, 1990
Kemp, Jack, 1990
Labor, 1990
LaFalce, John J., 1990
Lake Champlain, 1990
LaRouche, Lyndon, 1990
Leahey, Joseph P., 1990
Levin, Carl, 1990
Lithuania, 1990
BOX II:2455 Magnetic levitation high speed transportation systems, 1990
Mail, 1990
Mandella, Nelson, 1990
Medicaid and drugs, 1986-1990
Memoranda to Moynihan, 1990
Miscellany, 1941, 1990
Monroe County, N.Y., 1989-1990
Montauk Point Lighthouse, Montauk, N.Y., 1990
Moog, Inc., 1990
Moynihan Committee, 1990
National Broadcasting Co., 1990
New York, N.Y., 1990
Newsletters, 1990
Northeast Midwest Economic Review, 1990
Oliphant, Patrick, 1990
Onondaga Lake, N.Y., 1990
Papp, Joseph, 1990
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., 1990
Political file, 1989-1990
Polls and political typologies, 1990
Press, 1990
Rockefeller, Laurance S., 1990
Rohatyn, Felix G., 1990
BOX II:2456 Savings and loan failures, 1990
Staff, 1990
Staten Island, 1990
Stock transfer tax, 1990
Straub, Chester, 1990
Sullivan Co., 1990
Telegrams, 1990, undated
Threats against Moynihan, 1990
Thruway tolls, New York state, 1990
United States Conference of Mayors, Washington, D.C., 1990
Vanity Fair, 1990
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1987-1990, undated
Watertown, N.Y., airport, 1990
Westchester County, N.Y., 1989-1990
West Valley Demonstration Project, West Valley, N.Y., 1990
W. R. Grace and Co., 1990
Bullock, Tony
Chronological file
BOX II:2457 1997
(12 folders)
BOX II:2458 1998
(10 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX II:2459 Apr.-Dec.
(5 folders)
(6 folders)
BOX II:2460 Subject file
Abortion, 1995-1997
Abscam bribery scandal, 1986
(2 folders)
Acid rain, 1995-1998
Advanced Acoustic Concepts, 1996
Agriculture, 1997
Air Force, 1997
Airlines, 1997
Amtrak, 1997-2000
Architect of the Capitol, Washington, D.C., 1997
Arts, 1998
Aspen Knolls Corp., 1997
Automobile insurance, 1997
Barcelona Neck Golf Course, Sag Harbor, N.Y., 1997
Barrett Beach, N.Y., 1997
Beach erosion, 1997-1999
Bell Atlantic, 1997
Bernal, Richard L., 1997
Boskin, Michael J., 1996
Bradley, Bill, 1999-2000
(2 folders)
BOX II:2461 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y., 1997-1999
Brooklyn Federal Court Complex, Brooklyn, N.Y., 2000
Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1997-1999
Brooklyn Tunnel, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1997
Buckley, Christopher D., 1997
Balanced budget amendment, 1996-1997
General, 1997-1998
Buffalo, N.Y., 1996-1997
Building codes and names, 1997-2000
Cablevision, 1997
Calverton, Long Island, N.Y., 1996
Camp Hero, Montauk Point State Park, N.Y., 1996-1997
Campaign finance reform, 1997
Canal corridor initiative grant program
Briefing book, 1996
General, 1996-1997
BOX II:2462 Carey, Paul, 1997
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