The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003
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Part II: Constituent Services, 1900-2000 (continued)
BOX II:2573-2581 Issue Mail, 1978-1999
Incoming constituent letters relating to various issues. A systematic sample was taken of files relating to airborne warning and control systems and the impeachment of Bill Clinton; in both cases ten percent of the correspondence was retained. The Library received thirty-seven containers of form letters, about 125,000 items, that Senator Moynihan's office received in favor of tuition tax credit for private schools. An example of each of the form letters was retained.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically, although the thank you letters are further arranged alphabetically by topic.
BOX II:2573 Airborne warning and control systems, proposed sale to Saudi Arabia, selected sample, 1981
(10 folders)
Clinton, Bill, impeachment, selected sample
Opposition to
BOX II:2574 Sept.-Nov.
(8 folders)
BOX II:2575 Dec.
(2 folders)
1999, undated
(4 folders)
Support for
BOX II:2576 Sept.-Dec.
(9 folders)
BOX II:2577 1999
(4 folders)
Thank-you letters
Aging, 1981-1988
Agriculture and rural issues, 1984-1988
Associations, 1985-1988, undated
(2 folders)
Banks and financial institutions, 1985-1988
Civil service and postal workers, 1984-1988, undated
Communications, 1986-1988
BOX II:2578 Companies and corporations
New York state, 1983-1988
(2 folders)
Other, 1985-1988
Consumers, 1986-1988, undated
Culture, 1983-1988
Defense, 1984-1988
Economic development
Community development block grants, 1984-1988
Miscellany, 1978-1988
Urban development action grants, 1981-1988
Associations, 1985-1988
Colleges, 1982-1988
High schools, 1983-1988
Miscellaneous organizations, 1983-1988
Taxes and taxation, 1985-1987, undated
Elected officials, 1982-1988
BOX II:2579 Environment, 1982-1988
Associations, 1985-1988
Community health centers, 1983-1987
Hospitals, 1983-1988
Miscellany, 1983-1988, undated
Housing and historic preservation, 1983-1988
Infrastructure and water
General, 1984-1988
Highway bills, 1986-1987
Jewish groups, 1983-1988
Job training, 1984-1988
Judiciary, 1985-1988
Labor, 1982-1988
Minority issues, 1983-1988, undated
BOX II:2580 Miscellany, 1984-1988, undated
(2 folders)
Nonprofit organizations, 1983-1988
Social security, medicaid, and medicare, 1985-1988, undated
Social services, 1982-1988, undated
(2 folders)
Taxes and taxation, 1985-1988, undated
(2 folders)
Trade, 1985-1988
Transportation, 1978, 1984-1988
BOX II:2581 Veterans, 1984-1988, undated
Tuition tax credits for private schools, form letters, selected sample, 1981-1982, undated
BOX II:2581-2672 Library of Form Replies, 1977-2000
Form letters and paragraphs used in responding to constituent mail.
Arranged in alphabetical and numerical files. The alphabetical files are further arranged chronologically in three sets and therein alphabetically by topic. The numerical replies are arranged in two categories, document number files and issue code number files.
BOX II:2581 Alphabetical
Set 1, 1980-1993
Applications for staff positions
Flag requests
Mass mailings
Agencies, General Services Administration
Agriculture Department
Food stamps
BOX II:2582 Other
(2 folders)
Price supports
Research and development
School lunch program
Women, infants, and children food program
Youth conservation
Arts and humanities
(2 folders)
Censorship of arts
Bank holding companies
Commercial banks
Credit cards
Credit unions
BOX II:2583 Deregulation
Export-Import Bank
Federal Reserve System
Interest rates
Money market funds
(3 folders)
Savings and loans
Securities and Exchange Commission
Stock exchange
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