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Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003

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Part I: Writings, 1941-1975 (continued)
Intelligence, undated
Irish, 1966-1967, undated
Jaffe, Frederick S., 1967
Jessup, John K., 1966, undated
Judaism, 1966
Juvenile delinquency, undated
Kardiner, Abraham, 1965-1966
Katz, Irwin, undated
Keller, Frances Richardson, 1968
Keniston, Kenneth, 1966
Kennedy, Robert F., 1966, undated
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1965-1966, undated
Kisburg, Nicholas, 1967-1968
(4 folders)
Kiser, Clyde V., 1966
Kleiner, Robert J., 1967
BOX I:434 Kraft, John F., undated
Kristol, Irving, 1966-1967
Kronick, Jane C., 1963-1965
(4 folders)
Lampman, Robert J., 1964-1967, undated
Lefcowitz, Myron J., 1964, undated
Leighton, Alexander H., 1965-1966
Lesser, Gerald S., 1966-1967, undated
Leventman, Seymour, undated
Levy, Frank, 1968
BOX I:435 Lewis, Hylan, 1963-1965
Lewis, Jessie W., Jr., 1966
Lewis, Oscar, 1964-1968
Lieberman, E. James, 1964
Lieberson, Stanley, 1965
Liebow, Elliot, 1966
Lincoln, C. Eric, 1965
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 1964
Long, Norton E., undated
Los Angeles, Calif., 1963-1968, undated
(3 folders)
BOX I:436 (5 folders)
Luby, Elliot D., 1967-1968, undated
Maccoby, Michael, 1962-1966
BOX I:437 Mackler, Bernard, 1965
Manpower, 1966-1967
(3 folders)
Marriage and divorce, 1963-1967
(2 folders)
Martin, John M., 1965
Marx, Gary T., 1968
Masculinity, 1963-1966, undated
McDowell, Sophia, 1965, undated
Menarche, 1969, undated
Mental health, 1964-1968, undated
BOX I:438 Mexican-Americans, 1967
Meyer, Henry J., 1965
Migration, 1966
Miller, Herman P., 1965
Miller, S. M., 1959-1968, undated
(2 folders)
Miller, Walter P., 1958, 1965-1967, undated
(3 folders)
Mischel, Walter, 1961
Mitchell, Robert E., 1967-1968
Mogey, John, 1967
Monahan, Thomas P., 1960, 1966
Moore, Joan W., undated
Moore, Wilbert E., 1965-1966, undated
BOX I:439 Morgan, Edward P., 1967
Mosher, Loren R., 1965
Mugge, Robert H., 1965-1967
Myrdal, Gunnar, 1965-1968, undated
(2 folders)
Negative income tax, 1966-1967, undated
(3 folders)
New York, N.Y.
General, 1963-1965, undated
Housing, undated
Welfare, 1963-1967, undated
(1 folder)
BOX I:440 (2 folders)
Newark, N.J., 1967-1968
(2 folders)
Notes, 1966-1969, undated
(3 folders)
Okun, Arthur M., 1968
O'Neill, James P., 1966, undated
Orshansky, Mollie, 1965
BOX I:441 Parsons, Talcott, undated
Peattie, Lisa R., undated
Pettigrew, Thomas F., 1966, undated
Pickering, Sally, 1966
Population, 1964-1968, undated
(2 folders)
Poverty, 1965-1968, undated
(5 folders)
Pozner, Arlyne I., 1966
Price, Daniel O., 1965-1967, undated
(2 folders)
BOX I:442 (2 folders)
General, 1965-1967
Training, 1964-1966
(2 folders)
Psychology, 1964-1966, undated
Raab, Earl, 1968
Rainwater, Lee, 1965-1968, undated
(3 folders)
BOX I:443 Reckless, Walter C., undated
Reiss, Albert J., Jr., 1966
Reiss, Ira L., 1964
Research notebook, 1968, undated
(3 folders)
Research projects by others, 1964-1966
Rhode Island, 1967
Rice, Stuart A., 1967
Riesman, David, 1964-1966
Riots See same series, names of individual cities and Container I:418, Militancy
Roberts, S. Oliver, 1964-1966, undated
Robins, Lee N., 1962-1968, undated
(3 folders)
BOX I:444 (5 folders)
Roby, Pamela, 1968
Rodman, Hyman, 1959-1966, undated
(2 folders)
Rossi, Peter H., 1964-1968, undated
BOX I:445 Rustin, Bayard, 1964-1969
Safa, Helen Icken, 1965-1968
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