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Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003

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Part I: Addition, 1922-1977 (continued)
Amnesty, 1975
Biographical, 1975
Cartoons, 1975-1976
International Labor Organization, 1975
Interviews, 1975
Mitchell, Clarence M., 1975-1976
(2 folders)
Press, 1975-1976
Public opinion, 1975-1976
Seventh Special Session, 1975
Zionism, 1975-1976
Speeches and writings file
Speeches, 1975-1976, undated
India File
Moynihan, Elizabeth B.
American Women's Club of Delhi, 1973-1974
Embassy staff, 1973-1974
(3 folders)
BOX I:489 1974, undated
Galbraith, John Kenneth and Catherine (“Kitty”), 1974
General, 1974-1975, undated
Green, Samuel M., 1974
Gujral, Satish, 1974
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., 1972-1974, undated
Kissinger, Henry and Nancy, 1974
(2 folders)
Mumford, Erika, 1973-1974
Press, 1973-1974
(2 folders)
Rockefeller, David and Margaret (“Peggy”), 1974
Sterling, Claire, 1974
Summers, Carol, 1974
Subject File
Gandhi, Indira, 1973
Kissinger, Henry, 1974
Political File
1965, New York City Council
1976, presidential
1976, Senate
African Americans, 1970-1976
(2 folders)
Announcement of candidacy, 1976
Biographical material, 1967-1976
(3 folders)
BOX I:490 Campaign material, 1976
(3 folders)
Cartoons, 1976
Correspondence, 1976
(3 folders)
Election statistics, 1970-1977
(2 folders)
Federal Election Commission, 1976
Financial papers, 1976-1977
(6 folders)
Honors, 1967-1976
Labor, 1976
Committee on Political Education (COPE), New York State AFL-CIO
BOX I:491 Endorsements
(2 folders)
Hotel and restaurant workers
Labor Committee for Moynihan
(3 folders)
Labor for Carey Committee
Press conference
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store (RWDSU)
(2 folders)
Moynihan, Elizabeth B.
BOX I:492 Opponents, 1976
Buckley, James
Polls, 1975-1976
(5 folders)
Position papers, 1976
Press, 1976
Ethnic newspapers
Scheduling file, 1976
(2 folders)
Calendar sheets and daily schedules
(3 folders)
BOX I:493 Sept.-Oct.
(3 folders)
Daily schedules, notebook
(2 folders)
Speeches and statement, 1976
Chronological file
(10 folders)
Weaver, Suzanne
BOX I:494 Staff list, 1976
Voting record of Moynihan in elections, 1976
Beyond the Melting Pot (1970 edition)
Correspondence, 1969-1970
Distribution, 1970
Introduction, 1970
Related material, 1970
Reviews, 1969-1970
Coping: Essays on the Practice of Government (1973)
Related articles and speeches, 1966-1972, undated
(4 folders)
Reviews, 1974
Maximum Feasible Misunderstanding: Community Action in the War on Poverty (1969), correspondence, 1970
On Equality of Educational Opportunity (1972)
Table of contents and memorandum, 1969-1970
Chapter 1, introduction, 1970
Chapter 2, 1970
BOX I:495 Chapter 3, 1969
Chapter 4, 1968
Chapter 5, 1969
Chapter 6, 1969
(2 folders)
Toward a National Urban Policy (1970)
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