The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003
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Part I: Department of Labor, 1957-1966 (continued)
Subject File, 1957-1966 (continued)
BOX I:73 IC-VI, 1964
(3 folders)
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Background information, 1962
(3 folders)
BOX I:74 1963-1965
(5 folders)
Proposals and executive order, 1962-1963
President's Advisory Council on the Arts, 1962-1963
President's Task Force on Employee-Management Cooperation See also Container I:45, Employee-management cooperation in the federal service
(3 folders)
BOX I:75 1962-1963
President's Task Force on Employee-Management Relations in the Federal Service, 1961 See also Container I:45, Employee-management cooperation in the federal service
(3 folders)
Program Budget Advisory Committee, 1965
(4 folders)
BOX I:76 Puerto Rican Community Development Project, New York, N.Y., 1965
Employment and unemployment insurance, 1962-1963
General, 1962-1965
Work rules dispute, 1963-1964
Regional offices, 1963-1965, undated
(2 folders)
General, 1962-1964
Social science, 1963
Resignation, 1963-1964
Resumes, 1962-1965, undated
Rockefeller Public Service Awards, 1963-1965
Secretary of labor
Luncheon seminars, 1964-1965
BOX I:77 Memoranda, 1963-1965
(5 folders)
Staff meetings, 1964-1965, undated
Selective service, 1964-1965
Simulmatics Corp., 1962-1965
(2 folders)
Special training enlistment program, 1963-1965
Staff, memoranda, 1963-1965
BOX I:78 Steel
General, 1964-1965
Price increases, 1963
International, 1965
Stadium, Washington, D.C., 1963
Subcommittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Senate, briefing book, 1963
Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y., 1961-1965
General, 1962-1965
Tax reduction bill, 1963-1965
Adjustment assistance, 1961
GATT Ministerial Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 1963
Kennedy, John F., round of tariff negotiations, 1964
BOX I:79 Negotiations, employment effects, 1962-1965
(2 folders)
Textiles, cotton
Long-term agreement
General, 1962-1963
Notes, undated
Position statements, 1962-1963
Text, 1961-1962
One-price program, 1965
Short-term agreement
Delegations, 1961
General, 1960-1962
Position statements, 1961
BOX I:80 Provisional meeting, 1961-1962
Reports, 1962
Statistics and related data, 1961-1963
(2 folders)
Trade Expansion Act, 1962
(2 folders)
Traffic safety
Accident prevention campaigns, 1961-1962
Air pollution, 1964-1965
Bibliography, 1962
Car size studies, 1962-1965
BOX I:81 Correspondence, 1960-1965
(8 folders)
Cronkite, Walter, transcript, 1964
BOX I:82 Deaths, 1962
Design factors, 1962-1963
Excise Tax Reduction Bill, 1965
(2 folders)
Foreign countries, 1964
General, 1960-1965, undated
(3 folders)
Haddon, William, 1961-1965
(2 folders)
Illinois accident surveys, 1963
BOX I:83 Injury statistics, 1961-1964
Interdepartmental Highway Safety Board
(8 folders)
BOX I:84 1965
Medical Tribune Safety Awards, 1961-1962
(2 folders)
Military accidental death and injuries, 1963-1964
Nader, Ralph, requests, 1964
National Safety Council, 1960-1965
(2 folders)
New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Motor
Vehicles and Traffic Safety, 1962-1965
Notes, undated
Odometer inquiry, 1964-1965
President's Committee for Traffic Safety
(3 folders)
BOX I:85 1964
Legislators' conference, 1963
(2 folders)
Public health, 1960-1963
Rail-highway grade crossings, 1963-1964
Science information exchange research projects, 1965
Senate Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization briefing book, 1965
(2 folders)
BOX I:86 (1 folder)
Traffic victims report, 1963
Wakeland, Henry H., 1962
Transportation and employment, 1962-1964
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