The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  George Washington papers, 1592-1943
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Series 4, General Correspondence, 1697-1799 (continued)
REEL 76 1781 Mar. 21-1781 Apr. 23
REEL 77 1781 Apr. 24-1781 May 15
REEL 78 1781 May 16-1781 June 24
REEL 79 1781 June 25-1781 July
REEL 80 1781 Aug. 1-1781 Sept. 12
REEL 81 1781 Sept. 13-1781 Nov. 4
REEL 82 1781 Nov. 5-1782 Jan. 27
REEL 83 1781 Jan. 28-1782 Apr. 6 See also Oversize, Container OV 5
REEL 84 1782 Apr. 2-1782 May 12
REEL 85 1782 May 13-1782 June 25
REEL 86 1782 June 26-1782 Aug. 16
REEL 87 1782 Aug. 17-1782 Sept. 25 See also Oversize, Container OV 9
REEL 88 1782 Sept. 26-1782 Nov. 24
REEL 89 1782 Nov. 25-1783 Jan. 20
REEL 90 1783 Jan. 21-1783 Mar. 20
REEL 91 1783 Mar. 21-1783 May 29
REEL 92 1783 May 30-1783 Sept. 1
REEL 93 1783 Sept. 2-1783 Dec. 28 See also Oversize, Container OV 8
REEL 94 1783 Dec. 31-1785 Jan. 31
REEL 95 1785 Feb. 1-1786 Feb. 7
REEL 96 1786 Feb. 8-1787 Apr. 5
REEL 97 1787 Apr. 6-1788 Sept. 17 See also Oversize, Container OV 10
REEL 98 1788 Sept. 18-1789 Dec. 5 See also Oversize, Container OV 18
REEL 99 1789 Dec. 6-1790 Dec. 20
REEL 100 1790 Dec. 21-1791 Sept. 10
REEL 101 1791 Sept. 11-1792 May 7
REEL 102 1792 May 8-1793 Jan. 9
REEL 103 1793 Jan. 10-1793 July 15
REEL 104 1793 July 16-1794 Jan. 11
REEL 105 1794 Jan. 12-1794 July 14
REEL 106 1794 July 15-1795 Feb. 28
REEL 107 1795 Mar. 1-1795 Aug. 24
REEL 108 1795 Aug. 25-1796 Mar. 18
REEL 109 1796 Mar. 20-1796 Oct. 14
REEL 110 1796 Oct. 15-1797 May 7
REEL 111 1797 May 8-1798 mar. 25
REEL 112 1798 Mar. 27-1798 Sept. 19
REEL 113 1798 Sept. 20-1799 Jan. 23
REEL 114 1799 Jan. 24-1799 Aug. 24
REEL 115 1799 Aug. 25-1799 Dec. 21 & undated
REEL 115-117 Series 5, Financial Papers, 1750-1796
Digital content available
Accounts and financial records of Mount Vernon, Colonial Virginia militia, Washington's Revolutionary War expenses, and Society of the Cincinnati travelling expenses.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 115 Vol. 1, General ledger A, 1750-1772
REEL 115 Vol. 2, General ledger B, 1772-1793
REEL 116 Vol. 3, Copybook of letters and invoices, 1755-1766
REEL 116 Vol. 4, Copybook of letters and invoices, 1767-1775
REEL 116 Vol. 5, Invoices, 1766-1773 ; Lists of taxed lands, slaves, and other possessions, 1760-1774
REEL 116 Vol. 6, Weaving accounts, 1767-1771
REEL 116 Vol. 7, Virginia Military Accounts: Ledger, 1755, Sept.-1758, Dec.
REEL 116 Vol. 8, Virginia Military Accounts: Receipt Book, 1755, Sept.-1758, Feb.
REEL 116 Vol. 9, Virginia Military Accounts: Pocket Book, 1755, Oct.-1758, Mar.
REEL 116 Vol. 10, Virginia Military Accounts: Pocket Book, 1758, Apr.-May
REEL 116 Vol. 11, Virginia Military Accounts: Pocket Book, 1758, May-June
REEL 116 Vol. 12, Virginia Military Accounts: Receipt Book, 1758, June
REEL 116 Vol. 13, Pocket Book of Cash Expenses, 1772, Aug.-1773, May
REEL 116 Vol. 14, Pocket Book of Cash Expenses, 1773, May-1774, Mar.
REEL 116 Vol. 15, Pocket Book of Cash Expenses, 1774, Oct.-1775, May
REEL 116 Vol. 16, Pocket Book of Cash Expenses, 1775, May-1776, Jan.; 1783, Sept.-1784, Dec.
REEL 116 Vol. 17, Revolutionary War Warrant Book 1, 1775, Aug.-1776, Aug.
REEL 116 Vol. 18, Revolutionary War Warrant Book 2, 1776, Aug.-1778, Aug.
REEL 116 Vol. 19, Revolutionary War Warrant Book 3, 1778, Aug.- 1779, July
REEL 116 Vol. 20, Revolutionary War Warrant Book 4, 1779, July -1780, Jan.
REEL 116 Vol. 21, Revolutionary War Warrant Book 5, 1780, Jan.–1783, Aug.
REEL 116 Vol. 22, George Washington’s Revolutionary War Expense Account, 1775-1783
REEL 116 Vol. 23, Revolutionary War Journal of Expenses, 1783, July-Dec.
REEL 117 Vols. 24 cont'd-34
REEL 117 Vol. 24, Revolutionary War Receipts, 1775, June-1783, Dec.
REEL 117 Vol. 25, Revolutionary War Cashbook of Household Expenses, 1775, July-Oct.
REEL 117 Vol. 26, Revolutionary War Cashbook of Household Expenses, 1774, Oct.-1776, Apr.
REEL 117 Vol. 27, Revolutionary War Receipt Book, 1776, May-1780, Nov.
REEL 117 Vol. 28, Revolutionary War Journal of Household Expenses, 1776, July-1780, Nov.
REEL 117 Vol. 29, Revolutionary War Vouchers and Receipted Accounts, 1776 -1780
REEL 117 Vol. 30, Revolutionary War Vouchers and Receipted Accounts, 1780-1784
REEL 117 Vol. 31, Accounts, General Meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati, 1784, May
REEL 117 Vol. 32, Pocket Book of Daily Expenses, Constitutional Convention, 1787
REEL 117 Vol. 33, Pocket or Waste Book of Daily Expenses, 1793-1794
REEL 117 Vol. 34, Mount Vernon Ledger, 1794-1796
REEL 117-118 Series 6, Military Papers, 1755-1798
Digital content available
REEL 117 Subseries 6A, French and Indian War and the American Revolution, 1755-1783
Mainly orderly books and other military records relating to the Colonial Virginia militia and the Revolutionary Army, including records of enemy deserters and Continental Army officers' commissions.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 117 Vol. 1, General Edward Braddock, orderly book, 1755, Feb. 26-June 17
REEL 117 Vol. 2, Virginia militia memorandum book, 1756, Apr.-May
REEL 117 Vol. 3, Colonel John Forbes, orderly book, 1758, Sept.-Nov.
REEL 117 Vol. 4, List of Continental Army officers discharged by George Washington, 1755, Sept.-1776, Aug.
REEL 117 Vol. 5, Continental Army, commissioned field officers, list, 1776, Jan. 1
REEL 117 Vol. 6, List of Continental Army officers by state, 1778-1783
REEL 117 Vol. 7, British deserters, 1782, Apr. 15-Dec. 12
REEL 117 Vol. 8, British deserters, 1782, Dec. 21-1783, Apr. 4
REEL 117-118 Subseries 6B, Captured British Orderly Books, 1777-1778
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 117 Vol. 1, 40th and 46th Regiments, 1777, Apr. 20-Aug. 28
REEL 117 Vol. 2, Captain James Wilson, 49th Regiment, 1777, June 25-Sept. 10
REEL 117 Vol. 3, 64th Light Infantry, 1777, Sept. 14-Oct. 3
REEL 118 Vol. 4, Brigade of Guards, 1778, Jan. 29-Aug. 10
REEL 118 Vol. 5, 1778, June 1-27
REEL 118 Vol. 6, 1778, Aug. 4-Oct. 13
REEL 118 Subseries 6C, Miscellaneous Military Records, 1769-1798
Sundry records relating to the Revolutionary War and later period, including account books, 1777-1779, of the quartermaster of Yorktown, proceedings of a trial held by the British in New York, 1782, and records compiled by several unknown soldiers.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 118 Vol. 1, Captured British officer's account ledger, 1769-1771, 1774, and Journal, 1777
REEL 118 Vol. 2, John McAlister, assistant commissary, records, 1777-1779 ; Letterbook, 1781-1782
REEL 118 Vol. 3, John McAlister, assistant commissary, provision returns, 1777, Oct. 27-1778, July 29
REEL 118 Vol. 4, John McAlister, assistant commissary, provision returns, 1777-1779
REEL 118 Vol. 5, Troop returns, Second Virginia Regiment, 1779 ; Siege of Charleston, copies of correspondence and drafts of the Articles of Capitulation, 1780 ; notes on military stretegy, undated; Charleston purchases, 1781
REEL 118 Vol. 6, John Smith, 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment, Army enlistment record, 1778, June 14
REEL 118 Vol. 7, Timothy Pickering, return of all public property belonging to the Quartermaster General's Department from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania and with the Main Army 1782, Apr. 1 See Oversize, Container OV 11
REEL 118 Vol. 8, Proceedings of the Court Martial of Captain Richard Lippincott, New York, 1782, May 3-June 22
REEL 118 Vol. 9, Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field-Exercise, and Movements of His Majesty's Forces. War-Office, printed and sold by J. Walter at Homer's Head, Charing Cross. [London, June 1, 1792]
REEL 118 Vol. 10, Light Infantry Exercise, as Ordered in his Majesty's Regulations for the Movement of the Troops. Printed for the War-Office by T. Egerton at the Military Library, near Whitehall, [London], 1797 .
REEL 118 Vol. 11, James Simons. A New Principle of Tactics Practised by the Armies of the Republic of France: Illustrated and Recommended to be Practised by the Regular and Militia Armies of the United States. Charleston: From the Press of Timothy and Mason, 1797
REEL 118 Vol. 12, [James McHenry]. Rules and Regulations Respecting the Recruiting Service. By John Adams, President of the United States. [1798]
REEL 119-124 Series 7, Applications for Office, 1789-1796
Digital content available
Applications for office during the administrations of Washington.
Arranged alphabetically by names of applicants.
REEL 119 Abercrombie-Cockle
REEL 120 Coffyn-Gunby
REEL 121 Hague-McComb
REEL 122 McCormick-Read (N.C.)
REEL 123 Read (Pa.)-Varle
REEL 124 Vaughan-Zuckerbecker
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