The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  MacKinlay Kantor papers, 1885-1998
Some or all content stored offsite.
Literary File, 1885-1976 (continued)
Prose, circa 1906-1976 (continued)
"Indians-Lacquiparle-Traverse des Sioux," 1956
"Inkpaduta-Corn Sucker-Arrival Wahpekute," undated
"Inkpaduta-Dream-Scalps," undated
"Inkpaduta-Fires," undated
"Inkpaduta Return-Early Winter," undated
"Jo Harshman-Bert and Harry Lott-Sardis," undated
(2 folders)
BOX 116 "Joel Howe Story," undated
"Joel Huckfield," undated
"Joel's Aunt," 1956
"Lowder," 1956
"Luce-Gardners," undated
(3 folders)
"Lydia Howe-Howard County," 1956
"Marble," 1957, undated
(2 folders)
"Markham-Howes-Noble-Thatcher," undated
"Massacre," 1961
"Morris-Discovery of Massacre," undated
"Morris Markham," 1959-1961, undated
(2 folders)
"Morris Markham-After Massacre," undated
"Morris Markham-Apr.-May 1857," 1961
"Morris Markham-Finale," 1961
BOX 117 "Morris Markham-Jenny Lind-New York," 1961
(2 folders)
"Morris Markham-Movers," 1961
"Morris Markham-New York City," 1961
"Morris Markham Sequence," undated
"Morris Markham-Wood Brothers-Springfield," undated
"Mover Day on Prairie," undated
"Nobles, Thatchers, Howes-Winter," undated
"Nobles-Thatchers-Sardis," undated
"Prairie," undated
"Ransom," undated
"Ransom of Peggy Ann Marble," undated
"Reading," undated
"Red Wing Company," 1956, undated
(2 folders)
"Report of Captain Bee," undated
BOX 118 "Robert Didier," 1959
(3 folders)
"St. Paul-Harriott-Schnieder," undated
(3 folders)
"Sardis Howe," undated
"Second Mover Hymn," 1959
"Silvanus Waggoner," undated
"Snake Comes to Its End," undated
"Snake-Ransom-Death of Lydia," undated
"Snow," undated
"Springfield-Before Attack," 1961
"Springfield Refugees-Relief Expedition," undated
"The Sun-Wagon Travel," undated
BOX 119 "Thatcher-Luce Return Journey," undated
"Wahpekute," undated
"Wahpekute Departure," undated
"Wahpekute Westward Trip," undated
"Wahpekute-Winter-Starvation," undated
"Westward March from Heron Lake," undated
Second draft, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 120 (9 folders)
BOX 121 (5 folders)
Final draft, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 122 (7 folders)
BOX 123 (5 folders)
Fragments, 1956-1961, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 124 (3 folders)
Galleys, annotated pages, 1961
(4 folders)
Illustrations, undated
Publicity file, 1961, undated
BOX 125 Related writings
Jacket and/or catalog text, 1961
Kask, Eleanor, citation, 1961
"One-Way Trip up to Spirit Lake," Scripps-Howard Syndicate, 1962
Publication announcements, 1960
This Is My Best, excerpt for, 1969
Research File
Correspondence, 1959-1961, undated
(2 folders)
Dictation, observations and interviews, 1956-1957
(2 folders)
Maps, annotated, 1938, 1956-1961, undated See also Oversize
BOX 126 Notes, 1956-1957, undated
(5 folders)
Printed material and documents, undated
Reviews and notices, 1960-1963
(3 folders)
BOX 127 "Thermador," draft fragment, undated
Valley Forge
Background material, 1974, undated
Preliminary and first draft, undated
(7 folders)
BOX 128 Second draft, undated
(5 folders)
Final draft, 1975
(3 folders)
BOX 129 Promotional material, 1975-1976
Reviews, notices, and related clippings, 1974-1976, undated
Voice of Bugle of Ann
Atlantic Monthly serial, 1935
Book jackets, undated
Auction of manuscript, undated
Miscellaneous, 1952
Reviews, notices, and related clippings, 1935-1936, undated
"Wake up Jacob" See also Container 77, same heading
Draft fragments and notes
(2 folders)
Wicked Water See also Container 76, same heading
Book jackets and review, 1949, undated
Draft, 1948
(3 folders)
BOX 130 The Work of Saint Francis See also Container 95, "Unseen Witness"
Book jackets, undated
Early draft, 1958
Final draft, 1958
Galleys, annotated pages, 1958
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