The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  MacKinlay Kantor papers, 1885-1998
Some or all content stored offsite.
Literary File, 1885-1976 (continued)
Prose, circa 1906-1976 (continued)
"A Knight in New Jersey," American Magazine, 1936
"Lady in Leather," undated
"Last Bullet," Collier's, 1938
"The Legacy," undated
"The Legend of Jones City," McCall's, 1963
"Lemonade for Lance," Country Gentleman, 1937
"Let Nothing You Dismay," undated
"Let's Play House" See also Container 88, "The Golden Key"
"Life in Her Hands," Saturday Evening Post, 1953
"Lilacs for Mr. Lace," Canadian Home Journal, 1950
"Lion Eyes," 1929
"Little Men of Death," note, 1933
"Little People," undated
BOX 90 "Lonely Mrs. Mingo," undated
"A Long Line of Soldiers," Harper's Magazine, 1935
"The Longest Day in the Year," undated
"Make Us Glad," 1965
"A Man Who Had No Eyes," Liberty, 1931
"Man Who Voted for Ulysses S. Grant," Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, 1952
"The Manhattan Hawk," Redbook, 1933
Martha Barden, book jacket, Dutch edition, undated
"Ma's Gone West," Liberty, 1941
"Maternal Witness," Real Detective Tales, 1930
"May Basket," Modern Homemaking, 1929
Miami, Fla., incomplete draft, 1950
"The Midget Mowgli," Chicago Daily News, 1930
"The Midnight Massacre," circa 1929
"Miracle from Heaven," Collier's, 1943
"Miss Renn and the Rolling Pin," undated
"Missouri Moon," Country Gentleman, 1942
Early draft
Final draft
BOX 91 "Mr. Porlock and the Nightingale," American Legion Monthly, 1941
"The Moon Caller," Collier's,1944
"Moonlight on the Orinoco," incomplete draft, 1918
"Mountain Music," Cosmopolitan, 1935 See also Container 74, "Mountain Melody"
"A Mural for Muriel," undated
"Murder," undated
Murders in eccentric family, incomplete draft, 1952
"The Mustering," Country Gentleman, 1941
"My Cup Runneth Over," undated
"My Lady Sleeps," 1943, 1974, undated
(2 folders)
Mystery, Axis spies, incomplete draft, circa 1941
Mystery, Florida Everglades, incomplete draft, undated
Mystery, Midnight Pass near Sarasota, Fla., incomplete draft, undated
BOX 92 "Neck All Covered Nicely," undated
"The Neighbors Light Their Lanterns," undated
"Neither Hand Nor Foot," circa 1932
"Night of Panic," This Week, 1949
"No Enemy," Saturday Evening Post, 1936
"No Storm on Galilee," Saturday Evening Post, 1941
"Not Cloudy All Day," American Magazine, 1935
"Not Quite Five," 1950
"Not Quite Six," undated
"Now I Must Smile," 1952
"O Tannenbaum," American Legion, 1945
"Obituary from the Rear," The Midwest, 1934 See also Container 77, same heading
"Oh What a Way to End Your Days," undated
"Old Man Begins to Cry," Literary Observer, 1935
"One Flew East," Outdoor America, 1930
"Orchids Last a Long Time," 1966
"Painless," American Magazine, 1948
"Papa Pierre's Pipe," This Week, 1949
"Passion of Mr. Palmer," undated
"Passport in Purple," Cosmopolitan, 1946
Early draft
Final draft
"Peeking In," 1932
BOX 93 "The People of the Platte," Short-Shorts, 1932
"People Will Play," circa 1930
"Peter the Hermit," University, 1933
"The Phantom in the Dark," Liberty, 1932
Pioneer reviews life on one hundredth birthday, incomplete draft, undated
"The Pipes," 1921
"Pistols at Twenty Paces," undated
"The Player in the Fog," 1925
"Prelude to a Parade," undated
"The President's Thumb," Liberty, undated
"Processional," Chicago Daily News Midweek, 1930
"Purple," 1921-1922
"The Purple Moccasin," Saturday Evening Post,1937
"Rebel Yell," Adventure, 1930
"Receipt," undated
"Red Head," Frontier, 1929
"The Resurrection of Mr. Vertigo," undated
"The Return of Danny Eggers," Real Detective Tales, 1929
"The Return of the Eagle," Country Gentleman, 1940
"Rogues' Gallery," Collier's, 1935
"The Romance of Rosy Ridge," 1937
"The Royal Mountain," undated
"Saint Nicholas Soon Would Be There," American Weekly, 1953
"The Same Brave Star," Collier's, 1935
"Santa Fe Trail," Delineator, 1935
"Saturday Afternoon," Chicago Daily News Midweek, 1929
"Savage Night," Saturday Evening Post, 1953
Schoolhouse, Webster City, Iowa, undated
Scottish immigrants, incomplete draft, undated
BOX 94 "Seven Paces South," This Week, 1948
"Seven Times Salt," The Blade and Ledger, 1930
"Shall Not Perish from the Earth," Redbook, 1939
"She Dreamed of Wings," American Magazine, 1935
"The Shadow Points," Dime Detective, 1933
"The Sheriff Gets the Mail," Elks Magazine, 1936
"Shoot the Works," Redbook, 1933
"The Short Happy Life of Frances Shellenberger," 1966
"Silent Grow the Guns," Redbook, 1935
"Sixth Avenue Love Song," 1929
"The Slough Devil," Elks Magazine, 1934
Small town minister, 1938
"So Pretty and So Green," 1949
"Songs My Grandpa Taught Me," Chicago Daily News Midweek, 1929
"Spoils of War," American Magazine, 1936
"Spooks in the Night," undated
"The Star of Prickly Orange," Country Gentleman, 1938
"The Steel Claw," Liberty, 1934
"The Strange Case of Steinkelwitz," Chicago Daily News Midweek, (1929)
"Strange Return," Collier's, 1936
"Symposium," Liberty, 1933
Talcott Wood story, incomplete draft, undated
"Ten Thousand Dollar Bag," Real Detective Tales, 1928
"Thanks to the Redskins," American Magazine, 1935
"That Greek Dog," Saturday Evening Post, 1941 See also Container 75, same heading
"Then Came the Legions," Redbook, 1934
"Then My Indiana Home, Goodnight," Saturday Evening Post, 1940
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