The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  MacKinlay Kantor papers, 1885-1998
Some or all content stored offsite.
Literary File, 1885-1976 (continued)
Prose, circa 1906-1976 (continued)
"That Greek Dog," Saturday Evening Post, 1941 See also Container 75, same heading
"Then Came the Legions," Redbook, 1934
"Then My Indiana Home, Goodnight," Saturday Evening Post, 1940
"Then We Nestled in the Moonlight," undated
BOX 95 "This Guy Baum," Real Detective Tales, 1928
"This Little Wife Stayed Home," American Magazine, 1936
"This Very Soil," 1950
"Three Cheers for Justice," undated
"To Have Dominion," Esquire, 1950
"The Tricking of Timothy Sloane," undated
United States Air Force veterans, incomplete draft, undated
United States Air Force veterans' reunion, incomplete draft, undated
"Unseen Witness," Saturday Evening Post, 1954 See also Container 130, The Work of Saint Francis
"Until It's Over," American Magazine, 1935
"Valedictory," Saturday Evening Post, 1938
"Valentine," 1929
"Vigilante," Redbook, 1932
"The Watchman," Collier's, 1936
"We Were a Couple of Kids," 1939
"We'll All Feel Gay," 1952
"We'll Bring the Jubilee," American Magazine, 1934
"Whear Ha' Ye Ben, My Laddie," Saturday Evening Post, 1941
"When Bob and I Went Trapping," circa 1917
"When St. Peter Descends," Real Detective Tales,undated
"White Belt and Tin Badge," Chicago Daily News Midweek, 1929
"Widow Kelvy's Curse," Esquire, 1944
"Will Ye No' Come Back Again?" Saturday Evening Post, 1938
"The Witch Doctor of Rosy Ridge," Saturday Evening Post, 1939
"The Woman on the Roof," Chicago Daily News Midweek, 1929
"The Woman with Kind Hands," Saturday Evening Post, 1938
BOX 96 "Women in the Desert," 1965
"The Wrath of the Raped," Outdoor America, 1929
"Write Me a Letter," Chicago Daily News Midweek, 1929
"Writing in the Sky," Saturday Evening Post, 1938
"The Wrong Road Which Was Right," 1949
"Yea, He Did Fly," Atlantic Monthly, 1936
Unidentified fragments, 1939, undated
"And Angels"
First draft, undated
(2 folders)
Second draft, by "Sheridan Rhodes," undated
(2 folders)
Fragments, circa 1924
BOX 97 Andersonville
"The Author Tells How He Relived the Tragedy," New York Times Book Review, 1955
Book banning, Whitehall, Mich., 1963-1964
Book jackets, undated
Correspondence and clippings, 1955-1967, 1974, undated
Illustrations, 1961, undated See also Oversize
Arouse and Beware
Book jackets, undated
First draft, 1934-1935
(5 folders)
Fragment, 1935
BOX 98 Beauty Beast
Background material, 1966
Book jackets, undated
Preliminary, first, and second drafts, 1965-1967, undated
(9 folders)
BOX 99 (3 folders)
Third draft, undated
(7 folders)
BOX 100 Fourth draft, 1968
(3 folders)
Fragments, undated
Reviews, notices, and promotional material, 1967-1968, undated
Bugle Ann, maps, undated
The Children Sing
Background material, 1972
Book jackets, undated
Correspondence, 1972
BOX 101 Drafts
Preliminary and first drafts, undated
(5 folders)
Second draft, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 102 Third draft, 1973
(2 folders)
Jacket and catalog text, undated
Reviews, notices, and announcements, 1973, undated
Cuba Libre
Book jacket, undated
Draft fragment, undated
(2 folders)
Daughter of Bugle Ann
Book jackets, undated
Draft, 1960
(2 folders)
Diversey, book jacket, advertising poster, and notes, 1928, undated See also Oversize
Don't Touch Me
Background material
Miscellany, circa 1950
BOX 103 Printed material, 1944-1950
(2 folders)
U. S. Air Force, circa 1950
Book jackets, reviews, notices, advertisements, and clippings, 1951, undated
Preliminary draft fragment, 1950
Early draft, 1951
(4 folders)
Later draft fragment, undated
El Goes South, book jacket and miscellany, undated
BOX 104 Gentle Annie
Book jackets, notes, and miscellany, 1941, undated
Draft, 1941
(4 folders)
Glory For Me See also Containers 70-71, same heading
Book jackets and notes, 1944, undated
Draft, 1944-1945
(5 folders)
BOX 105 God and My Country, book jackets and promotional material, undated See also Container 68, Follow Me, Boys
"The Golden Fleet"
Background material
Notes, 1939-1940
Printed material, 1939-1940
Drafts, 1940
First draft
(2 folders)
Second draft
(4 folders)
BOX 106 Third draft
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