| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1 |
Biographical material, 1892, 1905,
BOX 1 |
Correspondence |
BOX 1 |
With Mansfield, 1900-1907, undated
BOX 1 |
With Wilstach |
BOX 1 |
Mansfield, Beatrice, 1907-1908,
BOX 1 |
Others, 1901-1910, undated
BOX 1 |
Miscellaneous, 1906, undated
BOX 1 |
Playbills and sheet music, 1890-1907
BOX 1 |
Scrapbbooks |
BOX 1 |
Pollard, Mrs. J. P. (Sarah Lindsey Myers
Pollard), 1896
BOX 1 |
Wilstach, Paul |
BOX 1 |
BOX 2 |
BOX 2 |
See Oversize
BOX 2 |
See Oversize
BOX 2 |
Writings |
BOX 2 |
Books |
BOX 2 |
Manuscripts |
BOX 2 |
By Wilstach |
BOX 2 |
Richard Mansfield: The Man and the Actor, 1909
BOX 2 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 3 |
(1 folder) |
BOX 3 |
Published works |
BOX 3 |
By Mansfield |
BOX 3 |
Blown Away (Boston: L.C. Page and Co., 1897)
BOX 3 |
One Evening; Being an Entertainment of Songs Grave and Gay (New York: Novello, Ewer & Co., 1891)
BOX 3 |
By others |
BOX 3 |
American Art Galleries. Catalogue of the Richard Mansfield Collection (New York, 1908)
BOX 3 |
de Bergerac, Cyrano. A Voyage to the Moon (New York: Doubleday and McClure Co., 1899)
BOX 3 |
Mansfield, Richard, 2nd. Courage! (New York: Moffat, Yard and Co., 1918)
BOX 3 |
von Muller von der Werra, Begrundel.
Allegemeines Reichs-Commerbuch für Deutsche Studenten (Leipzig: Druck, Verlag and Hartel, 1895)
BOX 4 |
The Peerless Series. The Story of Cyrano de Bergerac; Founded Upon and Written from the Play of That Name Which Was Written by Edmond Rostand(New York: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1898)
BOX 4 |
Selwyn & Co. The Plays of Richard Mansfield(New York, undated)
BOX 4 |
Smith, Herbert G. Castle Sombras (London: George Newes Ltd., 1895)
BOX 4 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 4 |
By Mansfield, 1892, 1900-1901, 1905,
(2 folders) |
BOX 4 |
By others, 1887-1911, undated
BOX 4 |
Plays |
BOX 4 |
Acting versions of plays by
others |
BOX 4 |
Fitch, Clyde. Beau Brummel (New York: John Lane Co., 1908)
BOX 5 |
Ibsen, Henrik. The Richard Mansfield Acting Version of Peer Gynt(Chicago: Reilly and Britton Co., 1906)
BOX 5 |
Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac; A Heroic Comedy, trans. by Howard T. Kingbury (Boston: Lamson, Wolffe and Co.,
BOX 5 |
Shakespeare, William |
BOX 5 |
King Richard the Third, As Produced at the Globe Theater, London, Under the Management of Mr.Richard Mansfield (New York: Clark and Zugalla, 1889)
BOX 5 |
The Richard Mansfield Acting Version of King Henry V (New York: McClure Phillips & Co., 1901)
BOX 5 |
By Mansfield |
BOX 5 |
As You Find It, 1904
BOX 5 |
Don Juan (New York: J. W. Boulton, 1891)
BOX 6 |
By others |
BOX 6 |
Gross, Samuel E. The Merchant Prince of Cornville (New York: Rand, McNally & Co., 1896)
BOX 6 |
Rostand, Edmond |
BOX 6 |
Cyrano de Bergerac(Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, [first
edition]) |
BOX 6 |
Cyrano de Bergerac, trans. by Gertrude Hall (New York: Doubleday & McClure
Co., 1898)
BOX 6 |
Cyrano de Bergerac, trans. by Mary F. Guillemard and Gladys Thomas (New York: R.
H. Russell, 1899)
BOX OV 1 |
Oversize |
BOX OV 1 |
Scrapbooks |
BOX OV 1 |
1898-1901 (Container 2) |
BOX OV 2 |
1902-1907 (Container 2) |