The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Grover Cleveland papers, 1743-1945
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Series X: Printed Matter, 1786-1924 (continued)
1859, History of the Canal Policy of the State of New York by Thomas B. Lord
1862, England, the Cause of This War
1867, The Constitution of the State of Maryland
1868-1882, Republican opinions on the tariff
1871, Jan., An Historical Survey of the First Presbyterian Church by C. T. Berry
1874 [?], Address, Alumni Society of the University of Nashville
Description of the Greatest Literary Curiosity of the Age
House of Representatives Ex. Doc. No. 162
1877, Catechism on the Money Question: The Cause, Remedy, and Prevention of Money Panics by William Brindle
Feb., Empire and Humanity by Frederic Harrison
June, House of Representatives Report No. 1584
1880, no month given, Report on Variations of Weights and Measures, International Coinage, and on Funding
Feb., Senate Report No. 837
Mar., House of Representatives Report No. 226
Dec., Senate Report No. 17
Feb., House of Representatives Report No. 226
Constitution of the State of Utah
The Constitution of the New York Republican Association, Washington, D.C.
By-Laws of the Woodmont Rod and Gun Club, Washington, D.C.
House of Representatives Bill No. 6646
Oct., The Spoils System by Archibald Mayo
1882, no month given, Washington's Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, 1796-1882
July, A New System of Agriculture
Oct., Law and Order Leagues
Dec., New York State Dairymen's Association
1883, no month given
Report of the Utah Commission to the Secretary of the Interior, 1883-1884
Orange Wine, 1883
Home and Day School, Mobile, Ala., 1883-1884
Jan., Senate Report No. 46
Decline of American Shipping: Its Causes and Remedy
General Thomas J. Brady and the California Mail Contacts
House of Representatives Report No. 484
Mar., Congressional Record
Apr., Aid to Common Schools by Daniel W. Voorhees
May, Monument to Mary, the Mother of Washington
June, Collection of Statistics Touching Marriage and Divorce
Progress in Education
Coinage of the Silver Dollar by W. S. Groesbeck
Address, Tremont Temple, by James Freeman Clarke
Republicans and Independents
Aug.-Oct., Republican Voters of Indiana
Spanish-American Reciprocity Treaty
The United States Treasury Should Not Refuse United States Coin by James C. Hallock, Jr.
1884, no month given
Report on Foreign and Domestic Postal Accounting by James T. Smith
United States of America, in the Matter of the Application of Mrs. Agnes Gallagher for the Relief of Her Son
BOX X:2 1885
Congressional Record
The Constitution of the New York State Democratic Association
Indiana Civil Service Reform Association
The Old and the New Year, cartoon from Puck
Cleveland's presidential inaugural address
Petition of the American Artists in Rome
Recommendations of Administrative Tariff Legislation
Extracts from Reports of United States: Consuls in Europe Respecting the Importance of the American Exhibition, London, 1886
The Tenure-of-Office Laws
July, The Woolen Tariff
The Plant Patent by Jacob Moore
Proceedings of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
The Republic
The Pound and the Dollar, or Bimetalism Practicable by Mercator
The Case of Arthur Ernest Hatheway
President Cleveland and the Indians by William McMichael
Soldiers' Home, Washington, D.C.
United States Prisoners by R. Brinkerhoff
Dec., Editorial, Arizona Daily Star
1885, no month given
The Adventures of Barclay Henley
Bullion Certificates by I. W. Sylvester
The Charleston Collectorship
The Chippeway Indians
Constitution and By-Laws of Kings County Democratic Club
Platform by D. M. Richardson
European and American Criminality and Pauperism
In Memoriam of U. S. Grant
Turn Not a Deaf Ear to Pity's Call
A Bill to Promote Mendicancy
In the Supreme Court of the Territory of New Mexico
The Constitutional Aspects of the Conflict between the President and the Senate
Senate Report No. 71
Senate Report No. 89
Mar., Maryland Democratic Association, Washington, D.C.
Proceedings of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
House of Representatives Bill No. 8674
House of Representatives Report No. 2527
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Citizens' Law and Order League of Massachusetts
June, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 170
July, Improvement of the Mississippi River
Aug., Enforcement of the Laws by L. Edwin Dudley
Sept., Proceedings of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
Dec., Wabash Receivership
1886, no month given
The American Exhibition, London, England
A Brief Enquiry into the Right of the President to Remove and Suspend Federal Officials
The Burton Stock Car Co.
Caving Banks on the Mississippi River by B. M. Harrod
Constitution and By-Laws of the Cook County Democratic Club, Chicago
Factory Filled Salt for Butter, Cheese, and Table Use
International Copyright
Our Friends, the Coeur D'Aleine Indians
The President's Veto of Senate Bill No. 183
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