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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series X: Printed Matter, 1786-1924 (continued) | |||||||||||||
The Adventures of Barclay Henley | |||||||||||||
Bullion Certificates by I. W. Sylvester | |||||||||||||
The Charleston Collectorship | |||||||||||||
The Chippeway Indians | |||||||||||||
Constitution and By-Laws of Kings County Democratic Club | |||||||||||||
Platform by D. M. Richardson | |||||||||||||
European and American Criminality and Pauperism | |||||||||||||
In Memoriam of U. S. Grant | |||||||||||||
Turn Not a Deaf Ear to Pity's Call | |||||||||||||
1886 | |||||||||||||
Jan. | |||||||||||||
A Bill to Promote Mendicancy | |||||||||||||
In the Supreme Court of the Territory of New Mexico | |||||||||||||
Feb. | |||||||||||||
The Constitutional Aspects of the Conflict between the President and the Senate | |||||||||||||
Senate Report No. 71 | |||||||||||||
Senate Report No. 89 | |||||||||||||
Mar., Maryland Democratic Association, Washington, D.C. | |||||||||||||
Apr. | |||||||||||||
Proceedings of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers | |||||||||||||
Unidentified | |||||||||||||
May | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill No. 8674 | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Report No. 2527 | |||||||||||||
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Citizens' Law and Order League of Massachusetts | |||||||||||||
June, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 170 | |||||||||||||
July, Improvement of the Mississippi River | |||||||||||||
Aug., Enforcement of the Laws by L. Edwin Dudley | |||||||||||||
Sept., Proceedings of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers | |||||||||||||
Dec., Wabash Receivership | |||||||||||||
1886, no month given | |||||||||||||
The American Exhibition, London, England | |||||||||||||
A Brief Enquiry into the Right of the President to Remove and Suspend Federal Officials | |||||||||||||
The Burton Stock Car Co. | |||||||||||||
Caving Banks on the Mississippi River by B. M. Harrod | |||||||||||||
Constitution and By-Laws of the Cook County Democratic Club, Chicago | |||||||||||||
Factory Filled Salt for Butter, Cheese, and Table Use | |||||||||||||
International Copyright | |||||||||||||
Our Friends, the Coeur D'Aleine Indians | |||||||||||||
The President's Veto of Senate Bill No. 183 | |||||||||||||
1887 | |||||||||||||
Jan. | |||||||||||||
Notice and Grounds of Contest of Frank J. Sullivan vs. Charles N. Felton | |||||||||||||
BOX X:3 | Senate Bill No. 3182 | ||||||||||||
Feb. | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill Nos. 11,123; 11,185; 11,186 | |||||||||||||
Report of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Law and Order Society of the City of Philadephia, Pa. | |||||||||||||
La Question des Chevliers du Travail | |||||||||||||
Mar. | |||||||||||||
United States Patent Office | |||||||||||||
The Government Sugar Experiments and the Sugar Trade | |||||||||||||
May, Pennsylvania Railroad Co. timetable | |||||||||||||
July | |||||||||||||
Constitution of the State of Utah | |||||||||||||
Distributing the Surplus among the States | |||||||||||||
Pleading Failure of the Consideration in the Matter of the Purchase of Guano on Time | |||||||||||||
Aug. | |||||||||||||
Commercial Union with Canada from a United States Point of View | |||||||||||||
Moral Laws and Positive Laws | |||||||||||||
Sept., Minority Report-Utah Commission | |||||||||||||
Oct., Procession and Serenade in Honor of Grover Cleveland | |||||||||||||
Dec. | |||||||||||||
President Cleveland's Message | |||||||||||||
Veteran Republican and temperance leaders, correspondence | |||||||||||||
1887, no month given | |||||||||||||
An Act to Grant Copyright to Persons Not Citizens of the United States of America | |||||||||||||
By-Laws of the Wapello County Democratic Club, Ottumwa, Iowa | |||||||||||||
Constitution and By-Laws of Pensioners' Benevolent Union of the State of Missouri | |||||||||||||
Report on Samoa by George H. Bates to the secretary of state | |||||||||||||
Report on the Dakota Territory by the governor of Dakota to the secretary of the interior | |||||||||||||
The Soldier and the Veto | |||||||||||||
Southern Exposition, Louisville, Ky. | |||||||||||||
The Telegraphone | |||||||||||||
Unidentified | |||||||||||||
1888 | |||||||||||||
Jan. | |||||||||||||
Harlem Democratic Club | |||||||||||||
In Memory of Daniel Manning | |||||||||||||
New York Belletrisches Journal | |||||||||||||
Feb. | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Ex. Doc. No. 154 | |||||||||||||
North American Review, Political Effect of the Message | |||||||||||||
Mar. | |||||||||||||
Speech of James B. McCreary in favor of a conference at Washington between the nations of North, Central, and South America to encourage reciprocal commercial relations and promote arbitration | |||||||||||||
A Bill to Provide for New Designs of United States Coins | |||||||||||||
J. T. Mercer to United States Senators and Members of Congress | |||||||||||||
Apr. | |||||||||||||
American Rights in Samoa, message from the president of the United States | |||||||||||||
American Social Science Association | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Report No. 1496 | |||||||||||||
The Tariff by Roger Q. Mills | |||||||||||||
May | |||||||||||||
Ohio Democratic state convention program | |||||||||||||
The Tariff by William L. Wilson | |||||||||||||
Senate Mis. Doc. No. 109 | |||||||||||||
Speech by William L. Scott on bill to reduce taxation and simplify the laws in relation to the collection of the revenue | |||||||||||||
Tariff Reform, speech by Ashbel P. Fitch | |||||||||||||
The Surplus and the Tariff, speech by S. S. Cox | |||||||||||||
June | |||||||||||||
An Address to the Delegates to the Democratic National Convention at St. Louis | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill No. 10,614 | |||||||||||||
July | |||||||||||||
Free Wool, speech by William M. Springer | |||||||||||||
The Mills Bill | |||||||||||||
The New Agriculture, Aquaculture, or Sub-Irrigation | |||||||||||||
Speech on the tariff by Roger Q. Mills | |||||||||||||
Aug. | |||||||||||||
Is the Republican Party Sincere? by Charles W. Dayton | |||||||||||||
Pensions | |||||||||||||
Speech on the tariff by Allen C. Thurman | |||||||||||||
Sept. | |||||||||||||
Cleveland, the Leader of Reform | |||||||||||||
Curious Facts with Regard to Our Presidents | |||||||||||||
Oct. | |||||||||||||
A Naval Reserve for the United States | |||||||||||||
Unidentified | |||||||||||||
Nov. | |||||||||||||
Appeal for Kennesaw Educational Fund | |||||||||||||
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States | |||||||||||||
Dec. | |||||||||||||
Appraisers' stores | |||||||||||||
Foreign Legations in the United States | |||||||||||||
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States | |||||||||||||
President Cleveland's True Character | |||||||||||||
The Sisters of St. Francis Christmas card | |||||||||||||
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