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Series X: Printed Matter, 1786-1924 (continued)
Report of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Law and Order Society of the City of Philadephia, Pa.
La Question des Chevliers du Travail
United States Patent Office
The Government Sugar Experiments and the Sugar Trade
May, Pennsylvania Railroad Co. timetable
Constitution of the State of Utah
Distributing the Surplus among the States
Pleading Failure of the Consideration in the Matter of the Purchase of Guano on Time
Commercial Union with Canada from a United States Point of View
Moral Laws and Positive Laws
Sept., Minority Report-Utah Commission
Oct., Procession and Serenade in Honor of Grover Cleveland
President Cleveland's Message
Veteran Republican and temperance leaders, correspondence
1887, no month given
An Act to Grant Copyright to Persons Not Citizens of the United States of America
By-Laws of the Wapello County Democratic Club, Ottumwa, Iowa
Constitution and By-Laws of Pensioners' Benevolent Union of the State of Missouri
Report on Samoa by George H. Bates to the secretary of state
Report on the Dakota Territory by the governor of Dakota to the secretary of the interior
The Soldier and the Veto
Southern Exposition, Louisville, Ky.
The Telegraphone
Harlem Democratic Club
In Memory of Daniel Manning
New York Belletrisches Journal
House of Representatives Ex. Doc. No. 154
North American Review, Political Effect of the Message
Speech of James B. McCreary in favor of a conference at Washington between the nations of North, Central, and South America to encourage reciprocal commercial relations and promote arbitration
A Bill to Provide for New Designs of United States Coins
J. T. Mercer to United States Senators and Members of Congress
American Rights in Samoa, message from the president of the United States
American Social Science Association
House of Representatives Report No. 1496
The Tariff by Roger Q. Mills
Ohio Democratic state convention program
The Tariff by William L. Wilson
Senate Mis. Doc. No. 109
Speech by William L. Scott on bill to reduce taxation and simplify the laws in relation to the collection of the revenue
Tariff Reform, speech by Ashbel P. Fitch
The Surplus and the Tariff, speech by S. S. Cox
An Address to the Delegates to the Democratic National Convention at St. Louis
House of Representatives Bill No. 10,614
Free Wool, speech by William M. Springer
The Mills Bill
The New Agriculture, Aquaculture, or Sub-Irrigation
Speech on the tariff by Roger Q. Mills
Is the Republican Party Sincere? by Charles W. Dayton
Speech on the tariff by Allen C. Thurman
Cleveland, the Leader of Reform
Curious Facts with Regard to Our Presidents
A Naval Reserve for the United States
Appeal for Kennesaw Educational Fund
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Appraisers' stores
Foreign Legations in the United States
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
President Cleveland's True Character
The Sisters of St. Francis Christmas card
1888, no month given
Constitution and By-Laws of the Farmers' Exchange, Lexington, Ky.
Constitution of the Young Men's Democratic League
Convincing Truths in Support of President Cleveland's Message
BOX X:4 The Rate of Wages
The Reduction of War Taxes
Shall the Law That Protects Farmers Be Repealed?
Tariff History: A Complete Account of American Tariff Legislation from the Foundation of the Government to the Passage of the Mills Bill
Tercentennary Ballad by John Parnell
The War Record of Melville W. Fuller
What the Mills Bill Is
The Wool Grower and the Tariff
Jan., Senate Ex. Doc. Nos. 68 and 69, message from the president
1889, no month given
Centennial of the inauguration of George Washington
Exposition Internationale, Brussels, Belgium
Feb., College Settlements Association
Mar., Catalog of Fishing Tackle: The Kosmic Brand
May, The Virginia Debt Settlement
July, Congressional Record
June, Pension and Socialism
July, The Duty and Reward of Loyalty
Dec., Society of Loyal Volunteers
1891, no month given
The Possible Effects of Earthquake Shocks on the Structures of the Canal in Nicaragua
A Tariff Primer
Jan., Senate Misc. Doc. No. 47
Feb., Judge John Martin to the Democracy of Kansas
Mar., Nicaragua ship canal
May, The Proceedings of the Convention of the New York State Cleveland League
June, Proceedings of the Nicaragua Canal Convention, St. Louis, Mo.
Sept., Quabbin: Sketches in a Small Town, with Outlooks upon Puritan Life
Nov., In Remembrance of the Dinner in Honor of President-Elect Grover Cleveland
Dec., The Cornell University Register
1892, no month given
The Memorial History of the City of New York
New England ancestry of Grover Cleveland
Ocean Mail Service between the United States and Foreign Ports
Official Directory: Democratic National Committee
Roanoke Island Gunning Association
Jan., A Message Addressed to the Indiana Legislature
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