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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series X: Printed Matter, 1786-1924 (continued) | |||||||||||||
National Sound Money Convention of Commercial Organizations | |||||||||||||
The Sugar Question | |||||||||||||
Oct., Speech on the Uniform System of Bankruptcy by Constantine B. Kilgore | |||||||||||||
Nov., Train Robbing and Wrecking | |||||||||||||
Dec. | |||||||||||||
Bureau of Public Buildings | |||||||||||||
Direction for sterilization of milk, United States Department of Agriculture | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Resolution No. 70 | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Resolution No. 104 | |||||||||||||
Nicaragua Canal, Senate Bill No. 1481 | |||||||||||||
Residences of Officers of the United States Army in the District of Columbia | |||||||||||||
1893, no month given | |||||||||||||
Osborne v. Knight | |||||||||||||
Correspondence between the government of India and the secretary of state | |||||||||||||
How Silver Can Be Again Added to Gold as a Representative and Standard of Values, So That This Country Will Draw Gold and Export Silver by Charles P. Huntington | |||||||||||||
Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps in the District of Columbia | |||||||||||||
Woodmont Rod and Gun Club, Washington, D.C., annual report | |||||||||||||
BOX X:5 | Albemarle and Pamplico Cruising and Hunting Association | ||||||||||||
Condensed Arguments in Favor of the Gold Standard | |||||||||||||
Constitution and By-Laws of the Medal of Honor Legion | |||||||||||||
Indian Currency Committee | |||||||||||||
Legislation for the Prevention of Blindness | |||||||||||||
Letters to Governor Lorenzo P. Lewelling by J. K. Hudson | |||||||||||||
Memorial to the president of the United States and Congress | |||||||||||||
Money and Currency | |||||||||||||
Naomi and Ruth | |||||||||||||
Report of the State Commission on Improvement to Waterways | |||||||||||||
Sherman Law | |||||||||||||
The Silver Question by Alexander Del Mar | |||||||||||||
1894 | |||||||||||||
Jan. | |||||||||||||
Diplomatic list | |||||||||||||
Congress and the cabinet | |||||||||||||
Protest of the Vessel Owners of Cleveland, Ohio | |||||||||||||
Salt and the Tariff | |||||||||||||
Special Report of the Forest Commission | |||||||||||||
Tariff Reform | |||||||||||||
Feb. | |||||||||||||
Abstract of Proceedings at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the National Board of Trade | |||||||||||||
Memorial from Members of the Baltimore Corn and Flour Exchange in Regard to the Advantage of Free Iron Ore to Our Export Trade | |||||||||||||
Richmond and West Point Terminal Trailway and Warehouse Company, Plan of Reorganization, as Modified | |||||||||||||
Mar. | |||||||||||||
Free and Unlimited Coinage of the Silver Dollar | |||||||||||||
Reply of the Committee Representing the New York State Salt Industry | |||||||||||||
Senate Mis. Doc. No. 102 | |||||||||||||
Silver Dollar League | |||||||||||||
The Economist | |||||||||||||
The Tehuantepec Isthmus Railway by Matias Romero | |||||||||||||
June | |||||||||||||
Henry E. Highton to the Attorney General, an Open Letter | |||||||||||||
Speech of Marion Cannon in the House of Representatives | |||||||||||||
July | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill No. 7680 | |||||||||||||
The Popular Science Monthly | |||||||||||||
Aug., A Forecast of the Future Commercial Union of the English Speaking People | |||||||||||||
Our Enormous Annual Loss by Fire by Edward Atkinson | |||||||||||||
Sept., Annual Report upon the Improvement and Care of Public Buildings and Grounds, and Care and Maintenance of the Washington Monument in the District of Columbia | |||||||||||||
Oct., First Consolidated Mortgage Deed | |||||||||||||
Dec. | |||||||||||||
Address, A Way Out by William C. Cornwell | |||||||||||||
Navigation Laws | |||||||||||||
Southern Railway Co. certificate with plan of organization, bylaws, and charter | |||||||||||||
1894, no month given | |||||||||||||
Annual report of the secretary of the treasury on the state of finances | |||||||||||||
Congress and the Cabinet by Gamaliel Bradford | |||||||||||||
Enterprise Manufacturing Co. | |||||||||||||
Forest and Stream Club, Wilmington, Vt. | |||||||||||||
Kilgore to His Constitutents | |||||||||||||
Perfection Life Preserving Air Goods | |||||||||||||
Speeches of Eppa Hunton, of Virginia, and William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, in the United States Senate | |||||||||||||
The Treatment of Inoperable Malignant Tumors with Toxines of Erysipelas and Bacillus Prodigiosus by William B. Coley | |||||||||||||
BOX X:6 | 1895 | ||||||||||||
Jan. | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill Nos. 8410 and 8705 | |||||||||||||
Statement of the condition of the United States Treasury and the receipts and expenditures of the government | |||||||||||||
The Treatment of Inoperable Malignant Tumors with the Toxins of Erysipelas and Bacillus Prodigious by William B. Coley | |||||||||||||
Feb. | |||||||||||||
Noble v. King | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Report No. 1851 | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill No. 8807 | |||||||||||||
United States Coin-Purchase Syndicate | |||||||||||||
Mar., Nicaragua canal | |||||||||||||
Apr., The Monroe Doctrine by John E. Russell | |||||||||||||
May | |||||||||||||
The Free Coinage of Silver | |||||||||||||
Lakota Club, Woodstock, Vt. | |||||||||||||
June, The Stoughton Record | |||||||||||||
July | |||||||||||||
Letters of John Cochrane to the Society of the Cincinnati in New York | |||||||||||||
Olney, Richard, to Thomas F. Bayard | |||||||||||||
Aug. | |||||||||||||
The Railroad Trust and the Pooling Contract of 1895 | |||||||||||||
Single Standard and Sound Money: The Facts of History by John P. Irish | |||||||||||||
Sept., Michael F. Welch, An Observation | |||||||||||||
Oct., A. W. Terrell, dispatches from the legation at Constantinople, Ottoman Empire | |||||||||||||
Nov. | |||||||||||||
The Cuban Patriots' Cause Is Just, the Right Shall Prevail, and in God's Own Time Cuba Shall Be Free, by Matthews | |||||||||||||
The French Spoliation Claims | |||||||||||||
Taxation in the United States by Edward Atkinson | |||||||||||||
Dec. | |||||||||||||
Our Fifth President: A Sketch of the Times of James Monroe by Robert J. Hubbard | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill Nos. 2787 and 2788 | |||||||||||||
Senate Document No. 31 | |||||||||||||
1895, no month given | |||||||||||||
Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette | |||||||||||||
Genealogy of the Cleveland families | |||||||||||||
Our Foreign Debts | |||||||||||||
Production and Price of Cotton for One Hundred Years by James L. Watkins | |||||||||||||
The Public Lands and Their Water Supply by Frederick H. Newell | |||||||||||||
Report of the Committee on Grievances of the Civil Service Reform Association of Maryland | |||||||||||||
Slave and Moslem | |||||||||||||
United States v. Choctaw, O. & G. R. Co. | |||||||||||||
1896 | |||||||||||||
Jan. | |||||||||||||
Dunlap Society | |||||||||||||
House of Representatives Bill No. 3619 | |||||||||||||
Morals in the State by Clement Carpenter | |||||||||||||
A Scene During the Feast of Tabernacles | |||||||||||||
Subscriptions to four percent bonds, Treasury Department | |||||||||||||
Feb. | |||||||||||||
American Society of Civil Engineers | |||||||||||||
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada | |||||||||||||
Senate Report No. 290 | |||||||||||||
Venezuelan boundary, general arbitration | |||||||||||||
War in Cuba by Stephen M. White | |||||||||||||
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