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Series X: Printed Matter, 1786-1924 (continued)
National Sound Money Convention of Commercial Organizations
The Sugar Question
Oct., Speech on the Uniform System of Bankruptcy by Constantine B. Kilgore
Nov., Train Robbing and Wrecking
Bureau of Public Buildings
Direction for sterilization of milk, United States Department of Agriculture
House of Representatives Resolution No. 70
House of Representatives Resolution No. 104
Nicaragua Canal, Senate Bill No. 1481
Residences of Officers of the United States Army in the District of Columbia
1893, no month given
Osborne v. Knight
Correspondence between the government of India and the secretary of state
How Silver Can Be Again Added to Gold as a Representative and Standard of Values, So That This Country Will Draw Gold and Export Silver by Charles P. Huntington
Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps in the District of Columbia
Woodmont Rod and Gun Club, Washington, D.C., annual report
BOX X:5 Albemarle and Pamplico Cruising and Hunting Association
Condensed Arguments in Favor of the Gold Standard
Constitution and By-Laws of the Medal of Honor Legion
Indian Currency Committee
Legislation for the Prevention of Blindness
Letters to Governor Lorenzo P. Lewelling by J. K. Hudson
Memorial to the president of the United States and Congress
Money and Currency
Naomi and Ruth
Report of the State Commission on Improvement to Waterways
Sherman Law
The Silver Question by Alexander Del Mar
Diplomatic list
Congress and the cabinet
Protest of the Vessel Owners of Cleveland, Ohio
Salt and the Tariff
Special Report of the Forest Commission
Tariff Reform
Abstract of Proceedings at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the National Board of Trade
Memorial from Members of the Baltimore Corn and Flour Exchange in Regard to the Advantage of Free Iron Ore to Our Export Trade
Richmond and West Point Terminal Trailway and Warehouse Company, Plan of Reorganization, as Modified
Free and Unlimited Coinage of the Silver Dollar
Reply of the Committee Representing the New York State Salt Industry
Senate Mis. Doc. No. 102
Silver Dollar League
The Economist
The Tehuantepec Isthmus Railway by Matias Romero
Henry E. Highton to the Attorney General, an Open Letter
Speech of Marion Cannon in the House of Representatives
House of Representatives Bill No. 7680
The Popular Science Monthly
Aug., A Forecast of the Future Commercial Union of the English Speaking People
Our Enormous Annual Loss by Fire by Edward Atkinson
Sept., Annual Report upon the Improvement and Care of Public Buildings and Grounds, and Care and Maintenance of the Washington Monument in the District of Columbia
Oct., First Consolidated Mortgage Deed
Address, A Way Out by William C. Cornwell
Navigation Laws
Southern Railway Co. certificate with plan of organization, bylaws, and charter
1894, no month given
Annual report of the secretary of the treasury on the state of finances
Congress and the Cabinet by Gamaliel Bradford
Enterprise Manufacturing Co.
Forest and Stream Club, Wilmington, Vt.
Kilgore to His Constitutents
Perfection Life Preserving Air Goods
Speeches of Eppa Hunton, of Virginia, and William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, in the United States Senate
The Treatment of Inoperable Malignant Tumors with Toxines of Erysipelas and Bacillus Prodigiosus by William B. Coley
BOX X:6 1895
House of Representatives Bill Nos. 8410 and 8705
Statement of the condition of the United States Treasury and the receipts and expenditures of the government
The Treatment of Inoperable Malignant Tumors with the Toxins of Erysipelas and Bacillus Prodigious by William B. Coley
Noble v. King
House of Representatives Report No. 1851
House of Representatives Bill No. 8807
United States Coin-Purchase Syndicate
Mar., Nicaragua canal
Apr., The Monroe Doctrine by John E. Russell
The Free Coinage of Silver
Lakota Club, Woodstock, Vt.
June, The Stoughton Record
Letters of John Cochrane to the Society of the Cincinnati in New York
Olney, Richard, to Thomas F. Bayard
The Railroad Trust and the Pooling Contract of 1895
Single Standard and Sound Money: The Facts of History by John P. Irish
Sept., Michael F. Welch, An Observation
Oct., A. W. Terrell, dispatches from the legation at Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
The Cuban Patriots' Cause Is Just, the Right Shall Prevail, and in God's Own Time Cuba Shall Be Free, by Matthews
The French Spoliation Claims
Taxation in the United States by Edward Atkinson
Our Fifth President: A Sketch of the Times of James Monroe by Robert J. Hubbard
House of Representatives Bill Nos. 2787 and 2788
Senate Document No. 31
1895, no month given
Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette
Genealogy of the Cleveland families
Our Foreign Debts
Production and Price of Cotton for One Hundred Years by James L. Watkins
The Public Lands and Their Water Supply by Frederick H. Newell
Report of the Committee on Grievances of the Civil Service Reform Association of Maryland
Slave and Moslem
United States v. Choctaw, O. & G. R. Co.
Dunlap Society
House of Representatives Bill No. 3619
Morals in the State by Clement Carpenter
A Scene During the Feast of Tabernacles
Subscriptions to four percent bonds, Treasury Department
American Society of Civil Engineers
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada
Senate Report No. 290
Venezuelan boundary, general arbitration
War in Cuba by Stephen M. White
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