The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Grover Cleveland papers, 1743-1945
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Series X: Printed Matter, 1786-1924 (continued)
Oct., Anglo-French Arbitration Treaty
Dec., Buel's Improved Twisted Silver Steel Leaders
Feb., The Latest Official War Map
Princeton University
The Tobacco Industry and the Trusts by John Lamb
May, The Cleveland Bond Issues
June, Amendments to the Navigation Laws of 1903, First Supplement
Oct., Speech of Cleveland
1904, no month given, Every American Should Know
Dedication of the Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y.
Report of the Board of Directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
June-July, Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
Dec., House of Representatives Bill No. 7025
1905, no month given
Address by Emily P. Bissell of Delaware
Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs
Laurence Hutton
Message of the president of the United States
Of What Benefit to Woman?
Some of the Reasons against Woman Suffrage by Francis Parkman
The Stirrupcup by John Hay and E. P. Alexander
Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs
BOX X:9 1906
Feb., The Plea of the Patient by Cleveland
Apr., New York state rebate law
June, British income tax law
Nov., One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary, Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Dec., Stated Meeting of the Trustees of Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
1906, no month given
Third annual dinner of the Periodical Publishers' Association of America
The Economic Advisability for Inaugurating a National Department of Health by J. Pease Norton
Manitou: Table Water from the Celebrated Mineral Springs at the Base of Pike's Peak, Colo.
Woman's Progress versus Woman's Suffrage
Mar., Grover Cleveland, life insurance
Dec., Commemorating the Three-Hundredth Anniversary of the Departure of the Ships, Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery
Grover Cleveland, The Literary Digest
Memorial Exercises, Ex-President Grover Cleveland
Aug., Intimate Recollections of Grover Cleveland, Harper's Weekly
Cleveland commemoration ceremonies
Grover Cleveland Memorial Road, Tamworth, N.H.
Apr., Cleveland Memorial Committee
1909, no month given
Grover Cleveland: A Record of Friendship by Richard Watson Gilder
Grover Cleveland: Recollections by His Friends
1910, Mar., American Numismatic Society
1919, Mar., An address on Cleveland by Leonard Wood
1924, Kenefick, Cooke, Mitchell & Bass
Address for the Anti-Protective Tariff League of Minnesota
A Bill to Repeal an Act to Authorize the Coinage of the Standard Silver Dollar and to Restore Its Legal Tender Character
The British Income Tax Law
Circular of the Ladies National Educational Society
Fertility and Genius by Charles Kassel
Cleveland obituary, page proofs
The History of Albany, N.Y., by A. J. Weise
Mr. Cleveland, National Review
Maps and drawings
The Monroe Doctrine and the Venezuelan Boundary Question by John B. Henderson, Jr.
The Prevention of the Spread of Cholera by John B. Hamilton
A Sketch of the Life and Public Service of Richard B. Hubbard
What the Cleveland Administration Has Done for the Union Soldiers
BOX X:10 Clippings
(44 folders)
BOX X:11 1887-1893, June
(61 folders)
BOX X:12 1893, July-1896
(36 folders)
BOX X:13 1896-1911
(9 folders)
BOX X:14 1897-1903, Mar.
(50 folders)
BOX X:15 1903, Apr.-1907
(10 folders)
BOX X:16 1908, May-Dec.
(32 folders)
BOX X:17 1909-1924, undated
(6 folders)
Cartoons, undated
BOX X:18 Scrapbooks
BOX X:19 1893-1916
BOX X:20 Venezuelan Boundary Commission Atlas, 1897
BOX XI:1-24 Series XI: Additions, 1878-1937
BOX XI:1 1970-1979 Additions
Correspondence and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX XI:1 Correspondence
Originals and transcripts
1903-1906, undated
Photoreproductions, 1885-1895
Printed matter, 1884, 1896
BOX XI:1 1984 Addition
Correspondence, printed matter, and financial records from Cleveland's work with the Association of Life Insurance Presidents.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX XI:1 Association of Life Insurance Presidents
Cleveland, Frances Folsom, 1907-1909
Cleveland, Grover, 1907-1908
Promotional material, 1908-1911, 1937
Salary checks, endorsed, 1907-1908
BOX XI:1 1997 Addition
Autograph album, correspondence, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX XI:1 Autograph album, 1886, undated
Correspondence, 1892-1902
Printed matter, 1896
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