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Joseph Alsop and Stewart Alsop papers, 1699-1989

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Part IV: Subject File, 1923-1989 (continued)
May 17-June 30, world tour
Jan.-Dec., business trips
May 21-July 10, Europe
Allen, Pat
Feb.-Dec., business and personal trips
June 3-July 15, Great Britain
Jan.-Dec., business and personal trips
July 12-Aug. 10, Europe
Jan.-Dec., business and personal trips
June 26-July 31, Europe
Nov. 10-20, Hot Springs, Va.
Jan.-Dec., business and personal trips
Oct. 18-Nov. 3, Great Britain
1981, Feb.-Dec., business and personal trips
Mar.-Dec., business and personal trips
BOX 272 Mar. 24-Apr. 29, Europe
Jan.-Dec., business and personal trips
May, Netherlands
Feb.-Dec., business and personal trips
Mar. 8-Apr. 16, France and Great Britain
1986-1987, business and personal trips
1988, Feb. 5-15, Europe
Undated, Middle East and Far East
Correspondence, 1967, 1988
Notebooks, 1971-1972
(2 folders)
Young, Peter, 1974-1975
BOX 273-319 Part IV: Speech, Article, and Book File, 1825-1989
Correspondence, drafts, research material, outlines, notes and notebooks, contracts, royalty statements, printed matter, and miscellaneous items and enclosures relating to Joseph Alsop's published and unpublished articles, books, editorials, research projects, and speeches.
Arranged by type of material in three groups: articles and other writings, books, and speeches and lectures. Published articles are arranged chronologically by publication date; unpublished articles are arranged by the date of the draft; books are arranged alphabetically by title; and speeches and lectures are arranged chronologically by date of presentation.
BOX 273 Articles and other writings
Printed copies, 1940-1985, undated
(2 folders)
1953, Jan. 17, "The World Puts It Up to Ike," Saturday Evening Post
July 7, John F. Kennedy, L'Express
Sept. 24, "The Wayward Press," New Yorker
1961, Aug. 5, "The Most Important Decision in U.S. History," Saturday Review
July, "Will Communist China Explode?" Saturday Evening Post
July, "On China's Descending Spiral," China Quarterly
1965, May, "The Diet That Finally Did It," McCall's
BOX 274 1967
July 22, "No More Nonsense About Ghetto Education," New Republic
Nov. 18, "Ghetto Schools," New Republic
1968, Jan. 28, "Vietnam: The Case for the Hawks," London Times
1969, Dec., "The Vietcong Is Losing Its Grip," Reader's Digest
Aug., "Russia's Menacing New Challenge in the Middle East," Reader's Digest
Oct. 3, "Reading Soviet Intentions," New Republic
1972, Chinese archaeological exhibition, Washington Post Sunday Magazine
Nov., "America Must Meet the Challenge," Reader's Digest
Dec. 14, "Open Letter to an Israeli Friend," Time
Dec., "Showdown Over Southeast Asia," Reader's Digest
1977, Mar. 7, "A Cautionary Tale," Washington Post
BOX 275 1978
July 28, "Art History and Art Collecting," Times Literary Supplement
Nov. 13, "Losing the Balance of Power," Newsweek
Dec. 21, "How Did Art Collecting Begin?" New York Review of Books
1980, Oct. 23, "Was the Hiroshima Bomb Necessary?" New York Review of Books
1983, June, "Glorious Bronzes of Ancient Greece," National Geographic
Correspondence, 1981-1983
Drafts, 1982, undated
Miscellany, 1982-1983, undated
Proofs, 1982-1983
1986, Oct. 23, "The Faker's Art," New York Review of Books
Correspondence, 1986, undated
Miscellany, undated
Versions 1-2, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 276 Versions 3-6, undated
(4 folders)
Miscellany, 1986, undated
1965, McNamara, Robert S., Defense Department
(2 folders)
1966, Vietnam
BOX 277 1967
Feb., Wrightsman catalog
(2 folders)
French furniture
Correspondence, 1962-1968
Feray, Jean
Correspondence, 1962-1967
(2 folders)
Research material, 1963-1964, undated
1968, Oct., "Chinaman's Chance"
1969, May, Vietnam
1969-1970, History of taste, drafts
BOX 278 1970
(2 folders)
1970, Oct., A. A. Grechko and Jan Sejna article
American postwar foreign policy
"Art into Merchandise"
"The Coming Constitutional Crisis"
"It's up to Knudsen"
"Kennedy off the Record"
"Letter to an Arab Nationalist"
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
"Some Thoughts on Co-existence"
"This Is the Way the World Ends"
Vietnam's influence on Southeast Asia
Weapons research and development
BOX 279 Bibliographies
Book reviews
Puzo, Mario, The Godfather, 1969
Haskell, Francis, and Nicholas Penny, Taste and the Antique, undated
Letters to the editor
Miscellany, 1959, 1975, 1983-1988, undated
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