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"Meet the Press" File, 1945-1994 (continued)
Program Transcripts and Related Material, 1945-1983 (continued)
June 16, Long, Russell B.
June 23, Mayors' conference: Beame, Abraham D.; Bradley, Thomas; Jackson, Maynard; Lugar, Richard G.; Martin, Roy B.; and Wilson, Pete
(2 folders)
June 30, Zumwalt, Elmo R. (1920- )
BOX 267 July 7, Fulbright, J. William
July 14, Jackson, Henry M.
July 21, McCracken, Paul W.
July 28, Black, Charles Lund
Aug. 4, Simon, William E.
Aug. 11, Health insurance special: Cohen, Wilbur J.; Griffiths, Martha W.; Long, Russell B.; Mills, Wilbur D.; Roth, Russell B.; and Weinberger, Caspar W.
Aug. 18, Rhodes, John J.
Aug. 25, Grayson, C. Jackson
Sept. 1, Shanker, Albert
Sept. 8, Muskie, Edmund S.
Sept. 15, Rabin, Yitzhak
Sept. 22, Albert, Carl
Sept. 29, Greenspan, Alan
BOX 268 Oct. 6, Whitlam, Edward Gough
Oct. 13, Bentsen, Lloyd M., and Hays, Wayne L.
Oct. 20, Jaworski, Leon
Oct. 27, Food special: Brown, Lester R.; Butz, Earl L.; Hannah, John A.; Mayer, Jean; and Wortman, Sterling
Nov. 3, National committee chairmen: Smith, Mary Louise, and Strauss, Robert S.
Nov. 11, Glenn, John H.
Nov. 17, Saxbe, William B.
Nov. 24, Giroud, Françoise
Dec. 1, Sanford, Terry, and Burke, Yvonne
Dec. 8, Schmidt, Helmut
Dec. 15, Carter, Jimmy
Dec. 22, Heller, Walter W.
Dec. 29, Reuss, Henry, and McCormack, Mike
BOX 269 1975
Jan. 4, Marcum, John A.
Jan. 5, Brademas, John
Jan. 12, Grasso, Ella
Jan. 19, Simon, William E.
Jan. 26, Woodcock, Leonard
Feb. 2, Ullman, Al
Feb. 9, Jackson, Henry M.
Feb. 16, Humphrey, Hubert H.
Feb. 23, Sisco, Joseph J.
Mar. 2, Zarb, Frank G.
Mar. 9, Rumsfeld, Donald H.
Mar. 16, Bumpers, Dale
BOX 270 Mar. 23, Coleman, William T. (1920- )
Mar. 30, Brandt, Willy
Apr. 6, Begin, Menachem
Apr. 13, Muskie, Edmund S.
Apr. 20, Business leaders: Cook, Donald C.; Jones, Reginald H.; Murphy, Thomas A.; Shapiro, Irving S.; Wood, Arthur M.; and Wriston, Walter B.
Apr. 27, McCloskey, Robert J.
May 4, Hussein, King of Jordan
May 11, Brzezinski, Zbigniew
May 18, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran
May 25, Burns, Arthur F.
June 1, Connally, John B.
BOX 271 June 8, Governors' conference: Anderson, Wendell R.; Askew, Reubin O'D.; Bond, Christopher S.; Edwards, Edwin W.; Longley, James B.; and Rampton, Calvin L.
(2 folders)
June 15, Rockefeller, Nelson A.
June 22, Hayek, Friedrich A. von
June 29, Colby, William E.
July 6, Mayors' conference: Alioto, Joseph L.; Carver, Richard E.; Hofheinz, Fred; Uhlman, Wes; White, Kevin H.; and Young, Coleman A.
(2 folders)
BOX 272 July 13, Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
July 20, Orfila, Alejandro
July 27, Mansfield, Mike
Aug. 3, Iklé, Fred C.
Aug. 10, Police officials special: Davis, Edward M.; DiGrazia, Robert J.; McNamara, Joseph D.; Murphy, Patrick V.; Parsons, James C.; and Williams, Hubert
Aug. 17, Church, Frank
BOX 273 Aug. 24, Gandhi, Indira
Aug. 31, Labor leaders special: (taped Aug. 20) Abel, I. W.; Georgine, Robert A.; and Ryor, John; Woodcock, Leonard; and Wurf, Jerry
Sept. 7, Simon, William E.
Sept. 14, Moynihan, Daniel P.
BOX 274 Sept. 21, Shriver, Sargent
Sept. 28, Saud al-Faisal, Prince of Saudi Arabia
Oct. 5, Brown, Jerry
Oct. 12, Kissinger, Henry A.
Oct. 19, Beame, Abraham D.
Oct. 26, Lynn, James T.
Nov. 2, Humphrey, Hubert H.
Nov. 9, Anniversary special: Ford, Gerald R.
Nov. 16, Wallace, George C.
Nov. 23, Schlesinger, James R.
Nov. 30, Udall, Morris K.
BOX 275 Dec. 7, Carey, Hugh L.
Dec. 14, O'Neill, Tip
Dec. 21, Seidman, L. William
Dec. 28, Hart, Philip A., and Hart, Janey B.
Jan. 18, Democratic presidential candidates: Bentsen, Lloyd M.; Jackson, Henry M.; Sanford, Terry; and Udall, Morris K.
May 23, Giscard d'Estaing, Valery
July 4, Governors' conference: Anderson, Wendell R.; Dukakis, Michael S.; Godwin, Mills E.; Ray, Robert D.; and Shapp, Milton J.
July 11, Carter, Jimmy
Aug. 15, Republican convention: Sears, John P., and Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Nov. 28, Bok, Derek
BOX 276 1977
June 12, Mayors' conference: Gibson, Kenneth A.; Moody, Tom; Moscone, George R.; Murphy, Lewis C.; and Sloane, Harvey I.
(2 folders)
July 24, Begin, Menachem
Sept. 11, Governors' conference: Apodaca, Jerry; Busbee, George; Dupont, Pierre; Milliken, William G.; and Rockefeller, John D. (1937- )
(2 folders)
Nov. 6, Mondale, Walter F.
BOX 277 1978
June 11, Desai, Morarji
June 25, Cancer Special: Kennedy, Donald; Kotin, Paul; Mazzocchi, Anthony; Selikoff, Irving J.;Upton, Arthur C.; and Wolfe, Sidney M.
(6 folders)
BOX 278 (2 folders)
Oct. 29, Mansfield, Mike
Jan. 28, Connally, John B.
May 6, Bush, George (1924- )
(3 folders)
BOX 279 (1 folder)
July 15, Haig, Alexander Meigs (1924- )
(2 folders)
Sept. 30, Murphy, Thomas A.
Jan. 27, Thirty-second television anniversary “In Retrospect: Hubert H. Humphrey”
Mar. 30, Anderson, John B.
Apr. 20, Bush, George
June 29, Caldwell, Philip
Aug. 1, Gandhi, Indira
Nov. 7, Wright, Jim
Oct. 2, Gandhi, Indira
Dec. 4, Jackson, Jesse L.
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