The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Lawrence E. Spivak papers, 1917-1994
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Special Programs File, 1946-1994 (continued)
Feature Presentations, 1952-1994 (continued)
Cuts and notes, interviews, nos. 1-11, 1985-1987 (continued)
(2 folders)
BOX 313 Secretaries of defense
Background material, circa 1987-circa 1993
By show
1987, Sept. 25
1988, Sept. 30
1991, [?], transcript
1993, Oct. 22, transcript
Secretaries of education
1991, Nov. 8, transcript
BOX 314 1992, Oct. 25, transcripts
(2 folders)
1993, Dec. 10 (no transcript)
Vol. of articles
Secretaries of State
Background material, circa 1985-circa 1992
By show
(2 folders)
1987, Dec. 18
BOX 315 Transcripts
Complete interview
Condensed interview
Vol. of articles
1988, Dec. 9
1989, Oct. 27, transcript
1990, Oct. 12, transcripts
Complete interview
Condensed interview
1991, [?], transcript
1992, [?], transcript
BOX 316 Secretaries of the treasury, 1991, Sept. 13 (no transcript)
United Nations, 1989, May 12
Background material
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
World leaders, 1992, Mar. 5
Background material
Subject file
Consulting bills, 1989-1994
Controversy with Atlanta Constitution, 1988
BOX 317 Miscellaneous notes, 1987-1990, undated
Program suggestions
Big business, undated
Economy, 1982-1989, undated
Iranian hostages, 1981
Lists, 1991-1992, undated
Nuclear disaster, undated
The press, undated
Role of the Central Intelligence Agency in foreign policy, 1979-1988, undated
Third world, 1986-1987
What qualities should we seek in a presidential candidate? 1976-1990, undated
Publicity, 1986-1993
BOX 317 Miscellaneous Program Ideas, 1947-1978
Correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and reports.
Arranged alphabetically by title of idea and therein chronologically.
BOX 317 General, 1950-1964, undated
"Kissinger Program," 1978
"Page One," 1950-1956, undated
"Probing Reporter," 1951-1954
"Puppet Panel," 1954, 1961
"Report Card for Parents," 1952
Ryan, Clendening, run for mayor of New York, N.Y., 1950, undated
"So You Think You're Funny," 1947-1951
"Soapbox," 1946-1964
"Success Story," 1953, 1960, undated
"Washington Exclusive," 1953
BOX 317-319 Production Corporations, 1947-1974
Correspondence, memoranda, financial records, minutes, contracts, and incorporation papers.
Arranged alphabetically by production and therein by type of material.
BOX 317 Rountree Productions
Correspondence, 1947-1952
Financial records
General ledger, 1947-1949
BOX 318 Journal of personal and petty cash entries,1947-1949
Miscellany, 1947-1949
Incorporation papers, 1947
"The Big Issue," 1954-1958
General, 1952-1953
"Keep Posted," 1952-1953
Corporate file
Dissolution, 1974
Minutes, 1951-1973, undated
(2 folders)
Stock certificates and ledger, 1951-1973
Correspondence, 1951-1956
Financial records
Cash receipts and disbursements, 1951-1973 See Oversize
General ledger
Bound volume, 1951-1973 See Oversize
Worksheets, 1951-1960
Journal, 1951-1969
BOX 319 Miscellany, 1953
Payroll, 1953
Statements and account examinations, 1953-1954
General, 1952-1953
"Nation's Press Conference," 1953
Corporate file
Dissolution, 1953
Income tax returns, 1952-1953
Minutes, 1952-1953
Stock certificates, 1952
Correspondence, 1952-1953
Financial records
Cash receipts and disbursements, 1952-1953 See Oversize
Escrow account, 1953
General ledger
Bound volume, 1952 See Oversize
Worksheets, 1952
Journal, 1952
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